Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1280: : Watching your performance quietly

Within Lin Hao, the terrifying true essence swept out vastly, within a radius of thousands of miles, it had completely disappeared and turned into a pure sea of ​​thunder and lightning!

The thunder on the ground, like a spider web, entangles every inch of space! And in the sky, there was no thundercloud, it turned out to be pure purple liquid!

This is the formation he arranged! His previous life signature formation!

Destroy the world thunder formation! ? Relying on this formation, he will destroy a seven-star empire! Kill countless first-rate sects! Once killed three immortals!

It is precisely because of this formation that he has the power to destroy the heavens and the earth, and he was awarded the title, Destroy the World Thunder Lord!

Seeing this situation, Chu Xinghe's eyes suddenly widened, and there was a storm in his heart.

"This is... the formation of World Exterminating Thunder Venerable! How is this possible?!"

At this moment, a trace of panic appeared on Chu Xinghe's face.

It's been a long time since he had such an expression!

This is not because of his lack of strength, but the formation in front of him, awakening the fear hidden deep in his heart!

That is his taboo!

A taboo that was not mentioned to anyone, except for the three people at the time of the incident, no fourth person knew!

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

As if sensing Chu Xinghe's emotions, Chu Chunqiu quickly shouted.

Chu Xinghe solemnly said: "Disciple, you fall asleep first, and the rest of it has nothing to do with you!"

Chu Xinghe slapped his palm on his forehead.

At this moment, Chu Chunqiu's soul fell into a deep sleep.

This physical body was completely controlled by Chu Xinghe!

At this moment, there is already an uproar in the outside world!

"What's going on? Looking at this situation, Lin Hao seems to control the means of destroying the world Lei Zun!"

"World Exterminating Lei Zun, isn't that the master of Galaxy Sword Zun?"

"Could it be that they are brothers in the same discipline?"

Everyone in the outside world exclaimed.

Even Xuanfeng and Zitong people from Galaxy College felt that things were a little bit unexpected!

Chu Xinghe has always respected his teacher, and if he is a fellow student, the result is really hard to tell!

After Chu Chunqiu fell asleep, Chu Xinghe took a few deep breaths to suppress the inner shock.

At this time, he looked at Lin Hao, his eyes flickering for a moment, his expression suddenly changed.

That kind of gloomy killing intent disappeared, and he asked with doubts: "Lin Hao, what is going on? How can you know my master's formation!"

"Hahaha!" Lin Hao laughed wildly: "Master? Do you still have the face to call him Master?"

"My master killed Lei Zun and was killed by three treacherous men. I have killed one person, sealed one person, and am avenging him!" Chu Xinghe said indignantly.

"If you are the descendant of my master, then it is my junior. This is purely a misunderstanding! There is no need to fight!" Chu Xinghe said earnestly.

After Lin Hao heard this, he almost laughed out of anger.

At this time, still pretending?

Isn't it that you colluded with the three great immortals and killed him together?

"Oh?" Lin Hao raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Tell me, how did your master die back then?"

Lin Hao was very curious, what would this person say!


Chu Xinghe sighed and said, "Back then, the master and the demon lord were exhausted after beheading the demon lord. Who knows, that Nine Nether Demon Venerable actually colluded with the two masters of the King Kong Buddha and the Wuji Tianzun. Join forces to besie my master! Kill my master!"

"Fortunately, before he died, he told me the name of the murderer. I sealed Jiuyou and killed King Kong. I am currently tracing the whereabouts of Wuji Tianzun."

Chu Xinghe was heartbroken.

"It's a pity that the inheritance of my master is lost. I don't know where it is. I'm also searching hard."

"Fortunately, let me meet you, the younger brother, do you know, where is the inheritance of the old man from the master?"

Chu Xinghe looked at Lin Hao with gleaming eyes, excited.

It's hard to imagine that before I had to shout and scream at Lin Hao, the next moment, it became this kind of picture!

Lin Hao knew from a glance that Chu Xinghe was still thinking about the six heavenly wheels.

The beast who deceived the master and killed the ancestor! He even pretended to be a poignant appearance, as well as to make up a lie to deceive him!

There is such a shameless person in the world!

He knew that outsiders were watching this, and Chu Xinghe did not dare to tear his face immediately!

Otherwise, I would have done it long ago!

"Hehe, why did I hear Jiuyou Demon Lord say that you killed the master?" Lin Hao sneered.

"Don't listen to him nonsense, why would I act against my master?"

Chu Xinghe immediately changed his expression, gritted his teeth and retorted: "The Jiuyou Demon's head was sealed by me, and he has a life and death feud with me. It is too normal for him to slander me, don't believe it!"

Lin Hao smiled slightly, his face was joking, his eyes looked like he was watching a clown performing.

I have to admit that Chu Xinghe's acting skills are very good, and he won the true story.

If Lin Hao is just an ordinary inheritor, he might still believe it!

It's a pity that Lin Hao is Lei Zun himself!

"Little Junior Brother, don't you believe me?" Chu Xinghe stared.

Lin Hao thought a little, then nodded suddenly.

"I believe it! Of course I believe in you, the death of World Exterminating Lei Zun was originally a mystery! Now you have solved it, but I have a knot in my heart." Lin Hao smiled.

"That's good! This **** Jiuyou Demon, he actually provokes our relationship, Junior Brother, next time you see him, you must not ask the right and wrong, and kill!" Chu Xinghe said righteously.

? "Good!" Lin Hao smiled.

At this time, Chu Xinghe grinned and said, "Lin Hao, can you tell me what the master has taught you?"

"Well, let me think about it..." Lin Hao touched his chin, lost in thought.

Chu Xinghe waited patiently, and there was an imperceptible haze in his eyes.

Just at this time!

suddenly! The ground exploded under his feet, and a bright purple thunder skyrocketed from the ground and hit directly below him.


Chu Xinghe was blasted into the sky, thunder exploded in his body, his body was directly turned into a pile of coke, and the meridians in his body were completely burned in an instant.

This physical body is dead!

I saw a coke-like figure floating in the air, and the black hole eyes were still in a dull state.

After a while, he glared at Lin Hao, and said in anger: "You, are you plotting against me?"

"Brother! My master told me that after seeing you, if you don't ask right or wrong, you can kill with a sword! So just now I just played with you! You got too deep into the drama!"

Lin Hao smiled.

Chu Xinghe was furious instantly.

With his steady state of mind, Rao also felt that he couldn't stand it anymore!

After doing it for a long time, Lin Hao told him that for so long, they were all acting!

In Lin Hao's eyes, I am afraid he is just a clown! Watch his performance quietly! In the end, while he was not paying attention, he was counted out! Almost never thundered him to death!

At this moment, Chu Xinghe's expression was completely gloomy, and the cold killing intent appeared again, stronger than before!

? "Lin Hao, do you really think that you will be my opponent if you have obtained the inheritance of the Lei Zun of World Destruction?"

"I'm telling you! The things that destroy the world Lei Zun will always be mine! I am his disciple!"

Chu Xinghe roared and tapped his fingertips.

At this moment, the whole world of UU reading changed instantly.

In the sky and underground, in the bright thunder sea, dense blue and purple stars appeared, dotted in the thunder sea, like pearls.

After the purple stars appeared, the boundless sea of ​​thunder was suppressed to retreat.

It can be seen that on Chu Xinghe's scorched body, the endless spots of stars have been absorbed by him.

"Nine Sky Star Divine Art! Unexpectedly, he has already cultivated such a technique to such a level! Even the divine mind can exert such power!" Lin Hao secretly said.

Seeing Chu Xinghe held his palm, all the stars burst out with bright purple brilliance, and every brilliance represented sharp sword energy, which was unstoppable!

"Lin Hao! Toast and not eat fine wine, you **** my master's treasure, and make friends with the murderer Jiuyou Demon Venerable! Deceive the master and destroy the ancestor! The sin is not to be blamed!"

Chu Xinghe held the sword qi in his hand and said righteously: "Today, I will clean up the door for the teacher!"


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