Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1260: : Lin Hao exits

A genius remembers the site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads!? "Lin Canghai, what do you think, what should you do next?" Lin Hao asked with a smile.

Lin Canghai replied without hesitation: "Master, the disciple knows his mistake. The previous disciple was eager to perform and won the title of King Pill, but he attracted endless murderous intentions! Next, the disciple will pretend not to recover and keep a low profile..."

"No need!" Lin Hao suddenly said, "Next, you will practice alchemy in Canghai City in public, and use your strongest strength to regain your reputation!"

Lin Hao's answer was completely unexpected.

Even Lin Canghai couldn't help being taken aback.

This is not in line with Lin Hao's style!

However, he didn't think too much, and nodded: "Remember Master's teaching!"

The news of Lin Canghai's awakening also spread to the entire Canghai City at a storm-like speed, and even the major first-class forces in the Middle-earth God's Domain received the news at the same time.

King Lin Dan, that's a hot red man! Who doesn't want to win?

However, it was heard that his soul was injured and the power of the soul no longer existed, which made many people gloat.

After Lin Canghai returned, he immediately received an invitation from the Alchemist Guild!

Said to pick up the dust for him!

He was very clear that when he said that he was picking up the wind and washing the dust, he was actually exploring the truth!

Lin Canghai thought of Lin Hao's instructions and happily attended the appointment!


Three days later, the Alchemy Masters Guild, set a feast!

Today is the day when King Lin Dan wakes up!

Many forces have sent masters to congratulate!

Of course, congratulations are on the surface, in fact, they are still inquiring about the alchemy level of King Lin Dan, is still there!

If not, there is no need to make friends!

"Haha! It's really gratifying that King Lin Dan woke up today!"

"King Lin Dan is a young man, and he will return today!"

"I wonder if King Lin Dan's current alchemy has improved?"

Alchemy Master Guild, all kinds of people gathered together and looked at it with a smile.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Lin Canghai.

Most people come to see jokes!

Among them, there are spies from Galaxy College.

Lin Canghai stood up and said with a smile: "Since everyone is very curious, let me show you everything!"

With a wave of his hand, a large cauldron automatically gathered in his palm.

Immediately, the thundering pill burst into flames, flooding the medicine cauldron!

A few minutes later, a Dao Dan was born, and its quality was even better than before.

The audience was shocked!

Rumors are self-defeating!


In the depths of Galaxy College, inside a cave.

In this cave mansion, nothing can be seen, only five pairs of eyes, arranged in five corners.

This is the dark guard of Galaxy Academy, where the meeting is held!

"Gui Xuan Hidden Guard, what the **** did it happen, even a Lin Canghai cannot solve it?"

"What a bastard, didn't he say that Lin Canghai has been abolished? Is this what he said is abolished?"

"Asshole, it's unreasonable!"

Everyone was swearing.

As early as half a year ago, Master Guixuan said that Lin Canghai would become a big threat and he had to start before his wings became full!

Later, what Lin Canghai became a waste was nothing to worry about! But the result? Alchemy does not decrease but increases. Is this not a cause for concern?

"By the way, is there any news about Ghost Profound Guardian?"

"Not so far!"

"Should you not run away?"

Everyone discussed.

Suddenly, a pair of purple pupils in the lead said: "The last time he appeared was in the holy city of life and death, to deal with a man named Lin Hao, there was no news after that!"

"Huangquan Secret Guard, you took the initiative to ask Ying to assist the Ghost Profound Guard. Only you should know his situation!"

All eyes are looking towards the same corner.

In that corner, sitting a thick black shadow, a pair of eyes are particularly bright.

After a moment of silence, Venerable Huang Quan snorted and said: "Yes! At that time, I actively requested to assist the Ghost Profound Guard. However, I searched the life and death world for a whole month and did not see the Ghost Profound Guard."


The first pair of purple pupils let out a doubt.

"However, I got an amazing news. I learned from the population that the four King Kong in our hospital were killed by a vague figure!"

Venerable Huang Quan said coldly.


There was a sound of shock from the audience.

The death of the Four King Kong has always been a scar of Galaxy Academy! So far they are investigating who killed the Four King Kong!

Now, Venerable Huangquan said that the four great diamonds might have been killed by the master of the profound path!

"What's the matter?" Zitong asked.

Next, Venerable Huang Quan began to tell.

It is said that the three of Ma De, provoked by a strange man, chased them into the beast tide! As a result, a vague figure was killed, killing all three of them!

These conditions can be asked, and there is nothing wrong with it!

The audience was silent.

"I suspect that the ghost mysterious guard went to the holy city not to deal with Lin Hao, but to deal with the Four King Kong!" Venerable Huang Quan said.

"Huh! I said it a long time ago, Ghost Profound Guardian's whereabouts are suspicious, and he has failed to deal with a Lin Canghai. Maybe he is not our secret guard at all! His heart must be different!"

Another dark guard also coldly snorted This makes sense!

The previous mission of Master Guixuan Dao was to deal with Lin Canghai, but he kept saying that it was completed. What happened?

In the past few days, Lin Canghai has returned to the world, and his alchemy has not retreated but advanced, and his reputation is better than ever!

Later, the ghost master said that Lin Hao was a big threat and he wanted to go to the holy city to deal with Lin Hao!

No news after that!

Instead, the four King Kong experienced in the Holy City, each of their soul cards burst, and died inexplicably!

"So, what about Lin Hao?" Zitong asked.

Venerable Huang Quan continued: "As for Lin Hao, his name disappeared from the list of heavenly kings, and he is either dead or abolished. It is nothing to worry about!"

Everyone glanced at each other and nodded slightly.

In fact, if Lin Hao continues to stay at the top of the list of heavenly kings, even if the Ghost Profound Dao Master doesn't say anything, the dark guard will take action! Look at Lin Hao's reality!

However, since Lin Hao's name has already been placed on the Heavenly Kings List, just ignore it!

"In my opinion, it has become a fact that the Ghost Profound Guard has defected, so why don't you go all-out to hunt down the Ghost Profound Dao Chief?" Venerable Huang Quan suggested.

Everyone's eyes turned to the headed Zitong people.

The atmosphere was silent for about a stick of incense.

The person from Zitong slowly said: "Master Dean specially ordered that he has entered a critical moment and will not tolerate others to disturb. These little things, our secret guards must deal with them!"

"Now, go all out to hunt down the ghost and profound Daoist chief, about Lin Canghai, wait for the conclusion of the three-house meeting, and then make a final conclusion!"


Within the holy city.

The animal tide that has lasted for nearly three months is also gradually receding.

Although there are fierce beasts besieging from time to time outside, but the number is far less than that of the beast tide period.

At this moment, Lin Hao left the secret realm.

His recovery is smoother than expected.

(End of this chapter)

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