Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1117: : Gave a big gift

When Gongsun Yu knelt down.

The atmosphere is frozen!

Behind him, Long Chengfeng's face was pale, his smile froze there, like a frozen statue, motionless.

From the joy of entering the dragon festival hall, to the disappointment at the back, to hope, to despair.

Later, the light appeared! Suddenly brought the desperate Long Chengfeng into ecstasy.

But then, Gongsun Yu emerged, and instantly plunged him into the abyss!

The mood was ups and downs, in a short period of time, ups and downs several times!

At this time, Long Chengfeng was already in no mood to be angry, his eyes were numb, the sky was spinning in front of him, his eyes were black, and the sequelae of blood loss appeared all at once.


Long Yu hit him with a stick and delivered a fatal blow, knocking him out.

Before Long Chengfeng fell into a coma, he realized that all this was Lin Haobu's game.

It's just that he has a lot of calculations, and he didn't expect that Long Yu had colluded with Lin Hao a long time ago and formed a partnership to deceive him.

Effortlessly, Long Chengfeng solves it!

Otherwise, it would take a lot of hard work, after all, Long Chengfeng had obtained so many treasures in the Longchi, if he really wanted to fight, he might not be able to kill him.

"Hehehe, the flesh and blood of Long Chengfeng is not bad, let me swallow it, and it should be able to gain another point." Long You smiled and walked towards the unconscious Long Chengfeng.


Long Yu raised his hand and said, "You can't kill him yet."

"Why?" Long You frowned.

"If he died, he would have pierced the sky. Youhai Dragon Palace will be blocked at the exit of Longchi. You are all going to die, even I can't ask for mercy, and I will even be implicated!" Long Yu solemnly said.

Long You was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

"Hahaha! What is Youhailong Palace, would I be afraid of him?"

"Shut up!"

As soon as Long You was halfway talking, he was scolded by Lin Hao.

The atmosphere was suddenly quiet.

I saw Lin Hao calmly said: "The strength of Youhai Dragon Palace is far from as simple as you think, Long Chengfeng, I can't kill it yet!"

Lin Hao had dealt with Youhai Dragon Palace in his previous life.

Will the forces that can deal with him wait for a while?

Lin Hao was clear about the number of strong men inside, and it was not something he could provoke now.

Since the Youhai Dragon Palace is blocked at the door, it means that Long Yu and Long Chengfeng have been sent out. Once one of them dies, they won't let it go.

"Long Yu, it is said that he is not strong enough, and he was killed when he drove into a meteorite. You can testify for us." Long You said.

"It's useless, Youhai Dragon Palace's methods are not as simple as you think. They even have the magical power of polygraph detection. It's easy to see who is lying or not." Long Yu solemnly said.

Long You was sluggish for an instant.

There is also a lie detector method, so it really can't be killed! Otherwise, as soon as they go out and test one by one, no one can escape.

"However, this thief has already been cast a psychological shadow, forgive him for not being a great weapon." Lin Hao sneered.

At this time, Lin Hao stood up, went up and took down his storage ring.

Long Chengfeng searched everywhere in the dragon pond. Although he did not obtain the top inheritance, he found a lot of miscellaneous treasures.

Lin Hao waved his hand and turned out all the things in his storage ring.

There are dozens of different kinds of treasures.

Lin Hao has the memory of Emperor Yan Ling, and he can tell at a glance what these treasures are.

"The scales of the Sword Dragon Emperor are as iron as mud."

"Panlongsi, you can make hidden weapons."

"An ancient dragon heart, you can refine an ancient dragon pill."

"Dragon guards can be made into puppets."


Lin Hao glanced over the treasures one by one, and many of them were of great use to him. For example, a cylinder of Kun dragon blood could be swallowed by the blood ant king and evolve into a dragon ant, capable of flying into the sky and retreating, and his strength exponentially increased! There is also the life dragon blood that allows him to survive the tenth calamity!

When Lin Hao saw the jade bottle behind, his eyes condensed.

"Dragon Essence can repair the magical powers of the Big Dream Dragon!" Lin Hao said in surprise.

After Da Menglong’s magical powers were urged by him, he would have to wait countless years if he wanted to urge him again!

As long as you can find Ambergris, you can restore it in advance!

Lin Hao was thinking about whether he could find it in Longchi, who knows, he really found it.

"Hahahaha!" Lin Hao burst into laughter.

He selected a few treasures that were of great use to him, and put them into the internal space, and placed the rest on the floor.

"You choose, take whatever you like." Lin Hao said.

"it is good!"

Long You and others selected the treasure and put it in the storage ring.

Even the dragon sword that Long Chengfeng had been carrying was taken by Gongsun Yu.

"This dragon sword was wasted in his hands." Gongsun Yu smiled.

"Hehe, we don't kill him, but it's okay to steal his stuff." Long Yu smiled.

At this point, Long Chengfeng was taken away completely and nothing was left.

Lin Hao imposed a formation on him, enough to make Long Chengfeng unconscious for seven days and seven nights, and he would not wake up until the exit of Longchi was opened.

"Let's go! The treasures in the dragon pool are basically searched, and no good things will be found again! You go to the exit and wait, I have some things, and I will meet with you after finishing it~www.wuxiaspot. com~Lin Haodao.


Everyone left one after another, heading to the direction of the exit.

Lin Hao left the Dragon Festival Hall and stopped on a star in the void.

In the internal space, he gave a large tank of Kun dragon blood to the queen, and said: "Let the blood ant king swallow these dragon blood. I want to make them into dragon ants, there is no problem."

"Master, no problem!" The queen said respectfully.

"That's good! Leave it to you." Lin Hao said.

Then, he cut off a small part of the sword star stone he had collected before and gave it to the Devil Thunder Sword, saying: "Devil Thunder Sword, this sword star stone was discovered by me from a meteorite. I will give it to you! "

"Thank you, Master!" Mo Lei Jian said excitedly.

With the current strength of the Demon Thunder Sword, it can only swallow a small part of the Sword Star Stone fragments, and the excess cannot be swallowed.

After doing this, Lin Hao can be regarded as fully armed with various means to strengthen in all aspects.

Moreover, he also got the life dragon blood that would allow him to survive the tenth calamity, and everything was ready!

The magical powers of the Great Dream Dragon are activated again to further comprehend the laws of annihilation moves!

After he passed the tenth calamity and entered the dream of the Great Dream Dragon again, he couldn't imagine how strong he could reach.

It is even possible to complete a feat that countless astonishing and brilliant monks in a continent could not accomplish——

Invincible True Monarch, against the Hedao Realm!

Long Chengfeng, it can be said that he gave him a great gift!

The Hedao Realm, to the monks in the Tribulation Period, is like a moat, out of reach. What Lin Hao faced before was only pseudo-combined Dao, and it was a thousand miles away from the real He Dao state!

However, this is just an imagination, the real situation is unknown.

Lin Hao took a deep breath and calmed down.

Now, he still has one thing to do!

Lin Canghai!

(End of this chapter)

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