Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 198: : Lin Hao wakes up!

"Xian Yunzi, he is no longer my master, I have already cut off justice with him."

"The Sky Continent has been a predator of the weak since ancient times. Why should I learn from him and try to please a group of beasts pretendingly? How can you make them succumb to monsters without killing them!"

Xuanyuan Zhan madly stared at the snake monsters who were fighting right now, gritted his teeth: "Different ways are not conspiring. I will prove that Xian Yunzi's theory is a complete joke!"

"Even if I become a butcher or executioner, I can transform into a mortal!"

Xuanyuan Zhan's voice was thunderous, and his eyes were extremely firm.

Over time, more and more snake monsters were caught, and some were beheaded on the spot.

Facing the siege of the Yuan Ying monk of the Royal Beast Immortal Sect and the training of the monster beast, the snake group had no resistance at all, and the battle appeared one-sided.

Blood was spilled over the Snake Valley, and the smell of blood was permeated in the air.

Only after five minutes, all the snake monsters were caught, and even more were killed.

Xuanyuan Zhan Kuang showed a cruel smile.

"Let us go!"

"You scumbags!"

"When the king returns, he will kill you all!"

"The King will avenge us!"

The snakes were **** in a big net and neighed angrily.

Xuanyuan Zhan frowned slightly, "Let them be quiet!"


A core elder walked up and took out a paralyzing talisman to crush it.

The brilliance of the paralyzing magic talisman spread out, and the group of snake monsters all fell into a coma.

At this moment, a huge five-hundred-meter-wide animal trapping net was gathered up. Like a fishing net, at least a thousand snakes were caught in it, all of whom were elites of the snake clan, who had practiced the thunder forging technique.

As for the insignificant little snakes who had not practiced the thunder-forging technique, they were brutally killed directly and fed to the domesticated monsters to eat.

Xuanyuan Zhan waved his hand wildly, and four big eagles fell from the sky.

"Bring this group of beasts back." Xuanyuan Zhan Kuang ordered.


The four great eagles grabbed the four corners of the trapping net, soared into the air, took the unconscious snakes in the net into the sky, and flew to the west.

Xuanyuan Zhan Kuang walked in another direction.

"The next goal, wolf clan!"

"Yes!" Everyone followed closely behind.

"Wow!" Fei Tian Lang let out a low sob.


Ten minutes later, the wolf clan was not spared either, and they were all caught back.

Under the ravages of the Immortal Sect of the Royal Beast, the Monster Race of the Monster Beast Mountain Range was captured one by one, and none of them were spared.

Those who have practiced the thunder training technique are regarded as domestication targets, and those cubs who have not practiced are brutally killed.

The monster mountain range was shrouded in an atmosphere of sorrow.


One day later, Mo Xingtian had searched every corner of the Monster Beast Mountain Range, but did not find Lin Hao.

He arrived at the southern border of Nanban Ancient Land, looked at the endless tropical rain forest ahead, and fell into contemplation.

At this moment, besides Mo Xingtian, there are three men with different expressions in star robes standing behind him, all of whom are the elders of the outer courtyard of the Star Academy.

"According to the information I got, Lin Ritian is likely to hide in the ancient land of Nanban, search for me inch by inch, and find me by digging three feet!" Mo Xingtian ordered.

"Yes!" The three moved separately, and they all took out different search-type spirit treasures and explored nearby.

Mo Xingtian took out the tracking compass and searched for Lin Hao's trace.


Three days passed in a flash.

Among the snake gods tribe, outside the house where Lin Hao was, the elders of the Eight Great Temples had been kneeling for a week. No one had ever gotten up, and no one was dissatisfied.

Even if they were to kneel to death, they would be willing.

This is faith!

Lin Hao's coma also affected the hearts of tens of thousands of natives in the Serpent God tribe. They kept searching for various precious medicinal materials from the tropical rain forests, all of which were donated to the temple.

Some women even came to offer sacrifices, but were strictly rejected by the elders, because as far as he knew, Lin Hao didn't like offering sacrifices to living people.

As for the high priest and the poison king, they did not act rashly. They left the temple once and went to the place where the corpse and snake were, and they did not know what they did.


In the pool, Lin Hao lay quietly in it, motionless, if it weren't for his stable breath, he would be mistaken for death.

At this moment, in Lin Hao's sea of ​​consciousness, the severely injured soul power had already recovered seven or eight eighty-eight, and the body of the snake was hidden in the clone but in the sleeves, showing no sign of being sober.

Xiaoyue also hid in the water, guarding quietly.

At this time, a bubble suddenly appeared in the pool.

After a while, it can be seen that the liquid medicine in the pool seems to have been attracted by some kind of attraction, and it is slowly being sucked into the sleeves, flowing into the gap between Lin Hao's snake scales.

The liquid medicine flowed faster and faster, almost forming a small vortex.

"Brother Lin?" Xiaoyue was startled.

She could feel that all the liquid medicine had been absorbed into the body by Lin Hao. Since the liquid medicine could be absorbed, it meant that she had consciousness.

It didn't take long for the liquid medicine in the pool to be absorbed and turned into clear and transparent water.

At this time, an invisible divine consciousness radiated from Lin Hao's sea of ​​consciousness, spread out of the house, and locked onto the eight kneeling elders.

On the ground nearby, there are a variety of rich medicinal materials and heaven and earth spiritual treasures, all of which are contributed by the indigenous people these days.

Immediately afterwards, this vague sense of consciousness swept across the temple, through the walls, and onto the street outside, and saw countless indigenous people praying.

The spirit consciousness of the general **** transformation cultivator can only diverge to three miles away, and now Lin Hao's spirit consciousness can also spread to five miles, which is stronger than the ordinary **** transformation cultivator.

Lin Hao's divine consciousness continued to wander the snake **** tribe, passing through the streets and alleys, looking at the believers, he could feel everyone's will.

The center of these wills is his will!

After a long time, Lin Hao's majestic divine power shrank back from the outside and withdrew his consciousness from the sea.

"Om!" There was a hum in his mind, the sea of ​​consciousness shook for a while, and everything was calm.

His body and clone opened their eyes at the same time.



Lin Hao crawled out of the water, his clothes shook, and the water stain fell.

Xiaoyue also got out of his sleeve and landed on his shoulder.

"I was in a coma for seven days, but I got a blessing in disguise and my soul power has improved. This trip to the Serpent God Tribe is considered the right time." Lin Hao said to himself.

"Congratulations to Brother Lin!" Xiaoyue said with a smile It is still the credit of those indigenous people! "Lin Hao sighed.

At this moment, he turned his head and looked at the void to the north, with a deep sneer at the corner of his mouth.

According to his guess, at this time, the Star Academy should have found Nanban Ancient Land to come, but I don't know how many people came, whether it was a god-shifting monk, or a half-step-shifting god.

He took out the introductory student token, his eyes flickered, and a plan quietly emerged in his heart.

[Ps: There are so few recommended votes recently, I don't know if it is because of the beginning of the school, please count the votes! 】

(End of this chapter)


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