Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1223: : Design calculation

In fact, this is a soul worm egg, invisible and colorless, existing in the form of a soul body!

Humans have souls, monsters have souls, and worms also have them, but the worm’s soul is very weak, hardly audible, let alone worm eggs.

However, there is a way under the sky to have eggs of this form.

That is the secret technique of ghost repair!

Once this kind of soul worm egg is taken into the body, it will hide in the soul and eventually hatch into a soul worm, controlling the soul!

The ghost repairs in the Sky Continent are basically concentrated in the ghost world in the Three Realms. The natural environment of the ghost world is suitable for ghost repairs to survive.

However, as far as Lin Hao knew, there were few sects capable of creating soul worm eggs.

"In any case, the ghost world has to go, but before that, it is better to solve this person first." Lin Hao secretly said.

Lin Hao doesn't know the strength of the man in black for the time being, but he must be a venerable. With the strength of the Golden Lion Dean, he should be able to handle it.

Lin Hao is the only Dean of Golden Lion that can be moved.

After returning to the Ten Thousand Monsters Academy, Lin Hao called Lin Canghai to discuss the matter with the three directors of the Golden Lion.

After hearing about this, Dean Golden Lion fully agreed and wanted to investigate the matter.

"The Dean Golden Lion is the strength of the man in black. I don't know. I'm worried that he still has a hole card. Therefore, I want to ask the Dean to send more helpers." Lin Hao clasped his fist.

"It's easy to say. I have a friend from the rivers and lakes, who is stronger than me. With his help, it is natural to be foolproof!" Dean Golden Lion smiled.

"That's good! Just follow my plan!" Lin Hao said.

"it is good!"

The three nodded.

No one else knew about this matter.

After returning to the inner courtyard, Canghai Danlou was taken back by Lin Canghai.

The Hong Ling party never appeared again.

According to Lin Canghai, he really wanted Hong Ling to open a Danlou here and appointed Hong Ling as the shopkeeper. But now, with Lin Hao's help, Hong Ling is no longer needed.

"Mu Qingqing, you will be the shopkeeper of this Danlou from now on!" Lin Canghai ordered.

"Thank you Lin Dan!" Mu Qingqing was shaking with excitement.

Lin Hao has no time for both of them, and such an errand can only be found in a pleasing to the eye.

In the following days, Lin Canghai was obsessed with alchemy, Lin Hao returned to the secret realm and continued to retreat, waiting for the date to arrive.

Suddenly, a month passed.

According to the agreement of the man in black, today is the day when Lin Hao is poisoned.

Lin Hao and Lin Canghai went to the Tingfeng restaurant for a drink together. While drinking, Lin Hao dripped the liquid in the black bottle.

Lin Hao didn't know who the man in black was, but he was sure that he had eyeliner in this Tingfeng restaurant, staring at his actions.

After eating and drinking, the two went out of Canghai City and came to a place off the beaten track.

This is a valley, absolutely no one can come.

"Lin Hao, why did you bring me to this place?" Lin Canghai asked.

Lin Hao smiled; "You'll know later."

The two waited for a while.

Suddenly, there was a wild laugh from the sky.

"Hahaha! Lin Hao, what a good job! It really made Lin Canghai caught my soul worm!"

The man in black fell from the sky and landed on the ground with a smile on his face.

Lin Canghai immediately showed shock and said, "You are..."

"Lin Canghai, listen, you have been poisoned by this senior, and the time to die has arrived!" Lin Hao said coldly.

Lin Canghai couldn't believe it.

"Impossible, I can't see any poison?!" Lin Canghai said in shock.

"Of course you can't see it. Now that you have a soul worm, I can make you use it for me with a single thought!"

The man in black clenched his fist and said, "Kneel me down!"


Lin Canghai screamed, spouted a mouthful of blood, and lay on the ground.

At this moment, his soul was in pain, as if all insects eroded the bones, and could not bear it.

"Hahaha! Unexpectedly, this famous Lin Dan King will fall into my hands, it is very interesting!" The man in black laughed.

"Lin Hao, do you dare to collude..."

Lin Canghai widened his eyes, rolled his eyes and passed out.

"Lin Canghai will leave it to you. I'm only responsible for bringing people over. If he listens to the order, it's another matter!" Lin Hao said.

"Don't worry, since he is in my hands, I guarantee that he will be loyal and will allow him to return to the Ten Thousand Demons Academy, and the world will not be able to detect it!" The man in black said with a smile.

All this, he was suspicious, because he could feel that the soul worm was inside Lin Canghai.

"That's good!" Lin Hao nodded.

At this time, he looked at the man in black and smiled: "What are my benefits?"


The corners of the black-clothed man's mouth lightly raised, and a sneer appeared.

"What good? Why don't I remember?" The man in black smiled.

Lin Hao suddenly narrowed his eyes.

He knew that this man wanted to go back.

"Don't worry! I'm not going to be unbelievable for a little bit of truth!"

The man in black threw a storage ring.

The golden ring flew in mid-air, and Lin Hao suddenly flicked his finger, hitting a real yuan, and bombarding the ring.


The ring exploded, UU reading www.uukanshu. The black mist in the com rose up and rushed towards Lin Hao violently.

"If you want my things, you will die!"

The man in black grinned and said.

Under the ground, Dean Golden Lion is about to rise into the sky.

Lin Hao suddenly said: "Don't move for now!"


The black mist enveloped Lin Hao, Lin Hao let out a scream, and fell to the ground, covered in blue and purple, and he was very poisonous.

The mist dissipated, and the man in black hung in the air, clutching Lin Canghai, who was unconscious.

"Hahahaha! Two birds with one stone, two birds with one stone, Lin Hao, do you really think I will cooperate with you? It's just using you. Now, the two geniuses of the Ten Thousand Demons Academy are all destroyed by my hands, hahaha!"

The man in black looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

Lin Hao secretly admired this person with a cruel heart and a decisive accident.

"Who on earth... are you?" Lin Hao raised his head difficultly, weakly.

The man in black looked down at Lin Hao and said in a condescending manner: "For the sake of your dying, it's okay to tell you."

"I am the cloud..."

After only one word, the man in black suddenly slammed his palm and hit Lin Hao's forehead.



The ground exploded, and a golden figure resisted Lin Hao and blasted out with a palm.


The earth-shaking sound of shock resounded through the clouds, the wind and clouds rolled, and the mighty wind swept out. The forests of this valley rose up from the ground, the land flew over, and the mountains collapsed.

"There is fraud!"

The black-clothed man's pupils contracted and hurriedly caught Lin Canghai's retreat.

"Where does the villain flee!"

Dean Golden Lion rose from the ground and chased the man in black.

Halfway through the flight, the man in black suddenly felt a sharp sharp edge, pierced towards his face, the speed was reaching the extreme!

(End of this chapter)

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