Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1078: : Longchi 3 Great Jedi

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Sure enough, several black shadows rushed out from all directions, surrounding Lin Hao back and forth.

Lin Hao looked intently, and it turned out to be a group of metal dolls. Each metal doll had a spear in his hand and aimed at Lin Hao.

"After a long time, it turned out to be a puppet master." Lin Hao sneered.

He saw that a young man in linen appeared on the roof in front of him. The pair of pure white hands was holding a slender spiritual energy thread connected to the puppet's body.

At this moment, Mai Youth's eyes also appeared solemn.

"Who are you?" Lin Hao smiled.

"Demon Puppet Sect, Xue Ling, died in my hands, you are lucky for your three lives!" Mai youth said indifferently.

Lin Hao smiled coldly: "You built this city?"

"Yes!" Xue Ling said.

"I remember, there doesn't seem to be any Demon Puppet Sect among these people who entered Longchi." Lin Hao said leisurely.

"Who said I was in this batch?"

Xue Ling said: "I entered in the last batch, but I didn't go out."

Lin Hao suddenly realized when he heard this.

No wonder it was possible to build a city. It turned out to be the last person who entered Longchi, and he didn't go out after decades.

Lin Canghai was also trapped in Longchi, maybe this person knows some news.

"Stop talking nonsense, you enter my city, don't even think about going out, honestly hand over your treasure and opportunity, I may spare you your life, otherwise, I will refine you into a puppet." Xue Ling Loudly.

Lin Hao couldn't help but sneered. This person is just a true monarch of the Eight Tribulations. I don't know who gave him the courage to say such things.

However, this puppet city was also exquisitely designed to trap the Nine Tribulations True Monarch and even the weakest Ten Tribulations True Monarch.

But for Lin Hao, it's completely waste paper!

"Wind Thunder Phantom!"

At this moment, the wind and thunder roared under Lin Hao's feet, and thousands of afterimages appeared in an instant, rushing towards Xue Ling.

Looking at the afterimage that suddenly appeared, Xue Ling's face sank, the house under his feet changed, and countless decks rose up, wrapping him inside, forming a fortress.

At the same time, all the metal dolls he controlled rose up, blocking Lin Hao's path.

Lin Hao flashed over, thunder and lightning burst all over him, splitting all the metal dolls apart, and rushing to the fortress as if entering a man's state.

Then, a punch with the vast laws of thunder and lightning hit the fortress.


With a simple punch, the fortress was broken.

A violent thunder and lightning exploded, resounding in the sky, and the fortress burst into shreds in an instant, and a scorched figure flew out and fell to the ground, dying.

Lin Hao flew over and twisted Xue Ling up.

At this moment, Xue Ling had no thought of resisting at all, only shock in his eyes.

"You, you, who are you?" Xue Ling said with a trembling voice.

"The newcomer who just entered Longchi, Lin Hao." Lin Hao sneered.

Xue Ling had never heard of this name.

Lin Hao didn't kill him. After this person has been in Longchi for so long, he may know some additional news.

Lin Hao threw Xue Ling to the ground and said, "Next, I will ask, you answer. If you dare to talk nonsense, kill you!"

"Yes!" Xue Ling accepted his fate and did not dare to defy.

"Apart from you, what else in this dragon pool haven't gone out?" Lin Hao asked first.

Xue Ling lowered his head and trembled: "There are many more. Some people are trapped, and some people simply don't get enough opportunities and are unwilling to go out, such as me. I want to stay, those who are yin People who have just entered Longchi."

Xue Ling also didn't get any good chances, so he stayed in the dragon pond, trying to win other people's chances.

Just waiting until now, a new group of people enter Longchi, he still wants to do a big job.

As a result, Lin Hao, who was the first to take the bait, crushed him easily, which made Xue Ling very helpless.

"Fortunately for me, I ran into your pervert, didn't grab anything, and planted myself." Xue Ling sighed.

Lin Hao sneered and said: "Hehe, you are lucky and only met me. If it were other people in this group, you wouldn't even have a chance to survive."

"What do you mean?" Xue Ling couldn't help being taken aback.

"Do you think that this group of people who came in are the same as before?" Lin Hao sneered.

Xue Ling couldn't understand.

"In the past, most of the people who got the Longchi Order were natives of the Nanfeng Region, and they were only at the level of True Monarch at the most. But this time, almost all of them were masters in the Middle-earth God Territory. Think you have a chance to win when you meet them?" Lin Hao smiled.

Xue Ling was blinded instantly.

Is there such a thing?

"How can people from Middle-earth God Realm come to my Nanfeng Realm, this is too..." Xue Ling didn't know what to say.

"Those masters, the strongest even have a half-step fit. Even if I meet, I have to take a detour. There are also a few invincible true monarchs with three-star combat power." Lin Hao slowly said.

Xue Ling was even more surprised, and his face was pale.

If what Lin Hao said is true, it's worth it, Longchi will be in chaos!

Lin Hao looked around and said with a smile: "Your puppet city, it's not badly made, even I didn't even notice it at first. If it was a yin, it would be a good baby."

Xue Ling said miserably: "This puppet city is the only opportunity I have in If you want it, take it."

After speaking, he threw out a formation.

"This is the core of the control of Puppet City. The control methods are all in the formation, but after you wait for your refining, you have to be familiar with it for at least a month. By then, the exit of Longchi has been closed." Xue Ling said.

Lin Hao took the array and probed in.

Sure enough, he discovered extremely complex structural patterns, and the spiritual threads among them, connecting every building in the city, and even every flower, can be used by him.

What surprised him was that the lethality of those buildings was related to the controller himself.

In other words, Xue Ling is the True Lord of the Eight Tribulations, and controlling buildings can also cause the True Lord of the Eight Tribulations.

If it is the True Lord of Ten Tribulations, the lethality can reach Ten Tribulations!

"I can completely control the queen ant. The queen ant is the true king of ten calamities. She can easily control thousands of troops and horses. It is so simple to control the entire city!" Lin Hao secretly said.

Just do what it says.

Next, Lin Hao used a mountain-moving formation method to collect the entire puppet city into the internal space, and then asked the queen to refine the formation.

With the acceleration of the time array, one day can make her thoroughly proficient.

As for Xue Ling, Lin Hao continued to inquire and got some important information.

One: Go toward the center, where there are many opportunities, among them there is a death volcano, which cannot be entered with Xue Ling's strength, but Lin Hao may be able to.

Two: There is a large desert in the northwest, called the Withered Desert, with many keel bones buried, but there are too many dead souls, which are breathtaking, and most people don't dare to go there.

Three: There is a space fragmentation zone in the east, called Luanxinggang. No one has ever come out yet, but their soul cards have not been broken. It is the most dangerous and strange place.

Death volcano, dry desert, chaotic star hill, and known as the three Jedi of Longchi!

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