Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1112: :0 Mountain birds flew extinct, thousands of people disappeared

The scene in front of him, like a scroll, appeared before Lin Hao's eyes, as if it were true or false, as if it were a dream.

The old man by the lake sits motionless, blending with the heavens and the earth, as if in a natural environment.

The voice just now came from him.

Lin Hao didn't know what strength this old man was during his lifetime, but it was certain that this momentum alone surpassed most of the Hedao realm, and perhaps reached the peak of the Hedao realm.

Lin Hao quickly calmed down, what scene has he never seen? Even the Dragon Tortoise Immortal who exceeds the Hedao Realm, he has dealt with, how could he be bluffed by this person.

"Hahaha! Interesting, really interesting!"

Suddenly, laughter came from the old man, he put away the fishing rod and glanced at Lin Hao.

Lin Hao suddenly discovered that the old man's face was not clear at all, and he didn't know what it looked like.

"Unexpectedly, your xinxing is so strong, it seems that the soul in your body is not simple!" The old man smiled.

Lin Hao's face sank, could this old man see something?

"Don't worry, I am already a dead person, but a little bit of consciousness remains here, and you have passed on my treasures to future generations. You have already satisfied me. After all, there are real dragons in the sky continent. Surprised me!" The old man laughed.

Lin Hao clasped his fist and said, "Senior, I have a question."

"Oh, do you have any questions?" The old man smiled.

Lin Hao said: "I know all the four dragons in the Dragon Festival Hall, but I don't know the one in the middle. Dare to ask...what kind of dragon is your dragon?"

The type of dragon means the type of inheritance. Of course, he must understand clearly.

The old man listened and smiled suddenly: "Haha, you don't know that the breed is normal, because this dragon has no breed at all."

Lin Hao couldn't help but was taken aback, and he was even more puzzled.

No variety, what does it mean?

"Then what kind of inheritance is this?" Lin Hao asked quickly.

Seeing this, the old man laughed loudly and said: "Haha, if you stick to the form, what is the significance of the inheritance?"

After hearing this, Lin Hao carefully pondered the meaning of this sentence, thinking for a long time as if he had grasped something, but didn't understand it for a while.


Seeing him like this, the old man laughed happily, "You saw four dragons in the hall. They are all my disciples. I taught them and they inherited them from me."

"My inheritance contains countless possibilities in the world. This dragon does not belong to any kind in the world. It belongs only to you! You create it!"

At this moment, the old man's words carry a trace of arrogance that is rare in the world.

Lin Hao became more confused as he listened, but he always felt that this was a bit mysterious.

"I implore seniors for advice." Since he didn't understand, Lin Hao simply clasped his fists.

The old man stood up and walked leisurely.

"Well, since you don't choose the inheritance of Qingtian Thunder Dragon, choose me, you will first talk about what means you have, what kind of inheritance you want to obtain." The old man smiled.

At this time, Lin Hao took a step forward and spread out his palms.

In the palm of his hand, traces of gray air flow converged and condensed into a ball in the palm of his hand.

This slap-sized ball was made up of pure annihilation laws. After releasing so many annihilation laws, Lin Hao's face appeared pale.

At this moment, the old man stared at the ball in Lin Hao's palm. After a few glances, his pupils suddenly shrank, and the calmness in his eyes disappeared, full of surprise.

"The power of the law, but what kind of law is this? Why haven't I seen it before?" The old man was surprised and surprised as he looked at him, as if he had discovered something he had never seen before.

This was even more shocking than when he first saw Lin Hao.

At this time, he picked up his fishing rod and stretched it out, only to hear a clear cry, as if the wind was blowing, part of his fishing rod disappeared directly, turning into a powder.

"What a terrifying law!" The old man stared, "What law is this? Tell me quickly!"

Lin Hao smiled and said, "I created this law, called Oblivion!"


Hearing these two words, the old man fell into deep thought, his eyes shining brightly.

After thinking about it for a long time, he nodded slowly, and a hint of joy emerged.

"Good, good! The word annihilation is just right!"

"In this case……"

With a wave of the old man's hand, the dragon statue in the center of the main hall appeared in front of Lin Hao.

The old man pointed to the dragon and said: "This dragon is called Ancestral Dragon of Annihilation, you are the Ancestor of Annihilation!"

With a wave of the old man's hand, the dragon statue turned into nothingness.

In front of him, a sword appeared in the old man's hand, and a gray air current was attached to the blade, which was exactly the law of annihilation that Lin Hao had used.

"The law of annihilation was actually displayed by him!" Lin Hao said in surprise.

After just a few glances, he can perfectly copy the power of his laws, which shows that this person's methods are very good!

In the sky, a group of wild geese flew past, and countless beasts of birds gathered in the sky.

I saw the old man holding his sword with a wave of his hand and roared.

"Thousands of birds fly absolutely!"

Suddenly, countless wild geese in the sky fell down one by one, and disappeared in the middle of nowhere. All the birds and monsters also died out and fell silently.

Lin Hao was stunned for an instant, completely dumbfounded.

What is this trick?

Thousands of birds flew extinct, all the birds died!

He can't see any fluctuations in his moves, there is no way to win! In just one sentence, the law of annihilation was integrated into the world and turned into reality!

Lin Hao thought of a word, the legendary-the words are the same!

When you speak, the law follows.

With the law of annihilation as the core, created this shocking move!

It is not even called a move, but a magical power!

And right now! Between the heaven and the earth, there seemed to be an invisible ripple coming down, passing through the space here.

The old man's face turned pale.

Lin Hao could see clearly that there seemed to be a supreme rule of heaven and earth just now, which swept across the old man's body when it came.

Such utterances have already angered the rules of this world!

At this time, the old man wielded the sword again, the law of annihilation disappeared completely, and it was scattered into the horizon, and another rule merged into the world.

"Thousand Paths are gone!"

The old man uttered again.

Suddenly, Lin Hao seemed to see that thousands of troops and horses within a radius of tens of thousands of miles fell to the ground and turned into withered bones.

In Lin Hao's mind, he saw the death of a piece of land, and countless people in the city were rotten and clean.

Thousands of mountains and birds flew extinct, and thousands of people disappeared!

Just a few words, created two kinds of terrifying supernatural powers that Lin Hao had never seen before, bringing the law of annihilation to the extreme.

Such supernatural powers are appalling!

(End of this chapter)

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