Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1234: : Enter the Heavenly Soul Sect

"Patriarch Lin, I can't think of you and I are both thunder cultivators, fellow fellows! Depending on your age, you should not be very old, you must have been a genius back then, but unfortunately, just like us, he became a lonely ghost!" Lei The law protector laughed.

"Lao Lei, stop talking nonsense, kill this surnamed Lin first!" Huo Hufa said.

"it is good!"

Guard Lei pulled out two thunder guns from both palms and stab Lin Feng violently. Guardian Fire also took action. Three rings of fire completely surrounded the entire yard, airtight.

The other elders joined forces to build a large formation.

This is the must-kill formation of the Sky Soul Sect, which can shield all perception and make the people in it lose consciousness.

At this moment, Lin Feng's eyes were dark, and he couldn't see anything, and even his spiritual consciousness was greatly affected.


When Tianhunzong besieged Lin Feng.

Lin Hao and the two had already arrived at the foot of the Heavenly Soul Sect Mountain, looking up, the mountain gate was in front of them.

Hua protector said: "My lord, the sect master is out, and the two protectors have gone to the soul city to besiege the Lin family. I can handle the protection of the heavenly soul sect. There may only be one tricky person in the sect."

"Who?" Lin Hao said.

"Previous Sect Master, today's Supreme Elder, Yunya! This person's strength is about the same as Yunfeng, but he failed to reshape his body, became mad and unconscious! He has been imprisoned in a blood prison on weekdays, and will only be released at a crisis. He comes out." Hua protector said.

Failed to reshape the body.

Undoubtedly, Gui Xiu's greatest wish is not to dominate the ghost world, but to become a normal monk.

There are no examples of reshaping the flesh, but there are too few! Without the right methods and resources, most of the forced shaping will fail.

The end is that the soul is wounded and confused!

"Very good! You go to solve the Huzong Great Formation, I will head in!" Lin Hao said.

"Yes!" Flower protector disappeared in place.

Lin Hao looked at the gate of the Heavenly Soul Sect and smiled slightly.

Now, it's time to kill.

It just so happened that he needed murderous aura to cultivate the Hell Demon Eye, so he took the Heavenly Soul Sect first.

Lin Hao walked to the gate of the Sky Soul Sect, and the two guards said, "Who?"

Lin Hao spread his hand, and the Hell Furnace appeared.


The two were sucked in, and with a scream, they turned into soul crystals.

"Listen to the Heavenly Soul Sect! Someone Lin, come to worship the mountain!"

Lin Hao clasped his fists and bowed, holding the Hell Furnace, and jumped into the sect.

Seeing two disciples coming over, he was casually refined into soul crystals.

"No! An enemy broke in!"

"Hurry up and notify the elder!"

There were screams.

Lin Hao slaughtered wildly in the Sky Soul Sect. These people were all exploded with their bodies and became soul bodies. They had to become ghosts, and their strength was very weak!

However, all of them are tonic.

Lin Hao was holding the Hell Furnace in his hand, his swallowing power exploded, sucking a figure into the furnace.

The soul crystal was put in his inventory.

Then, several elders came to the rescue, but they were also easily solved by Lin Hao.

They realized that a master had entered!

"Start the guardian array!"

The crowd shouted.

An old man with a long beard hurried over with the formation in his hand, but just halfway through, the guardian Hua jumped out and shot him to death, and the formation was over.

"No, the formation was taken away by the Flower Guardian!"

"It's over, the big thing is not good!"

"The Flower Guardian has rebelled!"

For a time, the entire Heavenly Soul Sect flew around, screaming and panicking, and countless people fled in a hurry.

Lin Hao is like a black hole, wherever he goes, wherever he swallows, whatever he encounters, he throws it into the furnace of **** for refining.

The melting pot of hell, the melting pot where all life is reincarnated under the legendary hell! All complex objects can be turned into the purest energy!

This is not a simple refinement, but a re-engineering!

In the process of killing, Lin Hao also found that his eyes were condensing murderous intent.

The Eye of Hell has a special requirement, that is, sufficient murderous intent, the more the better! Lin Hao's soul power is enough, the only thing lacking is murderous aura!


When Lin Hao started to kill.

Soul City, in the yard where Lin Feng is.

At this moment, the guard who was with Lin Feng had been killed, and only one Lin Feng remained, struggling to support under the siege of everyone.

With the two guardians, a dozen elders, and their must-kill formation, it is very rare for Lin Feng to survive until now.

"Lin Feng, it's good that the Lin family's master is improper, so I have to find trouble with my Heavenly Soul Sect. This is your own way of death!" Guardian Lei sneered.

"Don't force me!" Lin Feng said angrily.

"Oh? I want to see, what else do you have!" Guardian Lei smiled brightly.

At this moment, everyone's expressions changed.

Protector Lei and Protector Huo took out a summons order and looked at them at the same time, their expressions were extremely flustered.

"Someone attacked the mountain gate!"

"The Flower Guardian rebellion? Usurping the Guardian Array!"

"not good!"

Everyone's complexion changed drastically.

"Lin Feng, you are so brave to send someone to attack my Zongshan Gate!" Lei Hufa angrily said.

Lin Feng was taken aback, when did he send someone to attack the Heavenly Soul Sect?

Even if he had this idea, someone had to go there. Can the shrimp soldiers and crabs of the Lin family attack the Heavenly Soul Sect?

However, he did not deny it either, and said with a smile: "Haha, they have all been ransacked. Why don't you go back and help?"

Guardian Lei and Guardian Huo looked at each other, I am afraid it will take some time to kill Lin Feng.

By that time, I'm afraid the family will be gone!


The crowd withdrew the formation, quickly left the soul city and flew in the direction of the heavenly soul sect.

Lin Feng smiled slightly and followed behind, planning to see the excitement.


In the Heavenly Soul Sect.

Lin Hao went all the way to kill, destroying countless houses, and his murderous aura became more and more intense.

Unconsciously, he walked to the top of the mountain.

In front is the core hall of the Heavenly Soul Sect, the perennial residence of the Sect Master.


Suddenly, a roar like a beast came.

A blood-robed figure jumped up from the front and landed at the entrance of the hall. There were two chains hanging on this person, which had just been cut off.

"Who! Who is presumptuous in my clan!"

The blood-robed figure has a hideous glaring forward.

"Elder Supreme, this person wants to destroy my Heavenly Soul Sect, you must kill this person!"

"Yeah, kill him!"

Two elders in the distance spoke in horror.

Lin Hao inhaled casually, sucking the two into the Hell Furnace, where they were refined.

The blood-robed figure in front of him did not react at all, but his eyes were fierce, as if he wanted to tear Lin Hao into pieces.

"This is the devil's Supreme Elder, Yunya." Lin Hao secretly said.

Yunya gulped, his body turned red, like a mad beast, the ground was cracked by the terrifying murderous aura, and the space was slightly distorted.

It can be seen that under the blood robe, his body is mostly illusory, but his legs are real.

This shows that in the process of reshaping his body, his legs have been shaped, and he has a strange union with his soul.

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