Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 254: : One more trick to kill

"Well, since I can't bear it, you will stop Gui Qing later. As for Lin Hao, I will clean the door!" Longcha sneered.

"Just to my liking!"

Toad Wei nodded and jumped to Gui Qing.

Gui Qing gritted his teeth with anger, and suddenly a frog's power emerged from the situation that he was going to win, and they immediately fell into a passive state.

He could only contend with the Toad's might, and let Lin Hao go to deal with the Dragon Cha, how could he win?

At this moment, Lin Hao looked at Toad Wei and Longcha, and suddenly laughed.

"What a disrespectful senior, can you dare to be called senior only with you two chicken dogs? I think it's not as good as waste!" Lin Hao smiled.

When Longcha heard this, he was furious on the spot.

Toad Wei was also stunned, and was directly furious.

The monster beasts nearby were shocked and speechless. This newcomer was too mad. From the beginning to the present, he hasn't stopped talking shockingly and can say anything.

"Okay, okay! An ant at the end of the Dragon List dare to speak to me like this. Today I will let you see and see. I am ranked eighty-four in the Dragon List. How far is it from you!"

With a flick of the dragon brake's tail, his body rose into the air, and then suddenly began to spin, turning faster and faster.

The blade on the top of his head became sharp and thin, and while rotating, it turned into a big drill, emitting a sharp whistling sound.

"Flam, you stop that stinky **** and watch you kill this rotten snake!"

After Longcha finished speaking, Longcha's tail flicked, and his body shot out instantly, and the snake directed towards Lin Hao.

"Break the empty dragon drill!"

The dragon brake was spinning in mid-air, whizzing past, wherever it passed, a deep vacuum was left in the air visible to the naked eye, as if it could break through all obstacles and shoot towards Lin Hao.

The monsters onlookers were all short of breath. With this trick, the Dragon Shake broke through ten metal peaks in a row, shocking the audience. It was the most penetrating ultimate move, even Zong Zong. The old men of the door are ashamed.

Even the top sixty geniuses in Qianlong's rankings didn't dare to resist, Lin Hao couldn't stop him.

Lin Hao frowned slightly, but he did not expect that the snake clan could still play this trick.

This move breaks through the poisonous dragon diamond, and is combined with the god-level helmet worn on his head. It is much more powerful than his toad skill.

"Sword Qi condenses the mountain!"

Lin Hao immediately displayed his great sword intent, solidifying into a mountain of sword energy in the void ahead.

Almost the moment Jianqi Ningshan took shape, the big drill bit above Longcha's head hit the Jianqi Peak.


After hearing a burst of sound, the Jianqi Mountain was directly drilled through a big hole. The Dragon Shake passed through the Jianqi Mountain, spinning frantically, and came towards Lin Hao.

"Hahaha! Little bugs!" The dragon drill heard the laughter of the dragon.

Toad Wei also smiled, he hadn't shot yet, Lin Hao was about to lose, he deserved to be Longcha.

But in the next second, the laughter of Toad Wei and Longcha suddenly solidified.

Lin Hao quickly took out a magic talisman to urge him, and a large mask appeared on the surface of Lin Hao's body.

It is the fifth rank golden shield talisman!

The mask of the Golden Shield Talisman could resist the full blow of the low-level God of Transformation without breaking. When the Dragon Sha’s Poisonous Dragon Diamond rushed to the mask, it just shook, and no cracks appeared.

At the same time, an ignited thunder explosion talisman quietly appeared under Longcha's belly.

The horrible energy gathered, and a devastating atmosphere was brewing frantically! Break to the limit!

"not good!"


The monster beasts onlookers all had their complexions changed drastically, and they rushed towards the distance like crazy. Even Toad Wei didn't care about fighting anymore, and ran away.

Turtle Qing also retracted his limbs into the tortoise shell, and the tortoise shell spun directly in the air, like a flying top, shooting into the distance.

"Five-Rank Thunder Explosive Talisman!!!"

In the air, a sharp scream of Longcha came, and the next moment, it was submerged by the endless waves of air.


A deafening explosion resounded here, and the violent energy dispersed, rushing to a height of a thousand meters, even the clouds in the sky were shaken away.

For a time, the void shook, the sky and the earth hung upside down, and houses within a radius of ten miles were impacted and all turned into rubble.

At the critical juncture, Longsha wrapped himself with his body, protected the key parts, and fully urged the helmet.

The helmet expanded and turned into an iron shell to encase him, but he still couldn't stand the explosion and was blown out.

"Ah!!!" Longcha let out a scream and flew out toward the distance.

The God-Transforming-class helmet on top of his head suddenly cracked through dense cracks, and it seemed to be scrapped.


When the second wave of air wave came, the helmet of the dragon brake exploded to smash, spurting blood, and smashed into the distance.

The shield made by Lin Hao's Golden Shield Talisman also had cracks in the explosion, but it still failed to burst in the end. It seems that the defense effect of the Golden Shield Talisman is slightly stronger than that of the Thunder Explosion Talisman.

Fighting you seriously? This is not Lin Hao's style. His flying sword is still asleep. Rather than fighting a bloodshed, it is better to use the magic talisman to be happy, saving time, effort and worry.

At the same second that Longcha landed, Lin Hao rushed out.

The dragon brake finally abolished the helmet and saved his life. Before he could escape, he saw a shadow falling from the sky.

"Cracked mountains and collapses!" Lin Hao's body, like a huge mountain, was firmly pressed against Longcha.


Longcha was directly blasted into the ground, and it sank thousands of feet before stopping.

"Puff!" Longcha spurted blood, almost dying.

Fortunately, he is not a trash like bamboo python. After being wounded one after another, he is still able to crawl, preparing to slip away from the ground.

How could Lin Hao rush into the ground as he wanted, entangle him again, and throw it back to the ground.

Lin Hao rushed over, the snake body wrapped around Longcha's body, tying him in a big way.

"Spirit snake strangling!" Lin Hao strangled his body severely, only listening to the sound of the bones, Longcha let out a miserable howl.

When the nearby monsters rushed back here, they saw Lin Hao strangling the dragon chase.

The monsters stared one by one, and the scene was silent.

Longcha, lost?

"Ahhh!! You despicable villain, you use magic charms, I am not convinced!" Longcha was still screaming.

"Hehe, you are only allowed to use the God of Transformation Treasure, but I am not allowed to use the magic talisman?"

Lin Hao sneered and said, "I won't kill you I will break your bones and destroy you!"

Lin Hao bound the Dragon Cha, trying to force it away.

"Stop it!"

Suddenly, there was a loud shout of anger in the distance.


A triangular house exploded, and a huge colored figure burst out of it, soaring huge wings, flying above Lin Hao's head, under the shining of the sun, the brilliance was dazzling, and the vastness shocked the audience.

Immediately, the audience fell silent.

(End of this chapter)


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