Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1136: : Didn't you leave?

Elder Lan couldn't help but stared at not far away.

I saw Lin Hao calmly said: "This elder, the people of Youhai Dragon Palace, have already been cleaned up, and now their sect members are in a panic, don't worry."

"Where's the grasshopper? Me and Xiaoyue said, do you want to interrupt?"

Elder Lan suddenly shouted angrily.

Lin Hao couldn't help but his face sank, his eyes narrowed.

He is so eloquent, his attitude is already very polite, but the other party insults him, what is this?

In this case, Lin Hao doesn't have to be polite, and he coldly shouted: "Elder Lan, within three breaths, you can roll as far as you can! For Xiaoyue's sake, I don't care!"

As soon as this remark came out, Elder Lan's eyes were completely gloomy, with a trace of cold murder in his eyes.

She had lived for so long, and it was the first time she saw that an ant in the catastrophe period told her to go!

"Little grasshopper, did you tell me to go?" Elder Lan said with a squint.

"One breath!" Lin Hao said.

Elder Lan smiled furiously and nodded.

"Okay! Today is a really long experience, and I dare to be rampant in front of me even during the catastrophe period! Xiaoyue, this kind of stuff is your friend?" Elder Lan stared at Xiaoyue.

In response, Xiaoyue just lowered her head and said nothing.

Elder Lan looked at Lin Hao and said, "Also, since the matter happened because of you, I will beat you to death and take you to the Youhai Dragon Palace to apologize!"

As soon as Elder Lan's voice fell, his claws rushed towards Lin Hao, pierced through the void and turned into a big eagle claw.

The claw wind swept through, and the sharpness was exposed, and the space was caught by her with five deep marks, as if it was caught on the glass, making a harsh screaming sound!

If it falls on the head, even if it is in the He Dao state, the head will be caught!

Lin Hao spread his hands, a gesture of non-resistance.

"Devil, someone is going to kill me!" Lin Hao looked at ease.

"Go to hell!"

The next moment, Elder Lan's claws reached Lin Hao's chest.

suddenly! ! !


Elder Lan’s claws were slapped in a cloud of black mist, and the sharp edges disappeared completely, as if they had caught a cloud of sea without even turning over the waves.

"this is……"

Elder Lan looked at the black mist in front of him, completely at a loss.


Suddenly, the black mist exploded, and Elder Lan’s arm burst into shreds in an instant, and even half of his body was blown away, flying out like firewood, smashing into the distance, covered with blood.


Elder Lan screamed and looked up.

On top of Lin Hao's head, I don't know when, there was a demon in black armor, full of devilish energy, and at first sight it was not a good kind.

The horrible look in her eyes, like a demon of hell, made her shiver from the bottom of her heart.

Elder Lan just took a look and fell into the abyss, his eyes turned black, and he didn't even have the thought of resisting.

"I wonder if you are..."


Jiuyou Demon Sovereign spoke calmly, with a loud shout.

Like thunder on the ground, Elder Lan's body immediately exploded, exploded to shreds, and his flesh and blood splashed on the ground.

There was only one horrified soul body that appeared in her previous position.

Just a word, the roar made her body burst and her body destroyed!

Visible, what is this existence!

Elder Lan was still at a loss, couldn't believe it, her physical body was gone!

"Yes! The juniors, get out! Now get out!"

Elder Lan said again and again, not even daring to stay for a second, the soul body flew out, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The elder of the Tianfeng clan, just yelled out of it lightly, and done!

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the demon above Lin Hao, and they didn't dare to say a word at all.

This kind of horror is beyond their cognition.

I am afraid that a group of masters in Youhailong Palace were destroyed by this demon.

Lin Hao smiled and said, "Didn't you leave, why are you here again?"


Jiuyou Demon Sovereign snorted coldly, and said: "I just took the wrong direction and turned back. I happened to pass by here. Don't think I want to help you!"

Lin Hao: "..."

Will a generation of Demon Lord go in the wrong direction?

"Next time I get into trouble, I won't take action and leave!"

Before Lin Hao could speak, Jiuyou Demon Venerable disappeared again.

The audience was in a state of confusion.

Lin Hao said, "Don't worry about that demon, I just tell you, Youhailong Palace don't have to worry at all, they dare not come again."

"Yeah." Xiaoyue nodded, she was convinced.

"Brother Lin, there are still many things in the clan, I'm going to take Seventh Sister home." Xiaoyue hesitated.

Lin Hao glanced at her, and he could see that Xiaoyue wanted to break out with him.

It's just that within the Tianfeng clan, something might be affecting her.

Lin Hao threw a summons order.

"Go, if the Tianfeng clan dares to embarrass you, immediately send me a message, and I will kill you immediately!" Lin Hao said.

"Thank you Brother Lin!" Xiaoyue gladly accepted the summons order.

She carried the blood-colored giant egg on the ground behind her back, and then transformed into an ice-blue phoenix.

Yingjiu also flew into the sky and became a black eagle.

"Brother Lin, there will be a period later!" Xiaoyue shouted.

"There will be some time later!" Lin Hao clasped his Xiaoyue and Ying Jiuyi flew away, leaving only two backs.

For the Tianfeng Clan, Lin Hao is not completely relieved

However, Jiuyou Demon Venerable came like that just now, and the Heavenly Phoenix Clan would definitely not dare to make things difficult for her again.

"Master, now the crisis is resolved, what are your plans for the next step?" Lin Canghai asked.

Lin Hao said calmly: "First find a place to retreat, restore to its heyday, and then go to Middle-earth God's Domain!"

"Good." Lin Canghai nodded.

This is Yanluojiang.

Lin Hao looked around and came to the location of Jianduanxia.

Sword Broken Gorge, is a sword mark left by the Galaxy Sword Master who cut through the mountains with a single sword.

Here, it is possible for Demon Thunder Sword to practice.

He himself opened up a cave nearby and arranged a shielding formation.

Lin Canghai also opened up a cave mansion for alchemy.

These days, since they came out of Dragon Pond, they have been experiencing wars or fleeing, and they have long been exhausted physically and mentally.

Now, it is a rare leisure time.

In the cave, Lin Hao released the unconscious people, including Ye Wenlong and others in the inner space, and set up a formation to calm the nerves and nourish the soul and let them stay inside.

Ye Wenlong, Gongsun Yu, Long You, Ice Fire King, Yu Wenjing, plus Lin Canghai, these six people may be with Lin Hao for a long time.

They are even a small team.


Yan Luojiang, on a cloud beyond Jiuxiao.

Jiuyou Demon Sovereign sat quietly here, staring down, frowning, with a hint of impatience.

"Bastard! My dignified Demon Lord, how can I be his guard? It's just outrageous!"

After he finished speaking, he planned to leave.

But after a few steps, he stopped again.

Back and forth, walked countless laps, and finally stayed in the clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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