Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1102: : The power of the law of fusion

"The Dragon Emperor's Blood Killing Sword!"

Long Chengfeng burned his blood, and the monstrous blood condensed on the sword, staining the earth and stars red.

In the front, two water **** circled each other, covered with nine heavens **** thunder and stars purple fire, and rushed toward each other.

On the surface of this star, an abyss was left along the way.

Facing the martial arts combining the three laws, Long Chengfeng slashed up with a sword, swaying blood and shaking the earth.


There was a shocking collision on the surface of the stars, and only the purple flames of the purple-black stars were surging up, turning into two flaming dragons, exploding in the sky.

"Shoo, hoo..."

Thousands of thunder and lightning flying needles scattered from the explosion, piercing the earth's surface with many holes, like stars falling on the surface.

Those flesh and blood puppets were blown into nothingness once again just after the speed of the formation.


Long Chengfeng let out a scream and was drowned in flames.

Long Yu in the distance was completely stunned, not knowing what to say.

"Lin Hao, wait for me, I will kill you in the future!"

There was a roar from the flame, and a scorched body flew out. It was Long Chengfeng.

It can be seen that the blood on the surface of Long Chengfeng's body is fading, the body is burnt to black, and one of his arms has been blown off. The breath is extremely weak. Even Blood Spirit Fire cannot recover from such a heavy injury!

Without stopping for a moment, he fled from this star, rushing to the distance frantically, leaving a **** deep scar in the void.

Long Yu stared dumbfounded, and there was a stormy sea in his heart.

After a full stick of incense, the vibration on the stars disappeared.

I saw a black dragon lying on the stars, the scales of the dragon cracked and blood flowed.

Lin Hao had turned into his body, and there was a huge scar on his abdomen, which was left by Long Chengfeng's sword before, which was shocking.

Fortunately, he persisted to the end.

Long Yu landed and stopped talking.

"Guardian for me."

Lin Hao had nothing to say, his body transformed into a human form again.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, took out a pill and swallowed it.

Long Yu nodded and guarded Lin Hao quietly.


Long Yu looked down and couldn't help but let out a surprise.

I saw a big hole where Lin Hao and Long Chengfeng collided before, and there was a formation in the middle of the hole.

At this moment, in the array, a faint red light spilled out into the earth.

On the far ground, the flesh and blood puppets that had been shaken into powder, all gathered together to form a perfect form.

She could see clearly that it was this formation that was constantly releasing red light and repairing those puppets.

Numerous puppets attacked again, and Long Yu held a dragon spear and smashed the puppets one by one.

In order to verify her guess, there was another red light spilling out of the array, repairing the flesh and blood puppet.

"It can be turned into a fan to regroup, what kind of formation is this?" Long Yu was shocked.

The puppets were about to rush up again.

Suddenly, Lin Hao stood up and rushed up.

I saw Lin Hao stretched out his hand and grabbed it on the bodies of each puppet, and those flesh and blood puppets all disappeared out of thin air, and Lin Hao didn't know where they were taken in.

Lin Hao displayed the phantom of wind and thunder, leaving countless afterimages in the sky, and successively collected many puppets into the internal space.

After just a few breaths, all the hundreds of puppets here are gone.

In the internal space.

More than a hundred flesh and blood puppets, surrounded by numerous blood ant kings, lost the control of the outside world. These puppets became stiff limbs and slow to move.

"Eat these puppets." Lin Hao ordered.

"Swish swish..."

The blood ant king rushed forward and bit at the puppet.

The puppets here are not made of metal, but made from the corpses of human monks. They are also made of flesh and blood. They can just be eaten by the ants, allowing the queen to make more blood ant kings.

Lin Hao ignored the internal space affairs.

He still hadn't recovered from the injuries in his body, he just barely suppressed the trauma, and it would take at least a month to fully heal.

Even with the acceleration of the time array, it would take three to five days, and he didn't have to spend that long.

Lin Hao's gaze was cast on the red circle.

Lin Hao flew up, and when he got close to the formation, he obviously felt an obstacle.

This is a mask invisible to the naked eye.

However, in the previous collision between Lin Hao and Long Chengfeng, this mask was obviously hit hard and was about to be broken.

Lin Hao waved his hand, the only true essence in his body was consumed, and the law of annihilation was spilled.

It was like the last grass that crushed the camel, and the mask disappeared without a shadow.

Lin Hao stepped forward and took the red array plate in his hand.

The place where he started was cold, and there was a thick breath of blood in it.

"The formation plate made by the blood of the blood spirit dragon contains the law of life. No wonder it can repair the flesh and blood puppet again and again." Lin Hao secretly said.

Before Long Chengfeng, it was the blood spirit dragon's natal flame, blood spirit fire, why did the blood spirit dragon formation appear again here?

Long Yu flew up, wondering: "Senior Lin, what is this?"

"A formation of the law of life." Lin Hao said calmly.

"The law of life!" Long Yu was shocked.

There are many kinds of laws, most of which are attributes that can be seen on weekdays.

Like the law of life, it is relatively rare. Among 10,000 invincible true monarchs, there may not be one who can comprehend the law of Since there is such an array on this star, it shows that the inside of this star, There must be something hidden. "Lin Hao said.

Lin Hao walked to the middle of the deep pit and came to the position where the formation appeared before.

"Long Yu, open a channel directly below." Lin Hao ordered.


Long Yu landed here, holding a silver dragon spear, and the tip of the spear showed a dazzling silver light.

Then, she aimed a shot at the ground and stabbed it down.


With a loud and deafening noise, the silver spear light penetrated the earth and a deep passage appeared.

Lin Hao descended into the tunnel without hesitation.

Moving forward in the tunnel, dragging a heavy body, Lin Hao not only felt no physical discomfort, but felt that the flow of blood was accelerating, and his physical strength was quickly recovering!

This invisible influence is invisible to the naked eye, but it can be deeply felt.

"Sure enough, there is the breath of a blood spirit dragon!" Lin Hao secretly overjoyed.

He learned from Yan Linghuang's memory that there was indeed a blood spirit dragon in Luan Xinggang.

Since Long Chengfeng has obtained the inheritance of the blood spirit dragon, what is in it?

All the way forward, Lin Hao opened the way as he walked.

After a long time, he suddenly came to a hollow area.

There is no sealed rocky soil here, but it is empty, like an underground cave.

He estimated the distance, the location here is probably the center of this star.

The center of the stars is empty!

(In the previous chapter, there are paragraphs repeated, garbled, wrong, please delete the bookshelf and re-add it, please ignore this article if the chapter is normal.)

(The first publication of this book is Q and Q Reading. If there are chapter errors in other places, please come to Q and Q Reading and Reading to watch this book, thank you.)

(End of this chapter)

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