The Yaozu Basin at night is silent as frost, full moon is high, and the air is cold.

Lin Hao opened his eyes, he took all the remaining resurrection fruit to repair the damaged soul power.

Behind him, Xiaoyue was burning with Nirvana fire all over, and was moving towards the level of thunder forging body art consummation, launching an impact!

Today Xiaoyue is already the pinnacle of the Golden Core, as long as the thunder training technique is completed, he is only stronger than him! Under the third floor of Yuan Ying, she can never hurt her again!

At this moment, in the middle of the basin, a large thunder-gathering array was arranged, and thunder and lightning flashed in the sky. From time to time, thunder struck down and was absorbed by the array.

The two hundred thousand monsters were all nested in the formation, absorbing the thunder falling from the sky, and using the blood jade given to them by Lin Hao, they practiced the thunder and body forging technique.

After this period of time, the number of monsters in the rainforest has dropped slightly, but the overall strength has been significantly improved. Some monsters at the peak of the monster king, under the stimulation of life and death, many have reached the level of the monster king. .

After the training of thunder forging body art, the disciples of Immortal Sect of Royal Beast will no longer be their opponents!

Three days later, they are the backbone of dealing with the disciples of Yu Beast Fairy Sect!

As for the elders of Royal Beast Immortal Sect, it is enough to hand it over to Lin Hao!

"Little White Snake, I will pull down the entire Imperial Beast Immortal Sect and bury it with you!"

Lin Hao looked towards the northern sky, he believed that that day would not be too far!


After the failure of the Royal Beast Immortal Sect action, the injured elders began to return one after another. The Royal Beast Immortal Sect, who learned of the disastrous defeat, had a deadly atmosphere, and there was no next move for a while.

The purple snake, releasing corpse poison, has a strength comparable to the peak of the Nascent Soul. I am afraid that the Sect Master himself will not be able to take him, because the sovereign is also the peak of the Nascent Soul.

Unless the previous sect master returns, or Shui Qilin takes action, there is only a glimmer of hope, but the previous sect master Shenlong sees the head and ends, and will only show up when the sect is in danger. Shui Qilin is also a god-protecting beast, and will not leave the sect for half a step, that is to say, they can only rely on themselves to catch the snake.

There is no solution to this problem temporarily!

Everyone counted it. Eleven of the fifteen Inner Sect elders who went on this trip had died, and four came back in total. The fifteen domesticated monsters that accompanied him, except for the flying wolf, all died in battle.

Their inner sect elders totaled only 30 people, that is to say, nearly half of the direct loss in such a trip, the entire sect was shrouded in grief and anger, but there was no alternative.

Three days passed in a flash.

After discussion, the senior officials of the Royal Beast Immortal Sect prepared to send a small-scale troop. A group of ten disciples led by an Outer Sect elder will continue to explore the ancient land of Nanban to see if they can seize the opportunity. After all, their Inner Sect elder lost. It's so heavy that it can't stand the toss.

At this moment, the ancestor Tianying and his Thunder Eagle suddenly appeared, and brought back a dozen demon emperors who were stunned.

As soon as the ancestor Tianying appeared outside the Ten Thousand Beast City, he could no longer make his way, like an old man who was about to die, limp on the ground.

Upon seeing this, the disciple at the door immediately carried the Tianying ancestor back to the city lord mansion.

Today's Ten Thousand Beast City City Lord's Mansion has become the branch hall of the Royal Beast Immortal Sect. Inside, the chief alchemist of the Royal Beast Immortal Sect, King Chuyang Pill, sits in town, and the elders who were injured and poisoned before are treated by him.

When King Chuyang Dan saw that Tianying ancestor was dying, he quickly walked over to check his physical condition.

After a lot of indulgence, Chu Yang's face suddenly changed: "No injuries were found in the body of the ancestor Tianying. His symptoms are like the end of his life!"

For a while, the audience was shocked.

"How could this happen?!" The ancestor Tianying turned pale with fright.

Chu Yang continued to check for a while, still shaking his head and sighing, "It's true that the longevity has expired, but this situation is too weird. I still invite others to take a look."

They all knew that the ancestor Tianying had only lived for five hundred years, only half of his life span, and it was impossible to die suddenly.

Next, Chu Yang invited people from the Liuyun Kingdom Alchemist Guild to investigate. After Qin Hai, Mu Yun and others checked, they all came to the same conclusion-Tianying ancestor's life is over.

Everyone who got the news felt unbelievable, as if they had seen a ghost alive.

No matter how they check, the ending seems to be doomed, the ancestor of Tianying is dead, and there is no other injury!

After some discussions, in the end, they refined a four-level pill for life-saving pills, which can be taken by Tianying ancestors, which can extend the life span of one year, but within this year, it is not easy to do it, otherwise it will accelerate death!

After taking life-renewing pill, Tianying ancestor's complexion improved a lot, but his face was extremely gloomy.

He has lived for so long and has never heard of anything that can shorten his life.

"What the **** is that golden eye!" The ancestor Tianying got goose bumps when he thought of that eye.

After a day's training, he finally felt relieved, but for the next year, he couldn't easily make a move.

Fortunately, he captured a large number of monsters and mastered the secrets there. As long as he caught Lin Hao, threatened him, and allowed him to unlock this aging technique.


On this day, the ancestor Tianying summoned all the monsters.

In the yard, a row of monsters stood neatly, all of which were the monster emperors of various races he had captured. After being domesticated, these monster emperors had been completely controlled by him.

"I ask you, do you know Goldeneye?" asked Tianying ancestor.

"I don't know." Many demon emperors shook their heads.

"Then I ask you, what is the relationship between Lin Ritian and the snake, or are they one?" Tianying ancestor continued.

Moon Wolf Emperor said: "The king said, that human being is his puppet."

The ancestor Tianying frowned, and the more he thought about it, the stranger he became.


At this time, the gate of the yard was suddenly knocked open.

Outside, stood a giant shaped like an iron tower, taller than two people combined, four meters long, and the muscles all over his body were dark black, like cast steel, which was extremely shocking.

His appearance is a bit ugly, like a chimpanzee, with a pinch of brown hair on his chest, steel rings on his iron fist, and the sound of bells ringing from time to time.

"Yuan Lie?" The ancestor Tianying stood up in shock.

Yuan Lie is the inner door elder of the Royal Beast Immortal Sect. His strength is second only to Duan Sirius. His strength has reached the seventh level of Yuan Ying. Now that Duan Sirius has died, he is the first person worthy of him.

"Ancestor Tianying, I heard that you know the location of their lair?" Yuan Lie made a dull voice like a gorilla.

"Yes, but I advise you not to go there, he is not a soft persimmon." Tianying ancestor said solemnly.


Yuan Lie let out a cold snort, like a thunderous sensation, and the ground where he was on exploded directly, causing Tianying ancestor to retreat several steps.

"Tianying, I don't care about you because you are the same sect, but if you hide his position and cause him to escape, I have the right to kill you!" Yuan Lie squinted, and his eyes contained killing intent. .

The ancestor Tianying flushed with anger: "Ignorance!"

"I'm all ignorant, it's not you who have the final say, you are afraid of him, I am not afraid of him! Give me a place, I can bring his head back!" Yuan Lie said coldly.

The ancestor Tianying was so angry that he couldn't speak. Yuan Lie's temperament was similar to Yang Xiao, even arrogant than Yang Xiao. In desperation, he had no choice but to drew a map and threw it away.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you!" Tianying ancestor said.

"Don't worry, I won't die if you die a hundred times." Yuan Lie took the map and glanced, then turned away with a sneer.


On the southern horizon, the birds no longer chir, and the roar of the beasts in the mountains and forests have disappeared. Even the clouds in the sky have been lowered, and the blackness is oppressive, and the atmosphere is very depressing.

On the wall of Ten Thousand Beast City, two disciples leaned against the wall, sleepy, and the two earth leopards beside them were also lying on the ground, yawning listlessly.

"You said, are the elders idle and do nothing? We have to guard the gate. I still don't believe that anyone would dare to make trouble in Ten Thousand Beast City." One of the disciples complained.

"Is there any way? Isn't it necessary to behave?" The other person spread his hands, helpless.

"Oh!" Both of them sighed.

However, at this moment, the air suddenly solidified!

The floating dust freezes, and the fallen leaves are also suspended in the air, motionless! It seems that there is some kind of strong qi, locking everything in the vicinity!

The two of them were startled, and they suddenly discovered that some time ago, a figure appeared among It was a young man wearing white clothes and carrying a gourd with a sword hilt in the mouth of the gourd. Very peculiar.

The young man closed his eyes tightly and sat cross-legged on the open space in the middle, with his hands on his chest, calmly and without expression.

The youth seems to be sitting there all the time, an eternal sculpture!

The expressions of the two froze in an instant, as if they wanted to speak, but the sound of a word was released.


In the air, a little blood wafted down.

(End of this chapter)


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