Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 179: : The world does not know me

Countless people stared at Tongling with big eyes, looking at Lin Hao like a lunatic.

Zheng Daozhong seemed to have misheard, pointing at Lin Hao and said, "What did you say!"

"Do you want me to repeat it?"

Lin Hao squinted and said coldly, "Take out all the medicinal materials of the guild and hand them to my hand, otherwise, the guild of bloodbath alchemy masters!"

Lin Hao's face was calm, it didn't seem like he was joking at all.

Everyone was dumbfounded, they had seen someone arrogant, they had never seen such an arrogant one!

This is no longer mad, it is simply stupid!

A madman with strength is called madness, but a madness without strength is stupid!

He really thought he had a little talent, so he would dare to offend the Alchemist Guild? This kind of genius usually doesn't live long!

Zheng Daozhong froze for a long time, then laughed in anger and nodded: "Hehe! I haven't lost my temper for a long time. In that case, let you see the strength of my Alchemy Guild!"

"Jun Xiao!" Zheng Daozhong said loudly.


A man in a red robe came over, with two sabers on his waist, and his lips were blushing, extremely evil.

"Introduce yourself!" Zheng Daozhong said.

Jun Xiao clasped his fist and said: "I am sending the second disciple Jun Xiao, who is the apprentice of Chairman Zheng. If I dare to offend Chairman Zheng, it is my enemy!"

When Jun Xiao came out, countless people's faces changed slightly.

"One Star Sect!"

"It is said that the faction moved to the imperial city and has completely sold his life to the Alchemist Guild. As long as an order is issued, the whole family will personally come to help!"

"The head Xing Huan broke through to the sixth floor of the golden core with the aid of the pill, and there are various golden core elders!"

"This is the top ten sect of Liuyun Nation!"

Everyone was amazed.

Zheng Daozhong said again: "Wang Zhan!"


Another person came out. He was a man with a bearded back. He introduced himself: "My name is Wang Zhan, the second young master of the Wang family. You dare to offend Master Zheng. When I report to the Patriarch, you will be listed as a target !"

The Wang family, one of the largest families in the imperial city, is even more of a huge evil. It has long been entrenched in the imperial city and has a relationship with the imperial clan!

Countless people were stunned.

Just yelled twice at random, and two super powers served it. This is Zheng Daozhong's network!

Lin Hao glanced at Jun Xiao and Wang Zhan, then looked at Zheng Daozhong, and said with a sneer: "I will give you ten minutes, call all the contacts and all the strengths you can mobilize."

Surprisingly, Zheng Daozhong nodded, just as he was about to replace Mu You as the chairman, it was time to show his strength.

"Boy, this is what you said, don't be trembling with fear when that happens!"

Zheng Daozhong took out a piece of token and crushed it.

Before long, various powerful auras descended one after another.

"Alchemy Master Guild will be difficult, my Crazy Blade Sect is willing to help!"

"My Wanjianmen would like to help!!"

"My Yang family is here to help!"


In a short while, all kinds of monsters, ghosts, and snakes came to the scene, and Lin Hao was surrounded by water.

These forces are a lot of energy in Liuyun Nation, and they all rushed to help out with Zheng Daozhong's command.

Looking around, there are more than a dozen one-star sects, three one-star families, and each has a golden core expert!

The crowd of onlookers in the distance, as well as the people of the Alchemy Master Guild, all gasped. Zheng Daozhong's network has become so strong that even Mu You can't match it!

"Ninth Princess of the Royal Family, come and help!"

In the end, a girl from the royal family with a proud face and purple gauze, surrounded by a group of guards, came to the Alchemist Guild.

At this time, the crowd just exploded!

Even people from the royal family are here, even if this kid is dead, he should be proud.

Zheng Daozhong obviously knew that it was easy to kill Lin Hao, and the reason why he called his human network was nothing more than to show it to everyone and to replace Mu You's position.

Lin Hao had completely ignored him, and he could destroy it with his hands!

Faced with so many forces, Lin Hao twitched his mouth, as if watching a group of clowns playing a monkey game.

"Boy, do you know you are scared now?"

Seeing Lin Hao not speaking, Zheng Daozhong was quite proud. He squinted his eyes and said: "If you lose your cultivation and cut off your arms and kneel down to beg for mercy, I am in a good mood. Maybe I will let you live a few more days. Otherwise, I will kill you. Imprisoned as Danu, I will use you to do various experiments so that you can't survive or die!"

"Abandon yourself, kneel down!"

The crowd next to each other shouted.

The nine princesses of the royal family swept their gazes on Lin Hao's face, and suddenly Liu frowned. This person gave her a familiar feeling, as if she had seen it somewhere.

Where is it?


At this moment, inside a certain large gate ten miles away.

The calm sect suddenly heard a sharp loud shout, and there was unconcealable fear in the voice.

"What are you talking about? A young man in white, who broke into the Alchemy Master Guild to kill people, still had an enemy with Qin Hai Mu You?"

Xing Huan heard what the disciple in front of him said, his eyes almost fell out.

"Yes...yes, head, what's the matter?" The disciple looked blank.

"Our second disciple, Jun Xiao is also inside?" Xing Huan said with a trembling.

"That's right, the young man in white dared to offend the Alchemy Master Guild, he is dead!" The disciple said in a positive tone.

"Ah!!!" Xing Huan screamed, rushing towards the direction of the Alchemist Guild, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

On the other side, within the Wang clan, there was also a scream. Patriarch Wang Yangming flew up in horror and shot out towards the Alchemist Guild.

At this moment, in the Alchemist Guild.

Lin Hao was surrounded by many forces, and it seemed that the ending was doomed. Countless people felt sorry for Lin Hao's destiny. What a great genius, it was a pity that it was gone.

Lin Hao's gaze swept across an individual's face, and he nodded slightly: "Pai, Wang Family, Crazy Blade Sect, Wan Jianmen... Very good, I remember you."

"and many more!"

At this moment, the nine princesses of the royal family suddenly smiled and stepped back: "I withdraw, you can continue."

After speaking, the nine princesses ran without looking back, running faster than the rabbit.

Everyone just guessed, maybe something happened to the nine princesses temporarily.

"Boy, since you don't kneel, so good!"

Zheng Daozhong waved his hand and said angrily: "Let's go together, first beat him half to death!"


In a short time, everyone from all directions, all displayed their unique skills, and besieged Lin Hao.

In the guild hall, the energy of the riot swept out wildly, colorful, like a firework explosion, it was spectacular. For a time, a dozen different martial arts all smashed Lin Hao's forehead.

"No!!!" Xing Huan, who was long overdue in the distance, turned pale and screamed.

"Stop it!!!" Wang Yangming also screamed sharply.

But it's too late!


A deafening explosion resounded in the hall of the Alchemist Guild, and what followed was the sound of endless swords roaring, as if a sharp sword whizzed by and blood spattered. .



Screams came from inside.

Before long, the world is clean!

[Ps: Three changes are over, a new day, ask for some recommendation votes. 】

(End of this chapter)


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