Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1108: : Can't beat, run quickly?

Of course Lin Hao wouldn't watch his easy breakthrough.

This Ye Huan was clearly at the stage of resonance between the world and the earth, and he was still far away from the breakthrough. Maybe he could give him a little surprise.

Interrupting cultivation, but the great taboo of immortal cultivators, is a life and death enmity! Not to mention interrupting the breakthrough of Hedao Realm!

Therefore, this also has certain risks.

After Ye Huan was interrupted, what he would do in anger, Lin Hao also had to think about it.

Lin Hao thought for a while, his melting pot clone turned around the palace first, to see if he could get in.

After turning around, I found that the palace was sealed on all sides, and there were restrictions on it, and no entry was allowed. It could only be passed through the gate, but the gate was also closed.

Dao Dan can be picked up at the door, one can imagine what heaven-defying treasures are in this palace.

Lin Hao's melting pot clone kept swaying, Ye Huan obviously already knew, but just focused on breaking through, and never paid attention to it.

At this time, Lin Hao came not far from Ye Huan.

It is not easy to interrupt the breakthrough of the Hedao Realm, and it may not be possible to steal the chicken, and on the contrary, I will be shocked.

Feeling the energy around Ye Huan, he blended into the clone, and suddenly opened the metal mouth and let out a bronze laugh: "Gang Kong! Ye Huan, do you know who I am?"

Ye Huan closed his eyes and didn't move, but his brows were obviously wrinkled, and his face was suspicious.

"Hahaha, I can't think of it, I'm Lin Hao, it feels cool for you to hide here and break through?" Lin Hao continued with a smile.

At this time, the corner of Ye Huan's mouth twitched fiercely. From his expression, he was really alarmed.

"What do you want to do?" A nervous voice came from Ye Huan's body.

Lin Hao smiled and said, "It's nothing, I naturally help you!"

At this time, the Forge avatar swaggered forward and came to a position ten meters away from Ye Huan.

Its lid opened, and a turbulent swallowing force exploded, slowly swallowing the energy radiated from the surface of Ye Huan's body.

Ye Huan quickly held his breath to suppress Lin Hao's devouring.

"Boy! Did you interrupt the breakthrough of the Hedao Realm when you wanted to interrupt it? Just swallow it at this point, I will let you swallow it for ten years, hahahahaha!" Ye Huan laughed. , Still sitting still like loose, unmoved.

Lin Hao continued to swallow more, a burst of energy visible to the naked eye was absorbed, and it condensed into light yellow crystals in the furnace.

These crystals are all transformed by the energy of the Awakening Dao realm. At the Hedao realm, the true essence in the body is no longer pure true essence, with the principles of heaven and earth.

And these true essences of Taoism, the crystals that are transformed, are called Dao Lingjing, which can be used for the cultivation of monks in the Harmony Realm.

Over time, one after another Dao Lingjing appeared in the Hell Furnace, reaching ten.

Lin Hao discovered that things were exactly as Ye Huan said, no matter how he swallowed it, Ye Huan's energy didn't seem to decrease.

There seemed to be a source of energy in his body that was constantly replenished to him, no matter how much Lin Hao swallowed, he could quickly get replenished.

"This pill is really good, I am afraid that the quality has reached the highest level, and swallowing so many spirit crystals will have no effect." Lin Hao thought to himself.

The best Dao Dan, I'm afraid it might sell for a sky-high price, but it was a pity that it was wasted by Ye Huan.

Since swallowing is useless, I can only think of other ways.

Lin Hao observed the environment around the palace.

This palace was surrounded by a group of meteorites, but it took him a lot of effort to enter in a thrilling manner.

Seeing this situation, Lin Hao couldn't help but have an idea.

At this time, Ice Fire King and Long You also came to the gate of the palace.

"Lin Hao, I don't think it can be as powerful as a force attack. If you don't believe it, you can't interrupt him!"

After talking about Long You and Ice Fire King charging up together, only a black swallowing black hole was sprayed out by Long You, and it slammed into Ye Huan.

From the two heads of the Ice Fire King, two black beams of light sprayed out and rushed to Ye Huan's body.


Hearing only a burst of sound, I saw more Dao Qi gushing out on the surface of Ye Huan's body, forming a mask on his body.

The two consumed each other. Although they had not been able to break through, Ye Huan's forehead was cold sweat, and his body trembled slightly. It seemed that the attack had played a role.

"Haha! Useful!"

Long You threw out a swallowing black hole again and hit Ye Huan's body surface.


The mask on Ye Huan's body shook, his face turned pale, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

He suddenly opened his eyes and gritted his teeth and said: "Don't force me. If you interrupt me, I will kill all three of you if I try my best! Let you die without a place to be buried!"

"Haha, do you think I am afraid of you?" Long You laughed.

He was about to continue his shot, but was stopped by Lin Hao.

"Rugged man, you are still the same, you do not go through your brain!" Lin Hao cursed in a low voice.

Long You said in amazement: "What do you mean?"

Lin Hao frowned and said: "You don't know anything about the power of He Dao Ye Huan is really anxious. Once he breaks the jar, gives up breaking through and rushes towards us, where are you going to flee? ?"

Long You was speechless.

It seems to make sense!

If Ye Huan really gave up the breakthrough and used the power of the short-term Hedao Realm, he could completely blast them into scum!

Although Ye Huan was interrupted, he lost his life and couldn't get it.

"Hahahahaha, this fellow Lin Daoist is still acquainted. If you push me into a hurry, I will give up breaking through. Although I will be seriously injured, you will all have to die!" Ye Huan laughed.

Long You rolled his eyes, and suddenly said angrily: "Are you kidding me?"

Lin Hao said: "What he said is the truth."

Dao Dan's power is incomparable. If Ye Huan interrupts the breakthrough, Dao Dan's power will be suppressed in his body, and he will still have extraordinary combat power for a short time, and then no one will be able to stop it.

Long You was in a hurry and didn't know what to do.

"No way, if he breaks through, we will die too." Long You said.

"Then let's run quickly. It will take at least one month for him to complete the breakthrough. One month is enough for us to leave Longchi and hide elsewhere!" Lin Hao said.

Long You was speechless, he said unwillingly: "Could it be that this can only be done?"

"Nonsense, what else?" Lin Hao said.

"Hahaha! The person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant man, this fellow Lin Daoist is a sensible person. After I break through, as long as you don't show up in front of me, I will not hunt you everywhere." Put oil, proudly smiled.

"Bastard!" Long You cursed unwillingly.

He suddenly saw that Lin Hao winked at him, so he quickly left the palace.

Lin Hao and Ice Fire King also left.

Ye Huan sneered, disdainfully inwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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