Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1153: : Admission test

Chu Xinghe is very clear about the relationship between Jiuyou Demon Venerable and Demon Sect Great Elder!

Who else can make Jiuyou Demon Lord ignore the life and death of the great elder besides himself?

The mountains and rivers here are shattered and the spiritual energy is violent. Obviously, the battle has erupted at the level of Hedao realm!

Moreover, there is a bit of devilishness! Besides Jiuyou Demon Lord, who else can there be?

He is not sure for the time being, what caused this?

But there is a most likely situation, that is, a master is controlled by Jiuyou Demon Venerable and becomes his soul slave.

Chu Xinghe is not a fool. When it comes to the level of cunning, he is better than Lin Hao in his previous life! Just a little observation, I got a lot of useful information!

"I still don't believe it, I can't pry open your mouth."

Chu Xinghe's figure slowly disappeared.


The enrollment period of the third hospital soon ended.

The joint enrollment of the three colleges is only once every ten years, and each time only lasts one month!

If you didn't join the three major colleges within this month, you would have to wait another ten years!

Like the previous enrollment, Galaxy Academy returned with a rewarding experience and absorbed 70% of talented elites!

Nearly 30% of them were admitted to the Tianqiong Academy.

The remaining less than 10% fell into the Ten Thousand Demons Academy.

This situation began three thousand years ago and has continued to the present! Galaxy College has cultivated generations of masters, but Ten Thousand Demons College has not taken up.

On this day, at the gate of Wan Yao Academy.

Lin Hao could see countless flying monsters in the distance, flying from afar and landing at the door. They were all examiners recruiting students from various places.

Some examiners brought back a dozen freshmen! Some examiners brought back five or six!

What's more, he brought back one or two new students, which was much shabby than Lin Hao's side.

The Yangmu examiner also came back, Lin Hao and others, he recruited a lot of students.

Two days passed.

Admissions examiners from all over the Middle-earth Divine Region have all returned.

Lin Hao swept the crowd and counted them silently. A total of 60 examiners went out to recruit students, and only brought back 300 freshmen.

The most brought back twenty people, and none of the least came back alone.

This was placed three thousand years ago, it is unimaginable.

At this moment, someone from afar came back.

When everyone looked at it, they saw a black monster appeared on the horizon!

It was a towering tower into the clouds, flying from the sky, riding the wind and waves, surrounded by a gust of wind law, speed to the extreme.

"Flying palace?" Lin Hao couldn't help being taken aback.

This tall tower that flew from a distance was exactly a flying palace, and its grade was not low, much better than his Flying Dragon Palace.

After a while, the tower stopped at the gate of Ten Thousand Demons Academy.

The gate of the high tower opened, and a large number of young people suddenly emerged from it. There were humans and monsters, all of which were newly born.

Everyone could not help but startled.

"My God! There are at least a hundred people!" Long You said in surprise.

"How did he recruit so many people?" Yu Wenjing was dumbfounded.

When all the new students came out of the tower, the last one came out was a tower-like strong man, his muscles bulged like a rock, and his brows were born with majesty.

The arm of this person is covered with black hair, like steel, it should be a black bear monster!

"I have seen Elder Bear!"

"I have seen Elder Bear!"

Many examiners and deacons took the initiative to salute this person.

"No gift!" Elder Xiong waved his hand.

At this time, Ying Fu smiled bitterly: "He is the only one who is not weaker than Galaxy College among our admissions examiners. Every time he recruits students, he brings back the most students."

What Ying Fu said is true.

Among the examiners, the largest number of them brought back more than 20 people, and Elder Xiong, one person brought back more than 100 new students, and many of them were extraordinary talents, the only dignity left in the Ten Thousand Demons Academy.

As a result, the number of new students this time has reached 450.

Elder Xiong said loudly: "The two elders, all the new students enrolled this year are all here! Please approve admission!"

At this time, the two elders sitting high on the sentry tower opened their eyes.

"New students are admitted!"

A distant voice came from inside.


The door of the Ten Thousand Demons Academy slowly opened, and inside was a virgin forest.

An elder on the watch tower said: "First of all, I want to welcome you to my Ten Thousand Demons Academy, but this does not mean that you can officially join!"

"Although you have passed the assessment, there will be a series of tests waiting for you! If you fail the test, you can only regret to inform you to leave!"

Hearing this, everyone's mood became suspended again.

"Of course, considering that there have been fewer and fewer students in the Ten Thousand Demons Academy in the last few hundred years, the difficulty of the test will be reduced! According to my estimation, about 300 of you will stay!"

"go in!"

After the elder finished speaking, he closed his eyes.

Everyone glanced at each other and walked into the gate of the college.

Lin Hao and others also entered it.

Those examiner elders stayed outside.

After Lin Hao entered, he immediately felt that this place should be a different space, and the environment inside was very special.

After entering, I felt restless.

Suddenly, the surrounding scenes disappeared, and he came to an Asura battlefield, where countless humans and monsters were fighting in the sky.

The terrifying killing laws rushed into Lin Hao's sea of ​​knowledge.

In such an environment, unless you have a firm will, you can maintain your original mind. If you have a weak willpower, you may become a lunatic in one thought.

"It seems that Ten Thousand Demon Academy does not want to recruit monsters with poor will." Lin Hao secretly said.

The external assessment only tests the potential of freshmen, but does not care about the mental aspect.

Those with a bad mind can easily be exploited by outsiders and easily steal the secrets of the Ten Thousand Demons Academy.

Only after a stick of incense, the Shura battlefield disappeared, replaced by a deep hell.

All kinds of evil spirits, floating out from nearby, can still hear some creepy sounds.

Lin Hao could completely ignore this frightening illusion.

Then, various illusions appeared.

All in all, Ten Thousand Demons Academy is passing the formation, testing the freshmen's perseverance, courage, etc., as long as they are not bad, they can basically pass!

Before and after, I tested it for about half an hour.

All the illusions are gone.

With a flower in front of Lin Hao, he was sent to a square.

Here, besides him, there are many new students, some are sweating profusely, and some have fallen into a coma.

Long You, Lin Canghai and others were there, and they were very relaxed.

Lin Hao discovered that there were only more than 300 freshmen left here, that is to say, more than 100 people had already been eliminated.

All that stayed passed.

(End of this chapter)

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