Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1253: : Surprise joy

Now, the whole world is asking who he is.

People who were previously unknown, suddenly appeared without warning, which made everyone feel baffled.

That night, the wave of fierce beasts struck again, and everyone returned to the towers of the holy city to fight the wave of fierce beasts.

Lin Hao practiced for two days and two nights, and finally at noon on the third day, there was a roar in his body, and the vast true essence was integrated into every inch of flesh and blood.

At this point, he broke through to the Four Heavens of Hedao Realm.

The difference between the triple heaven and the fourth heaven of the Hedao realm is the difference between the early and middle stages, one heaven and one earth!

This is a big leap!

However, for Lin Hao, who was already strong enough, this improvement was just drizzle.

With his strength, if he wants to improve, he must break through three times in a row in his cultivation base! Either complete the cultivation of the eyes of hell! Or, complete the Taixuan sword!

"The higher you climb, the more difficult it will be if you want to make progress!" Lin Hao said with emotion.

He left the secret realm and returned to the room.

I don't know if the culprit is gone in three days!

However, with Lin Hao's current strength, even if he is met by the master of the profound path, he can still retreat!

I'm afraid that he can't kill the profound master of the ghost, but instead stuns the snake, attracting attention!

What he was most worried about was being noticed by Chu Xinghe, who specifically investigated him!

Therefore, the next time you meet the master of the profound path, you must kill him! Don't let him have the opportunity to whistle!

Lin Hao left the city lord's mansion and walked on the street.

He was stunned for a moment without taking a few steps.

His spiritual consciousness suddenly swept to the Tingfeng Restaurant, a jade stele at the door.

"The Heavenly Kings List, I almost forgot! Before the Tri-Academy Conference opens, Tingfeng Restaurant will list a Heavenly Kings List!"

Lin Hao was shocked and ran to the Tingfeng restaurant.

"No. 1 on the Heavenly Kings List, Lin Hao!"

"Second, Chu Chunqiu!"

"Third, mystery!"

"Fourth, Zhang Kunlun!"

"Fifth, Long You!"


Lin Hao scanned the names one by one, and instantly realized that something was wrong.

For others, this is a good opportunity to become famous, he doesn't think so!

In comparison, he didn't want to be famous at all!

"As soon as the Triad Meeting is over, I will leave the Ten Thousand Demons Academy, go incognito, make a new face, and not live until the Immortal Lord!" Lin Hao made up his mind.

He already knew that this disaster could not be avoided!

After he has won the first place in the three hospitals and obtained enough resources, he will leave immediately, without leaving a moment!

Lin Hao took a deep breath, soared to the sky, and jumped onto the tower.

At this moment, the tide of fierce beasts from the outside reappeared, overwhelming and endless, with no end in sight.

Lin Hao flew to the east of the holy city wall.

It seems that this area to the east is guarded by the disciples of Galaxy Academy.

However, when Lin Hao arrived, he did not see the Four King Kongs, only a red-haired girl sitting on a chair with her legs crossed, holding a crossbow in her hand, constantly shooting.

Every arrow can shoot a fierce beast.

A group of people around him yelled out loud, flattering.

"Why is the Four King Kong gone and replaced by a woman?" Lin Hao frowned slightly.

He caught someone casually and asked, "Where are Ma De, Hou Lin, and Liu Jin?"

"Are you looking for the Four King Kong?" This person was puzzled.

"Not bad!" Lin Hao said.

"I don't know, it seems that I went to experience in the tide of fierce beasts!" This humanity.

Lin Hao narrowed his eyes.

Go to experience in the tide of beasts? With so many beasts, where can I find it? Is it possible for him to go in personally and search piece by piece?

He regretted it a little bit. He knew that he should have killed Ma De and snatched his quenching liquid.

"What are you looking for for the Four King Kong?"

When Lin Hao was hesitating, there was a grunt from the side of the tower.

Lin Hao glanced intently and saw that she was a woman in a galaxy robe, with a fiery figure, red hair, and an indescribable evil charm.

It was the woman who stayed on the tower and kept shooting arrows.

"Who are you?" Lin Hao asked.

"You don't even know me?"

The red-haired woman with hands on hips smiled and said: "Introduce myself, my name is Liu Yu! After seeing me, don't you kneel down?"

Lin Hao has never heard of it.

"I saw Miss Liu, why don't you bow your head and salute?"

Shouted a group of people around Liu Yu.

Lin Hao narrowed his eyes and said, "Why do I have to bow my head when I see her?"

"Haha! This is the rule set by Miss Liu. Except for the voluntary ones of my Galaxy College disciples, everyone else has to salute when they see it!" the crowd shouted.

At this time, Liu Yu's eyes burst out with a strange glow, reflected in Lin Hao's pupils.

This is a seduction technique that can make people involuntarily surrender!

However, Lin Hao's soul power has already reached the peak of the Seventh Heaven in the Awakening Realm. How could it be affected by this?

Seeing Lin Hao's delay in responding, Liu Yu's face was cold, and he turned into anger from anger, and said coldly, "Kneel me down!"

With that, she raised an arrow in her hand and shot it towards Lin Hao's knee.

Lin Hao disappeared in an instant, and arrived in front of Liu Yu almost in the blink of an eye.

He broke through the guardianship of dozens of people, with a big hand, pinched Liu Yu's neck and lifted her up.

"You..." Liu Yu was stunned.

She never thought that someone would pinch her.

The others were also dumbfounded. This is their little princess, who dares to deal with him like this!

"You, you let me go, I'm Liu Jin's younger sister, my brother will kill you!" Liu Yu's face was grim and he shouted.

Liu Yu was pampered since she was a child and grew up under Liu Jin's care. When did she suffer such humiliation? This made her almost collapse!

"Quickly let go of Miss, let her go!"

"Let her go, or Liu Jin will kill you!"

The crowd on the side also shouted.

Who knows, when Lin Hao heard the word "Liu Jin", instead of panicking, he was overjoyed.

"Hahaha!" Lin Hao laughed wildly.

He was worried that he couldn't find Liu Jin and others. Who knew that a sister of Liu Jin came out, which was really a surprise!

He put down Liu Yu and said with a smile: "Within one stick of incense, let Liu Jin, Ma De, and Na Hou Lin, the three of them come back immediately, otherwise, after a breath, he cut off a finger! "

When Lin Hao put Liu Yu down, everyone thought he was subdued.

Who knows, the next sentence stunned everyone.

"What did you say?" Liu Yu asked in surprise.

"Call him back soon!"

Lin Hao slapped it out.

Liu Yu suffered a heavy blow to his immediately, his teeth burst, his face was smashed, and he spun countless times in the air, and fell to the top of the tower, his breath dying.

Everyone was stunned.

"Yes! I'll call my brother over!"

Liu Yu didn't dare to hesitate anymore, and sent out a message to Liu Jin after taking out a subpoena.


At this moment, the west of the holy city.

Outside the tower, Ye Wenlong was fighting a liger and beast.

Suddenly, a cold wind hit behind him, and Ye Wenlong turned his head back like a conditioned reflex, but he heard a "choking" sound.


With a loud shout, Liu Jin hit Ye Wenlong's back and knocked him out.

(End of this chapter)

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