Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 115: : Snake's swordsmanship


In the Monster Beast Mountain Range, Lin Hao carefully studied Liu Mou's corpse and found that he was practicing a beast control technique, and the true energy he cultivated had a natural suppressive effect on the beast.

Moreover, in his storage ring there are imperial beast circles, trapped animal nets and other things dealing with monsters, as well as miscellaneous notes such as "The Essentials of Imperial Beasts" and "Spirit Beast Breeding Manual". So, this person's background , Is very likely to be a master of beast control.

"Is this person coming here to grab my body?" Lin Hao suddenly thought of this.

Lin Hao doesn't think anyone knows that his body is a snake, but there are quite a few demon cultivators. Could it be said that this person came for the demon cultivator?

"You Beast Village!" Lin Hao suddenly thought of Yu Beast Village. Only Yu Beast Village knew the demon of cultivating immortals the most.

Although Yu Beast Village was destroyed by him once, the leader of this force is still there, and the foundation is preserved in the imperial city, and he can make a comeback at any time.

This Liu Mou, Shiyou received news of the Demon Cultivation from Yu Beast Village, and thus participated in the attack.

Lin Hao just remembered, it turns out that he still has hidden enemies like Yu Beast Village, hidden too deeply, he almost didn't find it!

After killing Liu Mou, the master behind Liu Mou will certainly hunt him all over the world. He happens to be the master beast control master who restrains the monster beasts. This is a disaster, and the beast control village did a good job!

"Huh! Soldiers are here to cover the water and earth, who has I been afraid of, Lin Hao?" Lin Hao was not afraid.

The Monster Beast Mountain Range is so big, even if there is a real enemy, you may not be able to find him, especially in the depths of the Monster Beast Mountain Range, you searched one location after another, and found this canyon.

Lin Hao didn't think too much. He first returned to the cave and handed the bloodthirsty mosquito to Lightning to control, then took out the corpse of the golden core monk and fed the guinea pigs.

After so many days of breeding, the number of this group of black dolphins has reached a thousand, and it is still growing.

Lin Hao widened the space in the cave by about three times before he barely felt crowded.

After swallowing the Golden Core cultivator, many black dolphins immediately began to break through, and their strength sharply increased to the high level of the Demon King. Some ordinary monsters also turned into the Demon King in a blink of an eye.

The flesh and blood of the golden core monk contains a lot of true essence and essence and blood, which is a great tonic, comparable to the corpse of the demon emperor, and the demon beast is strengthened by devouring the flesh and blood.

After so many days of feeding, these black dolphins don't need to be controlled by lightning, and they have been completely controlled by Lin Hao. A few rat kings obey Lin Hao's words, and they can perfectly control them with a single thought.

Everything is moving in a good direction.

But there is one more problem-Yinque hasn't woken up after being injured and unconscious.

Lin Hao's consciousness entered the demon core space.

In the demon core space, Yinque was still lying quietly inside, her eyes closed, and there was no sign of waking up.

This made Lin Hao a little puzzled. It stands to reason that with Yinque's injury, he should have recovered long ago, so why he didn't wake up.

"Huh?" Lin Hao suddenly let out a surprise.

He found that Yinque's body was exuding bursts of blood, which filled the whole body. Gradually, Yinque's petite body turned into a blood ball, and the breath of life inside was rising frantically.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Hao was stunned for a moment.

"This is... a phoenix?" Lin Hao lost his voice.

Lin Hao had seen Phoenix in his previous life, and he recognized it at a glance.

He didn't expect that Yinque had the blood of the phoenix. In other words, she was seriously injured by the Thunder Eagle last time, but because of a blessing in disguise, the blood of the phoenix was activated.

No wonder it hasn't been awakened for so long, it turned out to be evolving. Once the evolution is completed, at least the golden core will be repaired.

Lin Hao shook his head. There is really a mountain as high as a mountain. Some people are born with super bloodlines and special physiques. They are born to leapfrog and fight. Breaking through the realm is easier than eating and drinking.

Fortunately, Yinque is one of them.

"That's fine, after you wake up, I will personally visit the Eagle Race!" Lin Hao will not forget the hatred of the Eagle Race.


In such peaceful days, time passed day by day.

These days, Lin Hao has been consolidating his cultivation base, constantly using spirit stones to practice the thunder and body forging technique.

To be on the safe side, he also arranged a magical array in the canyon, and some concealed arrays. The canyon has been hidden in the mountains and forests. If you look far away, you can't find the canyon.

In this way, even if the high-level golden core passes through here, it is difficult to find the clues here.

On the top of the canyon, there is a large thunder-inducing array, and thunder-catching fruit trees are planted in the thunder-inducing array.

With Lin Hao's special cultivation method, it is estimated that a Thunder Tribulation fruit can be produced in half a year.

Lin Hao took out the sword-raising gourd, and with a thought, the Lei Lei sword in it was automatically pulled out.

The sword is naturally used by the human clone, but the human clone has only half the strength of the body. It's okay to kill the first layer of the golden core. Rao Lin Hao broke through to the ninth floor of the foundation building, and it was only half a catty against the second layer of the golden core.

The golden core monk contains true essence in his body, and the quality of true essence is one hundred times that of true qi. Each level of cultivation is a world of difference. The strength increase of building a foundation to break through the three levels is not as good as the golden core breaking through one level.

Lin Hao kills this group of people by killing the formation, but it takes too much time to arrange the killing formation, and the higher the cultivation level, the greater the vigilance. It is okay to kill some ants in the early stage. Not easy anymore.

Lin Hao was thinking whether he could use the sword technique with the snake.

The strength of the snake body is twice that of the human body. If the sword can be used perfectly, even the three layers of the golden core can be killed!

Lin Hao thought for a while, the snake body bit the hilt of Ben Lei Sword with his mouth.

After that, Lin Hao used the fish-and-dragon variety, aimed at a rock in front of him, and quickly dashed over, like a black lightning flashing across the sky, twice as fast as he could swing his sword with his hand!


Void swayed, Lin Hao's snake body was like an arm that was twice as fast, aiming at the rock and drew across the dazzling swordsmanship, only hearing a series of sword howling sounds, Lin Hao returned to the place.

The huge rock ahead, at the moment Lin Hao came back, it split into two, two into four, four into eight, and then into sixteen, thirty-two! The cut is flat and smooth as a mirror!

However, the shape of the sword that was divided into thirty-two at the end was a bit out of shape, deviated by half a point, and was barely completed.

"The speed of the sword is twice that of the clone, and the strength of the sword is also twice, but the realm of swordsmanship can't reach the extreme, only barely consummated, which is not as good as the clone!"

Lin Hao secretly estimated in his heart.

There are five levels in the realm of swordsmanship: entry, small achievement, great achievement, perfection, and ultimate.

Generally speaking, one can separate a stone into 32 parts in an is a perfect swordsmanship, but the ultimate swordsmanship can be separated into 64 parts and chop the stone into Small grains of sand.

Lin Hao's human clone can easily perform the ultimate sword technique, but with the snake body, although the strength and speed are faster, the sword technique realm will not be able to do it.

Snake uses a sword, this kind of thing is unprecedented in Lin Hao's knowledge, and it is a completely blank area in the field of swordsmanship.

Compared with human arms, snakes are faster and more flexible, but Lin Hao is not used to it. Maybe he can create a brand new swordsmanship, suitable for snakes.

[Ps: The look of a snake with a sword, refer to Dashewan with a pheasant sword. 】

(End of this chapter)


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