Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 148: : God-level martial arts, toad gong!

Behind the secret door is a long tunnel that leads directly to the depths underground.

Lin Hao kept crawling down, turning on his divine consciousness with all his strength, and the Escape Talisman was also ready at any time, and would retreat whenever something went wrong.

Gradually, Lin Hao had already followed the tunnel, crawled into the ground, and came to a dark hall.

Three statues were built in the main hall.

——These three statues are all toads.

On the right is a toad in armor and a golden crown.

On the left is a toad with a frog holding a sword.

The toad in the middle, with the word "oil" written on his forehead, is wearing a commoner, and his expression seems a little - wretched?

Lin Hao's divine consciousness probed, but found nothing, as if it were just three ordinary stone statues, without any special features.

He thought it was a heritage statue, a **** or something, but it was just three ordinary stone statues, which made him very speechless.

"What the hell?"

Lin Hao shook his head and threw his tail abruptly, hitting the toad statue on the far right.

"Boom!" The statue was smashed instantly.

Seeing that the statue was destroyed so easily, Lin Hao felt even more disdainful.

"I thought it was a terrific inheritance. It turned out that you cultivated for self-entertainment!"

Lin Hao threw his tail out again, and the toad statue on the left was also shattered.

When he came to the middle, looking at the toad with a wretched expression, Lin Hao thought for a while and threw his tail up.

Suddenly, the toad statue changed, and his big mouth slowly opened.

"Huh?" Lin Hao was taken aback and stopped.

At this time, a jade slip spit out from the toad's mouth and fell to the ground.

"There is something!" Lin Hao rushed over and picked up the jade slip.

His spiritual sense penetrated the jade slip, and a lot of information appeared in his mind.

"God-level martial arts, toad gong! This is the most proud move created by my toad immortal. It condenses the true essence on the cheeks, bursts out, rushes out of a hundred miles, and goes straight through the Changhong, even if the crust can be broken through! "

After a brief introduction, a lot of information flooded into my mind.

After a while, Lin Hao opened his eyes.

"God-level martial arts, toad gong?"

Lin Hao sneered, throwing his tail out, and smashed the toad statue with a wretched expression in the middle.

So far, all three statues have been broken!

Lin Hao looked at the so-called "God-level martial arts", and it was purely a self-proclaimed god-level.

The martial arts is divided into three levels of heaven, earth and human, the upper, middle and lower grades. For the time being, whether there is a **** level or not, it is not this kind of power.

Toad Kung's power is almost intermediate-level, and it's a good ultimate move, and Lin Hao can also learn it.

The reason why this statue was broken is purely because the toad immortal is not pleasing to the eye.

Only by reaching the Hedao realm can one be qualified to be called an immortal. What kind of ghost is this toad immortal? Lin Hao knew almost all the cultivators of the Hedao realm in the whole continent, and had never heard of a toad immortal.

"The toad skill is not bad, it is suitable for the cultivation of amphibians and monsters, and can be taken back and taught to the snake clan." Lin Hao secretly said.

He tried to condense the true essence on both sides of his cheeks, suddenly bulging, like two bubbles.

"Toad Gong!"

Lin Hao released his true essence and rushed out with a straight body, piercing the wall with a "boom", directly penetrating two hundred meters deep!

Lin Hao climbed out of the deep hole. Although his power was good, he always felt that this toad skill was not suitable for the snake to practice.

Toad’s cheeks can be bulged very big, but snakes can’t do that. As a result, the power of toad art is greatly reduced, which is less than half of the original.

"I have to find a way to reform it." Lin Hao thought secretly.

He is the reincarnation of the Immortal Venerable, and he has created countless martial arts and martial arts, but after being reborn as a monster, he has never created a martial arts.

One is that he doesn't understand the body structure of monster beasts, and the other is that he knows too little monster beast martial arts, and there is no reference template, which is completely blank.

But now, he has learned a lot of monster martial arts, and he can completely transform a brand new monster martial arts based on toad skills!

Lin Hao immediately began to try.


Time slowly passed.

After an hour passed, Lin Hao had undergone several trials and martial arts had taken shape.

He no longer condenses the true essence to his cheeks, but condenses it under his abdomen, making the snake's belly bulge.

The snake's belly is very large, and the flesh is flexible, and can swallow prey that is several times larger than himself. This is his advantage.

The advantage of toad is that it can bulge the cheeks. This is the similarity between the two.

The principle of toad power is to expand the breath to the limit and release it instantly, generating crazy explosive and penetrating power, directly penetrating objects!

According to this principle, Lin Hao's abdomen grew larger and larger. Soon his one-meter-long slim body swelled into a one-meter-diameter sphere. Only the tip of his head was exposed, and the other parts were a ball.

"Toad Gong!"

Lin Hao suddenly released, and Zhen Yuan was ejected from the rear, like a jet-style sharp sword blasting out, piercing the Changhong, directly into the wall.


The wall exploded, and Lin Hao passed directly into the mountain within a thousand meters before stopping. The power was five times greater than before!

"So strong!" Lin Hao gasped.

This is just the rudimentary form of martial arts, just getting started, if this is done, then what? Can't penetrate many mountains!

Just in Lin Hao's secret joy.

At this moment, the two frogs guarding the gate of the cave were no longer standing.

"No! The king hasn't come out yet, something must have happened!"

"Go in and see!"

The two frogs looked at each other and jumped into the cave.

When they came to the depths of the cave and saw the broken meat bursting into one place, they screamed in surprise.


"The big thing is not good! The king is dead!"

The two frogs screamed in horror, and the harpoons in their palms were frightened.

The two frogs were like ants stepping on a fire board, jumping in shock, not knowing what to do.

"The king will not burst into pieces out of thin air! There must be enemies!"

"Who is it?"

They looked forward and found a tunnel leading directly into the depths of the ground.

"There are intruders!"

"Go in and stop him! Don't let him destroy the statue!"

Two frogs picked up the harpoon and rushed towards the tunnel.

Lin Hao continued to practice a few times in the main hall and was almost proficient.

After the transformation, the toad skill has been roughly completed and can be used normally. Its power is almost a first-class quality, but in Lin Hao's gradual improvement, its power will become stronger and stronger.

At this time, Lin Hao was about to leave, but his divine sense found that two frogs rushed down angrily, two frogs guarding the gate.

The two frogs quickly came to the main hall, and when they found the three ruins in front of them, they immediately held their heads and screamed.



The two frogs flew straight After landing, they almost passed out, their expressions were extremely exaggerated.

Lin Hao is weird. Didn't it mean that he destroyed three stone statues, or the gods and idols with inheritance. What's the big deal if you destroy them and create another one?

[Ps: Thanks to my little brother 1098 book coins for rewards, 8 book coins for those who have nothing to do, 8 book coins for eternal love, 399 book coins for the food world, 399 book coins for the dragon and phoenix, 388 book coins for the head of Yuluo, 300 book coins for Ling Qingyu Book coin, 7-color 200 book coin, my ei. letter 200 book coin, smooth sailing, four brothers super god, smile, past things, Xu Jingwei, walking in the rain, Xu You a gentle life, dark night, blind shrimp, qzuser, Long Lin Zedi, XianG Bancheng Yansha, Tang Monk's Hot Wheels, and presumptuous are the 100 rewards of my faith. 】

(End of this chapter)


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