Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1185: : The law of annihilation, 1 layer!

The more they fought, the more fierce they fought, the ground was shaking and the ground was shaking! The gust of wind between heaven and earth has spread to a radius of one hundred thousand miles.

Lin Hao faced Luo Tong's stormy offensive, did not back down, but counterattacked rhythmically.

In his hand, a gray air current flashed from time to time, and every palm could destroy Luo Tong's offensive, and neither side could bear it.

Time passed slowly.

The two have been fighting for an hour, and they have not been able to tell the outcome.

Lin Hao is very patient. His purpose this time is mainly to squeeze his potential and see if he can break through the law of annihilation in one fell swoop!

In the course of the battle, he has been urging the law of obliteration to defend, so he has been consuming with Luo Tong!

It seems to be crushed and beaten, but with the characteristics of the Law of Annihilation, Luo Tong can't kill him either!

Gradually, Luo Tong became anxious.

"What kind of method is this? How is it like a new law?" Luo Tong gritted his teeth.

The delay in getting rid of Lin Hao made him worry about whether Lin Hao would have reinforcements.

"You forced me! Go to death!"

Luo Tong clenched his fist, the law of wind in his body, like the sea, was condensed in the palm of his hand, turning into a giant sword to open the sky, the law of wind reached the fourth level!

"Killed by the wind!"

Luo Tong raised the Great Wind Sword, and swiped it at Lin Hao.

At this moment, the sky was completely dark, and black storms were everywhere, as if the sky was about to be swallowed by this sword!

Lin Hao looked at this sword, he didn't mean to dodge.

If this sword fell, if he didn't go away, he would either die or be disabled.

Lin Hao raised his hand, his palm, the gray air currents gathered frantically, his eyes turned crimson, bloodshot, and his eyes were crazy!

"The law of annihilation, break it for me!"

Lin Hao roared inwardly.


Luo Tong was overjoyed, this was his desperate move, and he dared to resist, really looking for death!


The next moment, a huge gust of wind sky sword fell from a high altitude and hit Lin Hao's head.


A deafening explosion, followed by resounding, made a sensation in the sky! As if the whole desert was about to be shaken.

The sky is full of dust, and the situation in the Quartet is completely invisible! Like a disaster of destruction!

The vibration lasted for a long time before it slowly subsided!

Luo Tong took a breath, and his face appeared pale.

"Haha, now, you should die!" Luo Tong sneered.

Just at this time!

Suddenly, Luo Tong's eyes widened, and he looked towards the center of the vibration.

I saw that there was an abyss crack among the layers of yellow sand, and Lin Hao was still standing there inside the crack.

His body was covered with blood, the dragon scales were mostly broken, and the black robe outside was also completely shattered, revealing his true colors.

However, his body was severely injured, but his palm was intact.

Luo Tong's eyes condensed immediately, and he noticed that there was a gray air current condensed to the limit on Lin Hao's palm.

The violent energy between heaven and earth disappeared immediately when it touched the gray air current.

From the airflow, Luo Tong felt a strong threat.

"This is the kind of weird law, but it seems to be stronger?" Luo Tong was shocked.

Lin Hao panted, his face dripping with blood, and the wounds on his body were countless.

However, there was excitement in his eyes.

Just now, his law of annihilation broke through! Officially came to the first heavy!

But the price is that he has resisted Luo Tong's desperate trick!

If he weren't for the body of the dragon clan, if he went down with this sword, there would not be any Harmony Realm on the mainland that could survive!

Luo Tong looked at Lin Hao, who was covered with scars, and when he was alarmed, there was ruthlessness in his eyes.

"Hold on to me without dying, you are proud enough, but that's it!"

Luo Tong gritted his teeth excitedly.

"How would it feel to kill a genius! Hahaha!"

Luo Tong laughed wildly, and threw out a few gusts of gust of wind blades in the air. With boundless strength, he cut his neck towards Lin Hao, making a fatal move!

At this time, Lin Hao shook his palm, and the gray airflow in his hand turned into thunder, and it took shape in an instant.

"Let you taste it, Annihilate God Thunder, the full version!"

Lin Hao threw his hand.


The thunder in his hand broke away from the palm of his hand and flew out.

Luo Tong was stunned suddenly, his pupils contracted to a point.


The gray thunder pierced through countless wind blades. After those wind blades were struck by the Thunder God of Oblivion, they all dissipated without exception! Destroyed!

Finally, the annihilation of the divine thunder, with the force of thunder, hit Luo Tong's chest.


A big hole appeared in Luo Tong's chest, and his lower body disappeared.

Luo Tong froze in place.

He only had one head left, staring at the front blankly, his eyes blank.

Lin Hao had not moved when standing still.

"How... maybe..." Luo Tong never thought that he would be killed by such an understatement!

When will the magical thunder be thrown out?


The violent wind blew through Luo Tong's head also disappeared, leaving a trace of remnant soul, which was taken back by Lin Hao.

This strand of remnant soul was used as a proof of mission completion.

Now that his goal has been achieved, there is no need to spend time with Luo Tong.

Lin Hao took a breath and smiled: "The Law of Annihilation breaks through the first stage. Annihilation of the God Thunder has also evolved into a full version."

Lin Hao was in a good mood.

Before, his Divine Annihilation Thunder could only be condensed in the palm of his hand, and could not be released at all!

Now, you can leave your hand, this is a huge leap.

Lin Hao's strength has changed again!

However, the consumption is still as large as before, even larger than before.

The full version of Divine Annihilation Thunder can only be used twice with his current cultivation base, and it will run out of Dao Zezhen Yuan!

"The cultivation base is still not enough, the next step is to break through to the second heaven of the aura! Only by having more true essence to consume!" Lin Hao secretly said.

Lin Hao leaped forward, dragging his severely injured body, and left the battlefield.

At this moment, Lin Hao's expression suddenly condensed, and he quickly cast the phantom of wind and thunder, rushed out, and turned into an inconspicuous little snake, hiding in the sand.

He suppressed his breath to the extreme.

Hidden behind a sand dune.

In Lin Hao's afterglow, I only saw two young figures in the distance flying over.

These two are young and about the same age as him, but they have reached the fourth heaven of Hedao Realm. They are dressed in academy robes and look like they are disciples in the inner courtyard!

The difference is that they are wearing purple galaxy robes, with bright stars carved on their robes!

"Xinghe College, disciple of the inner courtyard."

Lin Hao's pupils shrank, and the atmosphere didn't dare to emerge.

"The inner courtyard disciples of Galaxy College, how come here?" Lin Hao was puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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