Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1178: : Don't offend someone Lin

Of course, Lin Hao and others would not let go of the opportunity to beat down the dog.

Lin Hao and Tianfeng clan, at this moment, all flew out, chasing after the remnants of Youhai Dragon Palace.

The leader of the Golden Lion led the team, and everyone was invincible, killing Youhailong Palace.

Originally, the two sides were still in a stalemate, and their strengths were almost the same, but since the joining of the Golden Lion Dean, it has become a one-sided massacre.

"President Golden Lion, this is all a misunderstanding!" A priest said in horror.

"Misunderstanding? You all shot at me, or misunderstanding?"

Dean Golden Lion took the palm of his hand and couldn't help but pat the man into meatloaf.

Dean Golden Lion caught up with him and shot again and again, killing three or five elders again.

The Xuanwu protector also got a palm, and the bones in his body were interrupted.

More, it was slapped into meat sauce.

They couldn't understand until they died, what is going on!

Long Yu was obviously theirs, why did he push them to the fire pit in a few words, and angered the head of Golden Lion to take action!

Things happened so quickly that most of the people were killed, and everyone's mind was blinded, and none of them turned around.

Dean Golden Lion didn't rush to kill him either, so Youhai Dragon Palace ran away for an enshrinement, ran away for a protector, and a group of insignificant elder disciples slipped back.

There is only one Long Yu left, still here.

"Huh! Youhai Dragon Palace, he is so bold! If he continues to develop like this, sooner or later, he will get a big deal!" Dean Golden Lion said angrily.

Everyone returned to the place, and the people in Youhailong Palace had already run away.

At this time, everyone's eyes were all focused on Long Yu.

It was the appearance of Long Yu that directly became the fuse of the whole thing!

In fact, they also have doubts about why a genius disciple who is under special care in a sect suddenly rebels.

Long Yu didn't explain anything, she respectfully said: "President Golden Lion, I am disheartened to Zongmen, can you let me join Ten Thousand Demons Academy?"

Dean Golden Lion glanced at her and nodded slightly: "Yes, this time you will go back with Lin Hao, starting from the outer courtyard disciples!"

"Yes!" Long Yu nodded.

Her cultivation is only the first level of the Dao Realm, so of course she must follow the rules.

"Since the matter has been resolved, everyone, please go back. If Youhailong Palace dare to make trouble again, I will personally visit the door." Dean Golden Lion said.

"Yes! Thank you, Dean Golden Lion!"

"Thank you, Dean Golden Lion!"

Everyone of the Tianfeng tribe said in unison.

Dean Golden Lion snorted coldly, left and returned to the wooden spirit boat.

Lin Hao, Long Yu, Long You and Ice Fire King also all returned to the wooden spirit boat.

Dean Golden Lion urged the wooden spirit boat, rowed across the sky, and left quickly.

Looking at the wooden spirit boat in the distance, the people of the Tianfeng clan, while excited, still had a blank expression with deep doubts.

"Feng Xiaoyue, did Lin Hao tell you to do that just now?" Ying Quan asked in confusion.

"That's right!" Xiaoyue said with a smile, "Big Brother Lin always likes to tease people, let me cooperate."

Yingquan suddenly realized, but still felt puzzled.

The series of things that happened just now was that Xiaoyue first slandered Youhai Dragon Palace and insulted her teacher.

This is understandable!

"Then Long Yu behind, what's going on?" Yingquan pondered.

He should be confused.


On the deck of the wooden spirit boat, the Golden Lion Dean was sitting at the forefront, with Lin Hao four people on both sides.

The atmosphere has remained silent.

Dean Golden Lion said without turning his head: "Lin Hao, you and that flood dragon are in the same group."

Lin Hao smiled awkwardly, clasped his fist and said, "It's true that we know each other."

"What about Long Yu, is it possible that it is also a group?" Dean Golden Lion frowned.

This time, Lin Hao was silent.

Long Yu took the lead and said, "Master Dean, Lin Hao and I don't know each other. It was purely because I couldn't understand the practice of Youhai Dragon Palace, so I took the initiative to withdraw."

Dean Golden Lion listened, snorted coldly, and glanced at Lin Hao.

"Hmph! Your little trick, don't think I didn't see it! Just forget it this time. Youhai Dragon Palace asked for it yourself, don't think about using me next time!" Dean Golden Lion snorted coldly.

Being used by Lin Hao, he still felt a little unhappy.

Lin Hao smiled without saying a word.

In fact, when Lin Hao heard that the Tianfeng clan had an accident, he sent a message to Long You and the Ice Fire King and asked them to investigate.

At that time, the Tianfeng tribe and Youhai Dragon Palace were fighting each other, and they joined the fighting.

Finally, he was captured by Long Yu, and Lin Hao arranged it specially.

In Long Yu's body, there was the mark of the dragon soul left by Lin Hao, and news could be sent at any time to tell her how to do it.

So next, there will be the next scene.

However, Dean Golden Lion saw Long You and Ice Fire King, but did not see Long Yu.

Dean Golden Lion was only half right.

If he knew that Long Yu was also controlled by Lin Hao, he didn't know how he felt.

Along the way, Dean Golden Lion didn't say a word, his eyes flickered, and he seemed to be thinking about something.

The whole thing, from Lin Hao's words provoked Youhai Dragon Palace, let the Xuanwu protector anger him.

Then to Xiaoyue within the Tianfeng and others, claiming that Youhailong Palace humiliated the instructor of the college.

At the end, Long Yu appeared and gave a fatal blow.

The whole thing, Dean Golden Lion always felt too unbelievable.

"This Lin Hao is full of bad water, and even I was led by his nose! I really don't know what is going on in Youhai Longgong, and I want to offend this kind of person." Golden Lion Dean said to himself.


At this moment, far from the border of the Middle-earth God Realm, deep in the ocean.

Under the seabed, a giant formation enveloped here, isolating the water flow. In the formation, the Qionglou Palace was built, and countless powerful guards guarded this place, solemnly!

Here is Youhailong Palace!

Only at this moment, the atmosphere in Youhailong Palace is not very good.

In the discussion hall, Sovereign Qin Long sat in the first place, kneeling down below a group of embarrassed figures, all of them were those who had escaped after being chased by the Golden Lion Dean.

Fortunately, the Xuanwu protector got his life back, and Bailuo's enshrinement left half a breath. The great elder is dead, the second elder is left with the soul body, and the third elder is also dead...

A group of people went to the Tianfeng clan intact, and more than half of them were killed or injured when they came back.

Qin Long expressionlessly said, "This is your achievement?"

The hall was quiet, and no one was willing to speak.

"Huh! What Tianfeng Clan was killed last time, when I met a demon, killed three major guardians, a dozen elders."

"This time, I also went to encircle and suppress the Tianfeng Clan. As a result, I angered Dean Golden Lion and shot us!"

"Look, see, this is what you did!"

Qin Long shouted violently.

All the disciples were speechless.

Last time, Youhai Dragon Palace was badly injured, and even the worship of the Venerable Grade was invited at a high price.

It turned out to be a good one this time, and two of them died for the worship of the Venerable.

(End of this chapter)

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