Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1230: : Soaring Soul Power

"Quick! Three Venerable Ghosts have been refined one after another, and they are about to break through!" Lin Hao secretly said.

The water in the bottle was about to fill up, Lin Hao was still short of his last breath, and his spirit power could smoothly break through the seventh heaven of Hedao realm.

By the way, the Lin family sent people to the Heavenly Soul Sect to inquire everywhere, but did not find any trace of Lin Hao.

Therefore, they could only send someone to station near the Heavenly Soul Sect and observe in secret to see if there is any news about Lin Hao.

All of this, naturally, can't hide the eyes of the high-level Heavenly Soul Sect.

In the depths of the Heavenly Soul Sect, the Sect Master's cave mansion.

"My lord, the Lin family has put a lot of eyeliners in the vicinity of our sect, including Tiancheng and Soul City, and seems to be investigating something." A yellow shirt youth walked in and said respectfully.

Yun Feng touched his beard, and said calmly: "The Lin family has never been against the world. What is this going to do?"

"The subordinates don't know, but it can be vaguely seen that they seem to be looking for someone," the person said.

"Looking for someone?" Yun Feng narrowed his eyes.

"Yes! It may be that the Lin family members are missing. They suspect that it has hit us." The yellow shirt youth hesitated.

"Huh! Watch them closely for me, and report any situation immediately!"


The yellow shirt youth nodded, and then he hesitated: "By the way, Sect Master, our sect has been dying of elders recently. Could it be the Lin family?"

"How many people died?" Yun Feng asked.

"Three people." The yellow shirt youth said.

After hearing this, Yun Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "I will send the Feng Protector to investigate this matter. You will continue to investigate the cause of death of Soul Yusheng and stare at the Lin family by the way."


The yellow shirt youth retired.


Elder Hua hooked up around the Heavenly Soul Sect, and within a day, another elder took the bait. This was an old man.

"Elder Yu, the little girl will take you to a beautiful place. I have several sisters waiting for you!"

"Huh? There is such a good place, take me there!"

The two invited, left the Heavenly Soul Sect, and gradually went away.

Behind them, a majestic man wearing a green armor slowly emerged.

Standing on the roof, this person's figure was very vague, looming, and there was a sound of harsh wind howls.

"Huh! Xiao Huahua, she said she wanted to stay with me a week ago. Now, she dare to steal a man behind my back, and she caught you today!"

The wind protector was staggered and disappeared quietly on the roof.

Lin Hao sat in the valley and took a deep breath, calming down.

"It's just the last step. When today's prey arrives, we will be able to break through the Seventh Heaven of Hedao Realm." Lin Hao secretly said.

His cultivation is only capable of combining Dao Realm's Third Heaven, but his soul power has reached such a level. I have to say that this ghost realm is really a good place.

For Lin Hao, it is a paradise for ordinary people to avoid it!


Lin Hao seemed to feel something, and he left the cave and jumped onto a mountain.

I saw in the distance, two figures riding on a cloud, flying towards this place.

Before arriving, the old man started to pick up his clothes.

"Being old and not respectful." Lin Hao smiled secretly.

"Elder Yu, please be gentle, it's not here yet!"

"Hey, don't worry about so much, let's get things done first!"

"Don't! My sisters are waiting anxiously!"

"Leave the rest alone, let the old man hurt you first."

Before arriving, Lin Hao heard a foul language.

Elder Nayou took down Elder Hua, pressed it on a pile of grass, and started to do it.

"Gang Lei Seal Array!"

Lin Hao slapped both palms, and countless electric arcs sprang out from the ground, like a snake, instantly trapping Elder Yu's limbs.

The electric lights burst into the body of Elder Ju, completely paralyzing him and unable to move.

"Who dare to plot against me!"

Elder Ju roared, and the terrifying soul power turned into a storm, shattering the seal formation.

However, Lin Hao was well prepared and had experience dealing with this group of people before.

At the same moment when the seal formation was broken, Lin Hao urged the formation, and countless transparent blade lights in the sky cut through Elder Yu's body.

Holy Grade Intermediate Soul Skill, Destroyer Sword!


Elder Ju's body was cut into countless pieces, and the Hell Furnace appeared in time, sucking all the pieces into it.

A few seconds after entering the furnace, a pile of soul crystals appeared and was put into the inventory by Lin Hao.

"Hahaha! With these soul crystals, you should be able to break through the last layer and reach the Seventh Heaven of Hedao Realm." Lin Hao secretly surprised.

This elder Hua is really good, and he has got so many ghost repairs with him by relying on the coloring lure technique, which is a great help!

"Reward you!" Lin Hao threw three soul crystals.

"Thank you, sir!" Elder Hua readily took it.

At this moment, Lin Hao's eyes suddenly condensed, and he quickly grabbed Elder Hua, his body dodged like a flash of lightning.

One second after Lin Hao left, the ground he was on was suddenly cut by countless wind blades.


The ground shattered and the whole mountain collapsed and turned into dust.

Lin Hao raised his head, his eyes locked in front of him.

Elder Hua's face turned so scared to death.

"Humph! Little Huahua, it's no wonder you haven't seen me for a week. It turns out that you hooked up a little boy outside."

The figure of the wind protector appeared, wearing a green armor and riding the wind sword, surrounded by a gust of wind, with an amazing aura.

Although it is a ghost repair, the wind protection method is the closest to a normal monk, knowing how to use the wind law!

"No, it's Wind Guardian!" Elder Hua said anxiously.

"Wind Guardian..."

Lin Hao heard what Elder Hua said.

The wind protection method, one of the three protection methods, the cultivation base reached the seventh heaven of Hedao Realm.

It was one level higher than Lin Hao's soul power. Moreover, the wind protection law's wind law reached the fifth level. Even if the power was less than half of the peak period, it was not something Lin Hao could deal with now.

Lin Hao can deal with the elders, and deal with a protector, it seems to be a little bit worse.

"Master Lin, hurry up, he is not something you can handle!" Elder Hua said anxiously.

Hearing this, Protector Feng's face was gloomy and angrily said: "Xiao Huahua, have you even thought about your life for this little white face?"

"Don't worry about it!" Elder Hua said angrily.


The face of the wind guardian became more and more iron.

Lin Hao suddenly smiled and said, "Oh, you still have a leg!"

"Huh! I and Xiao Huahua are in agreement, and they have long been privately determined for life. How can your little white face be comparable." Feng Hufa said coldly.


Hearing this, Lin Hao couldn't help laughing.

He had already noticed that Elder Hua was very coquettish. I don't know how many times there have been secretly, this wind protection law still doesn't know anything.

"Wind Guardian, I suggest you change your name to Green Guardian." Lin Hao smiled.

"Why?" Feng Hufa frowned.

Lin Hao smiled slightly and said, "The green is extremely green!"

(End of this chapter)

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