Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1211: : Canghai Danlou

Dean Golden Lion was about to leave. He paused and hesitated: "Lin Hao, are you practicing martial arts in three years of seclusion?"

"Secret!" Lin Hao smiled.

"Okay, I won't ask too much. There are many people in the Middle-earth God's Domain now, don't fall behind!" Dean Golden Lion smiled, and then left here.

Dean Golden Lion delivered the letter personally, and only Lin Hao had this treatment.

Lin Hao returned to the cave and opened the letter.


I saw black magic energy pouring out of the envelope, and a few lines of words lined up in midair.

"Star River Sword Sovereign has a magical skill for divination, which can provide insight into the mystery of the world. I was still found hiding in the Tingfeng Restaurant. Please be careful!"

"I have retired, so do it yourself!"

Lin Hao read these two sentences, and then the devilish energy dissipated, and the letter was automatically turned into nothingness.

"Old Demon Jiuyou was discovered! What is the supernatural power of divination?" Lin Hao fell into thought.

Insight into the mystery of the world, does it mean that Lin Hao's identity will also be exposed?

Chu Xinghe has such supernatural powers, why doesn't he know?

"Maybe I was planted in his hands in a previous life, and I also suffered from the loss of this supernatural power." Lin Hao secretly said.

In this way, he can't be exposed anymore, he must keep a low profile at all times!

But fortunately, today, the geniuses of the Qin Continent are coming out in large numbers, and the heroes are coming together. He has been in seclusion for three years and no one has paid attention to him.

Moreover, such magical powers will inevitably pay a great price when used, and there are many restrictions.

There are positives and there are negatives. The more powerful the supernatural powers, the more restrictions!

What's more, Chu Xinghe's focus has always been above the Venerable, and he didn't bother to pay attention to a small person like him. If it hadn't been for Xu Wuya to be killed last time, Chu would not come out.

"Without leaving the customs for three years, go out today to see what the outside world has become." Lin Hao flew towards the gate.

Wan Yao Academy, inner courtyard.

Lin Hao was walking on the street, and the crowds kept coming and going.

A new pill shop was opened on the side of the street. The business was very good, and many people poured into it.

Lin Hao glanced at the plaque "Canghai Danlou"!

"Canghai Danlou?"

Lin Hao frowned slightly and walked into the Danlou.

In the hall on the first floor of the Dan Building, there are many different kinds of pill, and many disciples in the inner courtyard are buying.

"This Junior Brother, are you here to buy a pill?"

A clear voice came, and Lin Hao saw that she was a student-like girl in blue. She was fresh and beautiful, with a slender figure, and her big eyes were watery, petite and cute.

"Are you the lady boss of this Danlou?" Lin Hao said.

The blue-clothed girl heard the words, her cheek flashed with blush, and said: "No, you misunderstood! My name is Mu Qingqing, I am the maid here."

"Maid?" Lin Hao was even more puzzled.

A disciple of the inner courtyard who is not weak in talent in the Four Heavens of Hedao Realm, is he serving as a maid here?

"Well, the shopkeeper has ordered that I can get 3% of the profit from the sold pills!" Mu Qingqing smiled shyly.

"Qingqing, if this person buys or not, let him go if he doesn't! Don't delay our business!"

At this time, there was an impatient shout from the counter.

Lin Hao looked around and saw a woman in red, standing on the counter to collect the bills.

"It's you?"

The woman in red saw Lin Hao, she was taken aback.

Lin Hao also recognized her.

When he was in the outer courtyard at that time, he went to send medicinal materials to Lin Canghai, who was in the same building as Lin Canghai.

At that time, the woman still mocked him and was taught a lesson by him.

"Oh, it was you!" Lin Hao sneered.

Hong Ling's mouth twitched slightly, she still remembers the humiliation Lin Hao humiliated her three years ago!

"If you don't buy it, get out if you don't buy it!" Hong Ling scolded angrily.

"Are you the shopkeeper here?" Lin Hao smiled.

"So what?" Hong Ling said.

"As far as I know, you have always been disdainful of alchemists and ridiculed Lin Canghai. Why did you sell pills today and named Canghai Pill House?" Lin Hao smiled.

Hong Ling hesitated, gritted his teeth and said: "I want you to control it!"

Lin Hao felt that things were strange at first glance.

The pill on the counter has good color and quality. Judging from the alchemy techniques and the quality of the pill, it is likely that it came from Lin Canghai.

Among them, the most obvious evidence is Dao Dan!

——On the counter in the middle, there is a Dao Dan, as the treasure of the Dan Lou, the price is sky-high!

Except for Lin Canghai, who else on this sky continent will refine Dao Pill?

"These pills are all refined by Lin Canghai!" Lin Hao smiled.

"So what? If it weren't for my help, he would be able to make alchemy and could win such a good appearance? This pill building itself is mine!" Hong Ling said with his arms on his hips Hearing these words, Lin Hao understood something in his heart.

Hong Ling's parents are both venerables in the inner courtyard, and their status is respected!

It was reasonable that Lin Canghai was in charge of alchemy, but this person looked down on the alchemist three years ago, and now he has become a shopkeeper and is really ugly.

"Let me ask, how much can you take?" Lin Hao asked.

Hong Ling sneered and said, "I don't need to bother you, come here!"

"Swish swish..."

Following Hong Ling's loud shout, three disciples from the inner courtyard flew in the dark of the Canghai Danlou. Seeing the battle, they were all the guards of the Danlou.

These three people, without exception, are the four heavens of the Hedao Realm!

"Treasurer, what's your order?" One of them said humanely.

"Clean up this person, expel him from the Danlou, and forbid him to enter!" Hong Ling pointed to Lin Hao.


The three of them took out their weapons and surrounded Lin Hao.

"The shopkeeper, he is just a guest, why do you treat him this way?" Mu Qingqing said quickly.

"Qingqing, this person has some old hatreds with me. If you don't teach him a lesson, it's hard to understand the hatred in my heart!" Hong Ling said.

"But..." Mu Qingqing struggled.

"Qingqing, you are too kind, you didn't see it when he taught me back then!" Hong Ling felt very ashamed when she recalled what happened that day.

At this moment, she was sitting on a chair, with Erlang's legs tilted, watching the three inner courtyard disciples surrounding Lin Hao in an admiring manner.

"The red shopkeeper has an order, get out of the Danlou, do you want to do it yourself or let us do it?" an inner courtyard disciple said coldly.

"Oh? Can the inner courtyard do it casually?" Lin Hao smiled.

"Huh! This is the site of the Red Shopkeeper, what if I hit you?"

After the man said, straight forward, a sword flicked towards Lin Hao's arm.

(End of this chapter)

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