Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 110: : 1 sword, 1 cut!

"If he hurts you or kills someone in the auction room, I will kill him personally, but you are not injured, and the shirts are intact. Guiyou is just doing it first. Strictly speaking, it's just a conflict. ."

"Whether he used the strongest killer move, or just a normal strike, I won't care about it. As a result, you weren't injured. You just used it first, so I expelled him."

"Tianlong Bank's rules are like this!"

Murong Feng said coldly, his tone a little unhappy.

Lin Hao publicly questioned the rules of Tianlong Bank and questioned her decision, which made her slightly annoyed.

Several people in the Alchemist Guild were happy to see this scene!

"Haha, this person has nothing to do with Guiyou, because he is afraid of going out and be retaliated against, so he wants to get rid of Guiyou by Murongfeng's hand. The calculation is good!"

"Unfortunately, he has been exposed. There is no cultivator of gods behind him. Maybe there are only some life-saving treasures. Otherwise, where would you ask Murong Feng to kill Guiyou?"

Lin Hao's actions made Qin Hai and the others overjoyed. Even a Golden Core monk had to rely on Murong Feng to solve it. There must be no help behind him.

"Boy, are you afraid that I will retaliate against you, so you look for someone to kill me in despair? Hahahaha!" Guiyou seemed to understand something, and laughed.

Lin Hao ignored the eyes of everyone, looked at Murong Feng, showing a non-smiling expression.

"Murongfeng, I really didn't expect that even you want to test me!"

Lin Hao suddenly threw out an inexplicable word.

Murong Feng stared at Lin Hao, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Lin Hao also stared at her, the two looked at each other.

Lin Hao didn't kill Gui You, but instead asked Murong Feng, just to see what Murong Feng's attitude was!

Unfortunately, he was disappointed. Murong Feng didn't mean to defend him. Instead, letting Ghost You go out was tantamount to letting Lin Hao a big enemy.

The purpose of Murong Feng's doing this was nothing more than to see if Lin Hao had any backers behind him. After all, a cultivator of **** transformation was enough to attract attention from any forces.

Murong Feng's approach is understandable, but it is chilling.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Murong Feng didn't admit it.

"Guiyou acted like this, even if you kill him, no one will probably have a slight criticism, but you forgive him, isn't it just to test me?"

After Lin Hao finished speaking, he ignored Murong Feng’s surprised expression and looked at the box of the Alchemist Guild: “Everyone who is not dead wants to test me. They just want to see if there is a backer behind me? Live me, kill me?"

Lin Hao's words directly disclosed the thoughts of those people to the public.

The expressions of Qin Hai and the others changed slightly, they didn't expect that Lin Hao had noticed it long ago.

What can you tell? Now the result is obvious, Lin Hao has no backing!

However, they overlooked one thing, with Lin Hao's strength, why do they need any backing?

"I am telling you clearly now that I have no backers and no one needs to support me. I am the biggest backer!"

The thunder light flashed in Lin Hao's eyes, staring at the nearby Ghost You.

"Murongfeng won't kill you, just follow the rules, well, I'll kill you!"

After speaking, Lin Hao held the hilt of Ben Lei Sword again.

Lu Yue knew that Lin Hao was about to play the sword again, and every time he played the sword, he was shocked.

"Haha! What about testing you, you can't even solve it with me, just wait to die!"

Gui You gave him a cold look, and then left the auction house.

suddenly! Lin Hao has a sword!

The sword release this time was different from usual. There was no thunderous vibration and no thunder light to illuminate the audience.

Yes, it's just a sword light sweeping the void!


Lin Hao drew out his sword, and the sword light swept across the scabbard, from far to near, from top to bottom, and instantly fell on the top of Gui You's head.

too fast! Almost no one reacted!

From the appearance of the sword light to the disappearance of the sword light, it was just a flash.

No sound, no screams! The atmosphere freezes to death!

The distance between the two boxes was 20 meters, and Lin Hao was only 20 meters away from Ghost You.

Lin Hao stood still and didn't move. Within 20 meters in front of him, a neat vertical sword mark appeared as if he had been chopped by an invisible sharp blade.

The walls, tables, chairs, and floor stretched forward to the place where Guiyou was. This straight line of sword marks ran through for twenty meters!

The space in front froze in an instant.

After a second, where the sword mark passed, whether it was a wall, a table, a chair, or a bench, it split into two halves neatly and uniformly, and the cut was as smooth as a mirror.

Guiyou was stiff and motionless.

At the next moment, a straight line of blood appeared from the top of Guiyou's head to his feet.

"how is this possible……"

After froze for two breaths, Guiyou completely separated from head to toe and split into two halves.


Blood ran all over the ground.

Lin Haojian has taken it back.

It's all silent!


Everyone was shocked by this scene, as if being struck by a sky thunder, and unable to speak a word of shock.

Lin Hao, killed Guiyou with one sword? ? !

This kind of thing that sounds like a fairy tale happened to them alive, and people seemed to feel that they were dreaming!

Those who used the foundation for repairing to kill the golden core have also been in the history of Liuyun Nation, but those are the pinnacles of foundation building, and they can only be achieved by special means or by the amazing and talented people that have been seen in a century. .

Is Lin Hao that kind of person?

Do not! Lin Hao is better than that kind of person!

For a time, the Alchemist Guild, Saintess, Yu Beast Village and other parties were all blinded, and they didn't know what to do next.

Even the three princes of the royal family were dumbfounded.

"How did that sword do it?"

There was a stormy sea in Murongfeng's heart. She had never seen this kind of martial arts.

Sword drawing, prefecture-level middle-grade martial arts! Pay attention to the moment when you draw the sword, the momentum is like running through the thunder, killing the enemy with one move!

Drawing swordsmanship has extremely high requirements on the realm of swordsmanship. Without the ultimate swordsmanship, drawing swordsmanship cannot be used. This also led to this trick. The threshold for cultivation is extremely high, and many people will not be able to touch a little fur in their Ghost You will not respond to death, how exactly did Lin Hao make the sword! After he was cut in half, his consciousness remained for a second, and he saw that Lin Hao had retracted the Lei Lei sword, as if he had never drawn the sword from beginning to end.

"You killed the monster at level 21 and gained 150,000 experience! (Experience bonus for leapfrog challenges is 200%

"Ding! Congratulations on reaching level 17, the next level requires 300,000 experience!"

After killing Guiyou, Lin Hao ascended to the seventh floor of the foundation building.

This also let him know how rich the reward is for killing a golden core monk by leapfrogging!

(End of this chapter)


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