Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1269: : Severe situation

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads!? "What's going on? What happened just now!"

"I haven't seen it clearly!"

"It seems that the camera has turned to Chu Chunqiu's side!"

"Lin Hao stood still and didn't move, how could he defeat those two people!"

The audience was dumbfounded.

Since there was only one screen and couldn't take care of all the battles, Xiao Changfeng just moved the screen to Chu Chunqiu's side.

Lin Hao didn't see it here.

When Chu Chunqiu resolved his opponent, he took a breath, and Lin Hao was faster here!

Only Xiao Changfeng knew what happened just now.

Lin Hao did not move!

"Chairman Xiao, what's the matter?" Elder Xuanfeng was a little unhappy.

Xiao Changfeng spread his hands: "The two are crazy, and I don't know what happened."

"This..." Elder Xuanfeng was furious.

It's simply unreasonable, they were the first time they encountered a disciple of the Galaxy Academy and was defeated!

But soon, another disciple of Galaxy Academy was defeated!

As soon as the picture turned, Ye Wenlong's sword was shaking, sending out the three disciples of the Galaxy Academy.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

The three were teleported out, lying on the ground, unconscious.

In the Galaxy Academy, someone immediately went up and brought back the three people who were unconscious.

"By the way, Zhou Tianhua and Wu Hao, since they were defeated by Lin Hao, why didn't they send it out?" Xuan Feng asked.

Xiao Changfeng didn't know how to explain.

Because, Zhou Tianhua and Wu Hao had no wounds!

It's like being crazy!


And at this moment--

"Puff!" "Puff!"

The law of annihilation swayed out, and Zhou Tianhua and Wu Hao turned into ashes directly.

Lin Hao collected the storage rings of the two of them, and found five integral stones from them.

Look up at the sky.

"Galaxy College: 352 points."

"Ten Thousand Demons Academy: 98 points."

"Sky Academy: 81 points."

Lin Hao secretly said: "Sure enough, there is still a big gap between three thousand people and one thousand people."

Three thousand people came to Galaxy Academy, and their average strength was much better than that of Wan Yao Academy!

The number of integral stones actually exceeded three times, and Lin Hao alone couldn't make up for it.

This is still in his hands, because of the fifty point stone.

Otherwise, the Ten Thousand Demons Academy will only have less than fifty points, which is the bottom!

He alone contributed half of the points of the Ten Thousand Demons Academy!

"..." Lin Hao shook his head, wondering what to say.

However, team points determine the interests of the college!

No matter how bad, there is the second round of the ring, he can also get the personal first place!

In short, a thousand illusions, he is bound to win!

At this time, Lin Hao suddenly thought that Xiao Changfeng reminded that at the last hour of the third day, the area of ​​the secret realm would shrink!

Moreover, all the integral stones will become particularly conspicuous!

At that time, it will be the time to test the strength, maybe there will be changes!

Lin Hao continued to search for the integral stone.

When Lin Hao searched for the points stone, something eye-catching happened in the secret realm.

Long You, fourth on the Heavenly Kings List, was besieged by a large group of people from the Galaxy Academy, including two Heavenly Kings masters.

Third on the list of kings of heaven, Zhang Kunlun! The ninth king of heaven, Ji Dong!

In addition to the other inner court disciples, there are 13 people in total.

"Look, Long You is besieged!"

"He is miserable now!"

Outside, the crowd onlookers commented.

"Haha, Golden Retriever Lion, less than an hour from the beginning, your strongest Long You is about to die, how does it feel?"

Elder Xuanfeng laughed.

Dean Golden Lion's face was extremely ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Humph! Even if Long You loses, he can drag him into the water!"

"Attention, I mean, Long You will die, he can't send it out at all!" Xuan Feng smiled.

"What did you say?" Dean Golden Lion was furious.

At this time, the battle on the screen has begun.

However, the process was unexpected.

I saw Long You incarnate as a huge black hole, and countless small black holes appeared on all sides of his body, projecting out like cannonballs.

"Shoo, hoo..."

The black hole shot out, and the disciples of the Galaxy College one after another were sucked into the black hole, with no bones left.

Zhang Kunlun, the third on the list of kings of heaven, used his mastery of Kunlun swordsmanship, but the sword light stabbed on the black hole, as if hitting a pool of sponge, even the waves.

The same is true for Ji Dong. No matter how fast her speed is, she will be swallowed by the true essence as long as she approaches the black hole. After a few breaths, her face pales and she retreats.

The two tried various methods, but the most powerful moves were quickly absorbed when facing a black hole.

Seeing the black hole getting bigger and bigger, the two looked alarmed.

"How is it possible, why is Long You so strong?"

"The situation is not good, withdraw quickly!"

The two evacuated hurriedly and disappeared.

The audience was in an uproar!

Even Dean Golden Lion could not have imagined that Long You was so strong! He was only fourth on the list of heavenly kings, and even the third and ninth siege were held!

"Venerable Huang Quan, the person you are talking about is Long You?" Dean Golden Lion asked in surprise.

Venerable Huang Quan was also stunned, not knowing that Long You actually had this method.

"Bastard!" Elder Xuanfeng suddenly furious.


At this moment, after Ji Dong and Zhang Kunlun escaped, the black hole disappeared.

Long You appeared in place.

At this time, Long You had already changed into the form of a flood, limp on the ground like a rotten rope, with an inaudible breath.

At this time, anyone who comes here can kill him.

"Damn it! Forcing me to use forbidden technique, it seems to be low-key!"

Long You collected the many integral stones, then dug a hole, drilled into the ground, and disappeared.


At this time, battles are happening almost anytime.

As long as you meet the disciples of the Galaxy Academy, you can't escape death, and the difference in strength is vividly reflected.

They discovered that the disciples of the Galaxy Academy seemed to have cultivated a soul skill that could make people lose their minds. Taking advantage of the chance of losing their minds, they could kill the target with a single blow, even too late to crush the jade medal.

In this way, just an hour later, a hundred people from the Sky Academy died, and even two hundred from the Ten Thousand Demon Academy died!

At this speed, I am afraid that it will die in one day.

Dean Golden Lion's face became more and more ugly.

Elder Xuanfeng sneered, very proud, his previous anger was wiped out.

After all, no matter how strong Long You is, he will be alone, and he will hide afterwards!

They Galaxy Academy, but all of them are masters.

"Golden Retriever Lion, how does it feel? Is it heartache!" Xuan Feng mocked.

"You despicable people!" Dean Golden Lion said angrily.

"The winner is because your disciple is too weak, haha!" Xuanfeng laughed.

At this time, the purple pupil behind him said indifferently: "Xuanfeng, this is only part of the plan, don't be too public."

"Yes." Xuan Feng nodded.

At the Academy of the Sky, Venerable Crazy Dragon said with a heavy face: "We have to guard against the wolf ambition of the Galaxy Academy!"

"Elder Guixuan was killed by them! I always feel that something big will happen in this three-house meeting!" Venerable Fire Phoenix said solemnly.


(End of this chapter)

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