Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1092: : Desert Lake


The two chased in the direction where the crowd had left.


At this time, Lin Hao had been through the catastrophe for three days and three nights, and was about to come to an end.

In his consciousness, he suddenly saw the scene in the Flying Dragon Palace.

"Youhai Dragon Palace?"

Lin Hao's eyes widened.

He refined the Feilong Palace, so he could naturally know the surroundings of the Feilong Palace, and he knew when the two of Long Chengfeng descended.

The armor costumes of those two people, he remembered! It is the famous sect on the mainland, Youhailong Palace!

In his previous life, he also dealt with Youhai Dragon Palace.

Youhai Dragon Palace was created 600,000 years ago by Qin Fantian, a master of dragon clan inheritance, and this person was later named Venerable Hualong.

Venerable Hualong, it is said that he has obtained the inheritance of three kinds of dragons, more than 100 kinds of dragon martial arts, exercises, and 17 kinds of dragon magic weapons, almost hollowing out a dragon relic.

With these inheritance techniques, he founded Youhai Dragon Palace, formally recruited disciples, and gave the core disciples the surname Dragon!

The Youhai Dragon Palace was inherited for 600,000 years. When Lin Hao passed by, Venerable Dragon Hualong had only a ray of soul left in the sect. However, the disciples of Youhai Dragon Palace are stronger from generation to generation. They are veritable first-rate sects, a bit stronger than the ancient Tianfeng clan!

"The disciples of Youhai Dragon Palace are here, do they know what?" Lin Hao doubted.

While he was suspicious, Long Chengfeng began to refine the stone stele and spilled a bottle of dragon blood, which just confirmed Lin Hao's guess.

After a while, the refining failed, and the two Long Chengfeng furious, chasing the leaving crowd.

"Not good!" Lin Hao secretly said something bad.

The direction they were chasing was exactly the direction where Gongsun Yu and others left. If they catch up, there will definitely be danger.

However, Lin Hao had reached the end of the robbery at this moment, and the dragon cloud in the sky hadn't dissipated, so it was impossible for him to go.

So Lin Hao dispatched a human clone, took out Feitianyun, and flew towards the target.


The deepest part of the deserted desert, the most inaccessible place.

Here, a circular lake unexpectedly appeared.

The lake area is not large, the lake water is light green, crystal clear, and rich in aura. It is the concentration of the aura that everyone finds here.

In addition, there is a small island in the center of the lake, which is covered with various emerald green plants.

"Good place, it's no wonder that so many ghosts were drawn before, it turns out that there is such a treasure here, hahaha!" Ye Huan laughed.

When they rushed here before, they encountered a lot of ghosts and had to flee in embarrassment. Later, the ghosts were cleaned up by Lin Hao, and they were able to arrive here.

At this moment, there are still a few ghosts wandering near the lake, but they are no longer a threat.

"Go up and see!"

Ye Huan jumped and flew into the sky, rushing to the small island in the lake at the fastest speed.

After a few breaths, when he came to the small island, plants on the island suddenly rushed up, and countless vines flew over like snakes.

Ye Huan was taken aback for a moment, then raised the knife in his hand and cut down several long vines.

After he cut off the long vines, more vines flew over. These vines were covered with poisonous spines, and there were mouthparts at the tips, which was not easy to provoke.

Ye Huan shot again and again, and after cutting off dozens of vines, one of them was accidentally hit by a poisonous thorn, feeling paralyzed all over, and had to retreat.

At this moment, he fell outside the lake, panting slightly.

Holding a large number of chopped vines in his hand, he paled and said, "What on earth is this island? Even plants can hurt people!"

"Things left over from ancient times, naturally cannot be treated with common sense." Gongsun Yu said calmly.

These chopped vines are made of tough materials, and even the invincible true monarch is difficult to tear off. They are good materials for building treasures.

Ye Huan all received storage rings.

Then, everyone was busy for about a day, and no one successfully landed on the island.

They tried lightning strikes, fire strikes and many other methods, but none of them worked.

Every treasure has a guardian, and there must be good things on this island.

"The plants on this island depend on this pool of spirit ponds to live. In my opinion, it is better to drain the lake water and kill those plants!" someone suggested.

"Even if it's drained, it won't be dead for a while. After all, it's still lacking in strength." Ye Huan said coldly.

Of course, they did not get nothing.

In the process of attacking the island in the lake, some people harvested vines, some dug up one or two spiritual grasses, and some people found some aquatic plants in the lake.

Some courageous people simply collected a lot of lake water.

To nurture such scary plants, the lake itself is a treasure!

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew between the sky and the earth, and the sky suddenly dimmed.

A burst of invisible pressure swept the audience, like a big mountain, pressing on the top of everyone's head, making everyone feel the gravity doubled, and their legs almost bend.

"Who?" Ye Huan raised his head in anger.

I saw two figures in armor flying over from the horizon, a man and a woman. It was Long Chengfeng and Long Yu from Youhailong, like gods in the sky, Wherever he went, a cloud was brought, and the sky was completely dark.

Long Chengfeng was holding a dragon sword, and a ghost of an ancient dragon appeared behind him. He shouted: "I am a disciple of Youhai Dragon Palace. On the order of the master, come to Longchi to retrieve what belongs to us. One question for you!"

Long Chengfeng's eyes were cold.

"Flying Dragon Palace, who refining it?"

Hearing this question, everyone looked at each other with a blank expression.

"What is the Flying Dragon Palace?"

"These two people are inexplicable!"

Everyone whispered, everyone had strange expressions.

Long Chengfeng frowned slightly, and then said, "Well, let me ask in another way, who has been in the palace in the deserted desert before?"

"We've all been in!"

"Who are you! There are some strange words coming up, the palace in the desert, of course I have to go in and take a look!"

Everyone murmured.

Long Yu closed his eyes, and a strange thought swept across everyone's body.

After a while, Long Yu opened his eyes and said, "Brother, none of them lied."

Long Chengfeng nodded.

He knew that there was no way to solve the problem of the Feilong Palace for the time being, so he had to put it aside first and solve the root of the problem.

"Now, I order you! Hand over all the opportunities and treasures you have obtained in the dragon pond, including the water in this dragon pond!"

"If there is any offender, kill it!" Long Chengfeng shouted angrily.

As the sound spread, everyone looked up, frightened and angry.

"Who are you and why do you order me to wait?"

"Longchi treasures are obtained by those who are destined, so why do they belong to you?"

"It's ridiculous! A Mao who pops up from nowhere, dare to speak out!"

Everyone sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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