Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 165: : The Death of Little White Snake

"A human invasion?"

With an ominous premonition, Lin Hao quickly accelerated and flew towards the monster basin.

After all, Tianying ancestors are not like Yang Xiao's, no matter in strength or means, they are not comparable to ordinary inner door elders.

Xiaoyue used the flame cage to trap him, obviously delaying time, and it was very likely that Lin Hao was about to rush over.

How can Tianying ancestor do as she wants? He directly burned his essence and blood, used his ultimate move, and the bone wings on his back turned into two blood-colored knives, and slashed on the flame cage.


The flame cage made a loud explosion, and was directly cut to pieces.

Xiaoyue suffered a backlash, blood overflowed all over her body, and she collapsed.

"What an undead firebird, the last time you played against the snakeskin ancestors was the ordinary golden core. In just a few days, you have reached the peak of the golden core, so you can continue to grow!"

The ancestor Tianying jumped up, and came to Xiaoyue almost in the blink of an eye.

His dry eagle claws grabbed at Satsuki.

At this moment, Lin Hao jumped into the sky and happened to see this scene!

"Old Piff, you are looking for death!"

Lin Hao did not hesitate, Shi Zhan Long Teng Nine Heavens rushed forward violently, only listening to the wind and thunder rolling, the speed soared to the limit.

"Hehe, you are late!"

The ancestor Tianying smiled coldly, and a blood escape talisman appeared quietly in his hand.

Blood Escape Talisman, second only to Escape Talisman, can increase the speed ten times in a short time, but will consume half of the blood in the body.

As long as he grabs Xiaoyue and uses the Blood Escape Talisman, Long Teng will not be able to catch up for Jiutian.

The ancestor Tianying was about to catch it.

In the nearby grass, a white shadow suddenly emerged, blocking Xiaoyue directly, and biting the wrist of Tianying ancestor.

"What the hell?"

When the ancestor Tianying saw it, it was a silver moon snake, just a fifth-order demon emperor, and he was very disdainful.

He avoided, slammed it fiercely, and smashed Xiao Bai Snake's body, directly hitting her body into a bend and hollow, her bones bursting, and blood sprayed from his mouth.

However, unexpectedly, Xiao Bai Snake did not take a step back, but instead wrapped her severely wounded body, entangled Tianying ancestors, and prevented him from catching Xiaoyue.


This surprised the Tianying ancestor. According to his strength, let alone the fifth-order demon emperor, even the peak demon emperor would have to take a heavy hit. How could there be any strength to get entangled?

"Where is the beast, get out of me!"

The ancestor Tianying grabbed it hard, and directly pulled away a long bloodstain on the body of the little white snake, but the little white snake was not loose, but tied tighter.

"Sister Xiaoyue, run away!" Xiaobai Snake called.

"Little white snake!"

Xiaoyue's eyes turned red. She knew that this was the opportunity that Xiaobai Snake had won with her life. She couldn't hesitate, so she was cruel and flew in the direction of Lin Hao.

At this time, a large number of monsters gathered in the monster basin, like mountains and seas.

When they saw Little White Snake dragging Tianying Ancestor with her fragile body, their eyes were blood red, and with a roar, they attacked the Tianying Ancestor.

Seeing more and more monsters nearby, the ancestor Tianying was completely furious.

"Damn stinky snake! Get out of me!"

Just as the ancestor Tianying was about to tear the little white snake into pieces, he suddenly froze.

He saw a pair of extremely horrible eyes, and at the same time, a voice that was as cold as in the **** of nine secluded hells, under the package of true essence, spread from Lin Hao's mouth:

"If you dare to kill her, if I go to the poor and fall to the yellow spring, I will also catch you and tortured to death for hundreds of millions of years!"

Seeing that look, the ancestor Tianying shivered unexpectedly.

At this moment, he thought of a lot of things, and the ancestor Tianying knew what was best for him in this situation.

When he rolled his eyes, he didn't really kill Little White Snake, but grabbed her in his hands.

The ancestor Tianying carried the little white snake and shouted angrily at Lin Hao: "You dare to approach me for half a step, I will be your face and tear her to pieces!"

It would not do him any good to provoke Lin Hao, and if you make good use of it, it will have unexpected effects.

Sure enough, hearing this threat, Lin Hao stopped immediately.

In the basin, the group of monster beasts who were about to rush towards him also stopped halfway.

Seeing this scene, the ancestor Tianying smiled suddenly: "Hehe, is she important to you?"

Lin Hao stared at him, his eyes covered with bloodshot eyes.

Xiaoyue also flew to him, and said anxiously: "Big Brother Lin, you can't let him kill Little White Snake."

"I know!"

Lin Hao's voice was very gloomy.

Little White Snake, at the expense of her, in exchange for Xiaoyue, if Xiaoyue didn't delay, Xiaoyue would be caught.

In any case, he would not let the little white snake die by any method.

Seeing Lin Hao and Xiaoyue whispering between each other, the ancestor Tianying smiled more brilliantly. He threw away the Immortal Firebird, but grabbed a big handle! He didn't expect that this silver moon snake seemed very important to them.

This is interesting! As long as he has a handle, he can play whatever he wants.

"Teng snake, tell those monster races to retreat, you and the undead Firebird stay here, we negotiate! Otherwise, I will kill this snake!"

The ancestor Tianying raised the little white snake in his hand and said with a smile.

"My lord, leave me alone..."

At this moment, the almost unconscious Little White Snake suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Hao blankly.

The blood from her wounds was like a line, dripping on the ground and converging into a puddle.

"Great King, I... I really envy Sister Xiaoyue, I really envy you..."

Having said this, Xiao Bai Snake suddenly showed a faint smile, which was especially miserable.

"I hope you together forever, don't be dragged down by me... after I die, don't worry."

"Big Brother Lin, Sister Xiaoyue, goodbye..."

After this sentence was finished, the blood in the little white snake's body was like blasted lake water, spewing out in an instant, and the violent explosion sounded, and the flesh and blood separated, spilled over the earth, and sprayed the Tianying ancestor all over.

"No!!!" Lin Hao's eyes were instantly red.

Satsuki also froze.

Little White Snake, in order to prevent her from becoming a cumbersome, unexpectedly chose to explode?


Under such a huge impact, the ancestor Tianying was directly shaken away and flew back into the distance.

Lin Hao rushed up in an instant, and wrapped the incomplete body of the little white snake.

"You can't die! You can't die!"

Lin Hao spouted blood, quickly drew a rune, and plunged into the sea of ​​knowledge of the little white snake.

Her body is now destroyed and her blood has been lost, but her soul is still there!

As long as her soul is locked before her soul dissipates, everything will be saved!

"Big Brother Lin, goodbye... see you..."

Little White Snake's voice was still in her ears, her eyes slowly closed.

Lin Hao used the soul-locking secret technique to seal the soul of the little white snake in the demon core.

Then, he played dozens of magic tricks one after another, gathering the flesh and blood spilled from the little white snake, condensing it next to the demon core, and turning it into a sphere of flesh and blood.

In this way, Little White Snake was barely able to keep her, but her body was completely destroyed, leaving only the soul and demon core. Only when Lin Hao broke through the cultivation base of transforming gods and reshaped her body, could she be awakened.

Moreover, Lin Hao's soul-locking technique can only be preserved for ten years. If Lin Hao can't break through the god, the soul of the little white snake will collapse!

"Damn it! Damn it!" Lin Hao's killing intent climbed to the Angrily roared to the sky, the clouds in the sky were shaken away.

In the Yaozu Basin, many monster beasts also looked at angrily, and the raging killing intent stained the air red!

The ancestor Tianying was already shocked. He thought he had caught a handle, and he was holding the winning ticket. Unexpectedly, that handle would explode.

Things are out of his control again!

Lin Hao glared at him, and a murderous intention locked him firmly.

"If I don't kill you, I will live in vain, Lin Hao!"

(End of this chapter)


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