Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1171: : Mysterious Ogami-dori

Lin Hao let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he knows himself too well, knowing that once he is flanked, he will use the sky thunder magic circle!

Therefore, he happened to be able to use the sky thunder formation to counter restraint! One move succeeded!

If it were someone else, he really couldn't beat it.

As for what people outside look at, Lin Hao doesn't care, he just wants to see what will happen after the demon tower clears.

Then Lin Hao came to the last floor, the sixth floor.

In the eyes of the three onlookers outside, they were numb, like seeing a miracle.

Since the trial of setting up the Demon God Tower, only five have broken through the fourth floor! Only one has passed the fifth floor!

Back then, that man was called the Academy of Ten Thousand Demons, a peerless evildoer rarely encountered in millions of years, and even known as the descendant of the demon master.

Now, I am afraid that the title of descendant of the demon master is about to change!

Because Lin Hao is even better than that person, Lin Hao is just a world of harmony!

On the sixth floor, Lin Hao looked at the figure in front of him, motionless.

The person in front of him looked exactly like him, dressed in a blue robe, with dark golden dragon scales on the surface of his body, his breath was stable, his expression and movements were consistent.

The difference from the fifth floor is that the fifth floor is his previous life!

And the sixth floor, it's him now!

"This trick is..." Lin Hao's eyes narrowed.

Lin Hao could see that this was the magical power of the demon lord—the heart magic appearance!

Heart magic appearance, the greatest magical power of the demon lord back then!

The heart magic phase can create an illusion exactly like the opponent. Because it is born of a heart demon, it is completely consistent with Lin Hao's strength!

The methods, cards, and thinking are all exactly the same!

How strong Lin Hao is, how strong he is!

"The sixth floor, defeat the illusion!"

"The strength of the illusion is consistent with yours. There is currently no clear method to defeat it. You can only comprehend it by yourself!"

The voice in the sky just said one sentence briefly, without saying more.

Lin Hao asked himself, in his previous life, he could still show an energy body through simulation!

In this life, no matter how he simulates it, it is impossible to restore it perfectly!

However, the magic of the heart can do it!

This is a great supernatural power, born entirely from the heart of the target, no matter what means he has, he can be displayed by the heart demon, including the Ancestral Dragon Realm!

In the previous life, Lin Hao and the demon master fought, also encountered this trick

At that time, the demon master's heart magic expression on him made Lin Hao not know the countermeasures for a while, so he could only choose to retreat!

Lin Hao can beat anyone, but he can't beat himself!

In the end, after Lin Hao escaped, the time limit for the heart magic phase expired, and the demon master was defeated by Lin Hao!

Lin Hao breathed out slowly, and the figure on the opposite side bowed his chest together, breathing out rhythmically.

"Sanhua Gathering!" Lin Hao shouted in a low voice.

"Sanhua Juding!" The figure on the opposite side also showed Sanhua Juding.

Seeing this, Lin Hao shook his head silently.

He didn't choose to shoot, nor did the inner demon!

Lin Hao has experience. He knows that no matter what actions he makes, the inner demon can perfectly simulate it!

At this moment, Lin Hao suddenly contracted his pupils.

He felt a creepy consciousness sweeping across his body.

"I abstain!"

Lin Hao quickly shouted.

After that, he jumped down from the sixth floor, returned the same way, jumped to the first floor, and exited the gate.

Seeing Lin Hao appearing, the two elders in black and white and Yan Shi unexpectedly breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Hao was eliminated on the sixth floor, which was also expected!

The demon lord's supernatural powers, heart magic, and even the World Destroying Thunder Lord can't break it! If it is broken by Lin Hao, then the entire academy will break through the sky!

They stood up one after another and went up to greet them actively.

"Lin Hao, congratulations, passed the inner court assessment!"

The two elders, black and white, said in the same voice, and a rare smile also appeared in the old face.

Yan Shi was stunned, and smiled helplessly: "Lin Hao, I didn't expect you to be so strong. I still challenge you. I don't know how strong the world is!"

Yan Shi sighed.

Lin Hao didn't say anything, but he knew that Yan Shi was not much weaker than him in terms of strength alone.

He can pass through so many layers, but also relying on the approach of cheating in the Ancestral Dragon Realm. If he really wants to rely on hard power, he can only pass on the fourth floor if he displays "Thousand Mountains and Birds Flying Absolute".

On the fifth floor, it was also completely lucky, even against himself!

"The two elders, you said before that there are extra rewards for the assessment. I don't know what it is?" Lin Hao asked.

After hearing this, the elder Baipao touched his beard and smiled: "Hehe, the examiner of the inner courtyard, whoever passes the fourth floor, can get huge benefits! The advantage is that you are qualified to be a disciple of the demon lord!"

Lin Hao couldn't help but froze, "A disciple of the demon master?"

"Yes, although the Demon Lord died three thousand years ago, he still has a trace of remnant soul still alive. Although his strength is no longer available, his remnant soul retains most of the memories of the Demon Lord. It’s easy to point you. That's it!" The white robe elder smiled.

Yan Shi was full of envy.

When they enter the inner courtyard, they can only choose one Venerable Instructor, but Lin Hao can directly become a disciple of the Demon Lord!

The gap between the two is not the slightest!

In Wan Yao Academy everyone wants to be accepted as a disciple by a Venerable Instructor. It is a great honor! As for the demon master, I can't even think about it!

Lin Hao was shocked, the demon master still retained a trace of remnant soul, not completely dead!

In this way, he felt the sense of prying in the Demon God Tower before...

Lin Hao was a little thoughtful and terrified.

"Elder, can I... refuse?" Lin Hao hesitated.

At this moment, the two elders, including Yan Shi, were all stunned, as if struck by lightning.

"What did you say? You say it again?" Elder Baipao couldn't believe that Lin Hao would refuse such a great benefit?

"I'm sorry, I gave up this opportunity! I don't want to worship the demon master as a teacher!" Lin Hao said solemnly.

The two elders were completely stunned.

If this kind of opportunity is taken out, everyone on the whole continent will be crazy, and no matter how high the price is paid, they will get it! Lin Hao got the benefits, but refused, is there a mistake?

"Lin Hao!" The black robe elder had a serious face, and yelled angrily: "This kind of good opportunity, everyone can't ask for it, you should give it up, how proper is this!"

"You are the Ten Thousand Demon Academy, a super evil villain that has been rare for thousands of years. You have the opportunity to become a descendant of the demon master. It is incumbent to expand our academy. Are you crazy?" The elder Baipao also rebuked.

Both of them hated iron and steel and looked at them, hoping that Lin Hao's attitude would change.

Unfortunately, they were disappointed again.

Lin Hao lowered his head and said sincerely: "Sorry! Two elders, I have already sworn that in the future, I won't use anyone as a teacher, even the demon master!"

"I am willing to give up this opportunity!"

Lin Hao folded his fists and bent over, lowered his head, his eyes were extremely firm.

(End of this chapter)

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