Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1205: : Nothingness!

Venerable Yellow Wolf finally gave in.

Lin Hao was secretly relieved when he heard this.

He is not a ruthless person, but facing such a treacherous person, he must act more ruthlessly, more ruthless than him, in order to deter the opponent.

Otherwise, it will only become Lin Hao's weakness and be used by the opponent!

If Lin Hao succumbed this time, next time someone had to deal with Lin Hao, this method would be the first thing the other party thought of!

Lin Hao is burdened with too much.

Venerable Yellow Wolf took out a summons order and shouted: "Let them go! Let them go back to Ten Thousand Demons Academy!"

Venerable Yellow Wolf threw down the summoning order, and said weakly, "Lin Hao, they have been released by me. I can swear that there is no falsehood!"

Dean Golden Lion and Lin Hao looked at each other and nodded slightly.

"In this case, I will capture you back to the Ten Thousand Demons Academy and send you off in the future!"

Dean Golden Lion shook the air and grabbed Venerable Yellow Wolf.

Lin Hao looked at the two venerables of Galaxy Academy, planning to get rid of them.

"Wait! These two people can't be killed yet!" Dean Golden Lion said.

"Why?" Lin Hao wondered.

"They are the venerables of the Galaxy Academy. Once they are known by the Galaxy Academy, the two venerables died in my hands. I am afraid it will be difficult to do good! I can only capture them back and let the Galaxy Academy take the money to redeem them." Long helplessly said.

"You can't even kill?" Lin Hao stared.

"Lin Hao, if our Ten Thousand Demons Academy is strong enough, we can naturally kill them, but now..."

When Dean Golden Lion said this, he sighed deeply, with a deep helpless tone.

Lin Hao slowly shook his head, walked up, and shot the corpse of Taoist Huangshan to death, and entered the Ancestral Dragon Realm.

Dean Golden Lion drew the two venerables of Galaxy College into the palm of his hand.

"Lin Hao, thanks to you being able to solve Dao Huangshan, otherwise, none of these three would show up." Dean Golden Lion smiled.


Lin Hao clasped his fist and said, "It shouldn't be too late, let's go back first, I'm worried that Galaxy Academy will still have fraud!"

"I know!"

Dean Golden Lion took out the wooden spirit boat, and the two of them boarded in the direction of Ten Thousand Demons Academy.

The speed of the wooden spirit boat is so fast, at full speed, it can be reached within half an hour.

At this time, Dean Golden Lion suddenly stood up and came to the bow.

He looked at the sky and said solemnly: "Trouble!"

"What's the matter?" Lin Hao was uncertain.

I saw that the wooden spirit boat returned to its original point after traveling a certain distance.

It's like being caught in a strange circle, no matter what, it can't fly out.

Bluestone Island has always been next to it, and every time it advances a certain distance, it will reappear.

"This is the spatial formation!" Lin Hao solemnly said.

"Yes, if you can arrange this kind of formation, I'm afraid there will be a master!"

Dean Golden Lion looked up.

There was a gloomy laugh in the sky.

"Hahahaha! Dean Golden Lion, in order to save a disciple of the inner courtyard, it's unexpected to bother you to go out in person!"

That laughed.

Dean Golden Lion's face sank and said, "Xu Wuya, since it's here, why bother to pretend to be a ghost!"


Lin Hao's eyes narrowed.

He knows who this person is, the Venerable Wuya back then, Wuya!

This person is a rare master in the Sky Continent, and his cultivation level has reached the Eighth Heaven of Hedao Realm. His strength is in the entire continent and can be ranked in the top 30. He is a person on the Sky Vault!

Such a strong person, even Dean Golden Lion, is definitely not his opponent!

At this moment, in front of the wooden spirit boat, there was a dark shadow, with an unclear appearance, only a pair of purple pupils could be seen, with a grinning evil smile hanging from the corners of his mouth.

What surprised Lin Hao was that this person was wearing the robes of the Galaxy Academy!

"Xu Wuya became a member of Galaxy Academy!" Lin Hao said in surprise.

"President Golden Lion, I didn't think that the venerable of Galaxy Academy would almost fall into your hands! If I hadn't left a hand and arranged the formation here specially, this time I lost a lot!" Xu Wuya sneered.

"What do you want?" Dean Golden Lion gritted his teeth.

"It's very simple, if you hurt the sage of our academy, I will follow the other way and give back to the other body! Bring you back to Galaxy Academy, let your Ten Thousand Demons Academy come to redeem people." Xu Wuya sneered.

Dean Golden Lion's face was instantly pale, losing his blood.

He came to help Lin Hao and defeated the three Venerables, which was already a big profit.

Unexpectedly, a void suddenly appeared!

This is troublesome!

Once Void End appears, all their previous efforts will be vanished! The situation reversed in an instant!

Countless thoughts flashed in Lin Hao's mind, and he vetoed every method.

Both he and Dean Golden Lion knew that it was impossible to request support from the Ten Thousand Demons Academy at this time!

It's too late, it's too late!

Unless it is like Xu Wuya, the formation is arranged in advance, otherwise it will not catch up!

"Humph! It's okay to catch me, Lin Hao is the victim, can you put him back?" Dean Golden Lion snorted coldly.

"No way!"

Xu Wuya yelled, and narrowed his eyes: "I think it's the opposite, you can take Lin Hao, you can let go!"

Lin Hao's pupils shrank to a point in an Why? "The Dean of Golden Lion was completely puzzled: "I am the dean of the outer courtyard, and Lin Hao is just a disciple of the inner courtyard. If I were captured by you, the ransom would naturally be too high. What benefits can Lin Hao bring to you? "

Xu Wuya looked at Lin Hao, smiled slightly, and said, "I'm sorry, I can't answer you this question!"

"But you don't have to fight anymore. With me, neither of you can escape! Hahaha!"

Xu Wuya looked up to the sky and laughed.

Lin Hao's eyes narrowed, and now, he can only do his best to use the Qianshan Bird to fly away, and the thousands of people to disappear!

Such a forbidden move, even the venerable does not know whether it will work, let alone emptiness!

This is an existence thousands of times stronger than the Venerable!

But at this time, he seems to have no other way!

"Lin Hao, I will hold him, you go first!" Dean Golden Lion said.

"Haha! Dean Golden Lion, even if I don't arrest you today, I will arrest him, so don't be foolish!" Xu Wuya laughed.

Right now!

A dark eye appeared above the wooden spirit boat.

"Hahahaha! Interesting and interesting! If you want to take away this miscellaneous lion, I will disdain it, but if you want to take Lin Hao, I will have to intervene!"


A sudden demon laughter resounded through the world, like the most evil voice in the world, making the sky dark, and Wu Wuya's face changed greatly on the spot.


Xu Wuya screamed, and flew out stiffly, blood spurting out from his head up, spilling out.

He stopped in the void, looked around in horror, and exclaimed: "Who! Who is it! Get out of me!"

Dean Golden Lion was completely dumbfounded.

Xu Wuya is the Eighth Heaven of Hedao Realm, who can hurt him?

(End of this chapter)

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