Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 278: : Finale, Void World Stone

Lin Hao understood his situation as soon as he saw it. I'm afraid that stick has a lot to do with him.

"Six hundred thousand!" Lin Hao said.

"Huh?" Everyone in the field looked at Lin Hao curiously. This opening was 600,000 yuan, and he was still a rich master!

The thin young man didn't lift his head, and continued: "700,000!"

"800,000!" Lin Hao did not show any weakness.

"Nine hundred thousand." The thin young man said lightly.

"One million." Lin Hao's tone was flat and calm, as if in his eyes, it was a number.

Everyone was shocked, one million high-grade spirit stones, which was much richer than some high-level transformation gods.

The thin young man glanced at Lin Hao and said calmly: "Since the Tianlong Bank is sold, he must not figure out the secret of the stick. You can't even tell the Tianlong Bank. What use is it for me to buy it back? It's yours!"

This is indeed the case. If it is really a useful treasure, would Tianlong Bank be willing to sell it? Maybe it's just a strange metal.

Lin Hao had no expression on his face. This stick might have something to do with Sun Wu's blood. Even if it was really waste, he had to take it back and have a look.

Hu Xiaomei smiled: "Congratulations to this fellow Taoist, I bought another good baby!"

Hu Xiaomei aroused the spirit of heaven and earth, wrapped the stick and flew to the window, Sun Wu immediately went up and took the stick.

After getting the stick, the blood surging in Sun Wu's body, but miraculously stabilized, even the atmosphere did not pant, it was a strange thing.

"Hey, this stick works well."

Sun Wu tried to wave, he seemed to like it very much.

"Did you find anything special?" Lin Hao asked.

"No, it's just an ordinary stick." Sun Wu shook his head.

Lin Hao took the stick and looked at it. It was indeed very heavy. It was estimated that at least the power of the second layer of God Transformation was needed, and it could barely be moved.

"I can't see it now, only study it later." Lin Hao threw the stick to Sun Wu.

It cost Lin Hao 1 million to buy this stick, and there are still 2.7 million top-grade spirit stones left.

Lin Hao already understood that the sallow-skinned young man should be a hidden big figure, but he didn't know what he was doing at this kind of auction. Could something interesting appear at the auction?

Lin Hao spent one million to buy the mysterious stick, which was a small disturbance, and the auction continued.

The next auction items are becoming more and more precious, and the high price of 100,000 top-grade spirit stones is already the norm.

Later, there was also a Five-Rank Pill, Yuanhun Pill, which was used to restore the soul. It was also found in the secret realm. It caused a looting by everyone and was finally bought by Lin Hao for 600,000 high-grade spirit stones.

In this way, Lin Hao bought three treasures, the mandala flower, the soul pill, and the black stick, leaving 2.1 million high-grade spirit stones.

However, the slightly sick young man didn't take any shots except when he bought the stick. Even when the Yuanhun Pill appeared, he just glanced lightly and didn't seem interested.

This made Lin Hao even more curious, this person came to the auction, absolutely purposeful!

"Big Brother, then Lin Hao seems to be quite rich!"

The white-browed sword king of the Three Pirates of the Yanjiang River has clear eyes, and greed appears in his eyes.

"It's quite rich, it may be because of luck that a certain strong man's secrets have been discovered. After all, in the Yanluo River area, there are indeed many strong men who have fallen. It is not surprising!" Tian Lei said.

"Hehe, we still have to make a difference in the end." Baimei Sword King said with a smile.

They all thought that Lin Hao fell into the Yanluo River and found the treasure of the strong, only to get so much money.

As time went by, more and more treasures appeared, everyone was stunned, and one after another sky-high auction items were sold.

The box where the Wild Beast Sect is located has also bought back a lot of treasures.

King Yundan bought a piece of pill, this time Lin Hao didn't bother to fight with him, because he had thousands of pills in his mind.

Soon, the auction was coming to an end.

"Everyone, next is the last auction item and the final item of this auction."

Hearing Hu Xiaomei's words, everyone in the hall looked at the auction table with bated breath.

The lazy and sick young man also raised his head and cheered up. It seems that he came for the finale.

Lin Hao was very curious about this so-called finale when he saw the expression of the sick youth.

With everyone's eager anticipation, the auction platform cracked open, and two transparent stones, one large and one small, came up.

The smaller stone is the size of a fist, and the larger is twice the volume. The stone just floats in mid-air without any leverage. The surrounding space is slightly distorted and the light is refracted, making it unrealistic to see.

Lin Hao stood up immediately and said in surprise, "Void Realm Stone!"

Sun Wu wondered: "Boss, what is the void stone."

Lin Hao did not speak, and sat back again, calming down.

"Just look at it. The Void Realm Stone is a good treasure, even in the Middle-earth God Realm, it is also a rare thing." Lin Hao smiled.

The people in the hall looked at the floating stones and all showed surprised expressions. It was the first time they saw a stone that could float automatically!

The sick young man clenched his fists and looked very excited.

"First explain to everyone, this stone is called the Void Realm Stone!" Xiaomei Fox smiled.

Everyone looked at each other at a loss, not knowing what the void world stone was.

"Void World Stone?"

Five hundred meters behind the sick young man, the snake hiding in the cloaked man's robes showed a surprised expression.

Hu Xiaomei smiled and said: "The Void World Stone is a special stone that can only be found in the cracks of space. It is the top powerhouse in the mainland. It is a treasure used to build small secrets and teleportation formations. It is rare anywhere in the mainland. Treasure!"

Hearing Hu Xiaomei's explanation, everyone present took a breath.

How can they understand this unpredictable method of constructing a small secret realm and arranging a teleportation array? Isn't the value of this void world stone up to the sky?

Lin Hao sneered in his heart, Void World Stone, more than these two effects? Too much effect.

"Miss Fox, I have a question." At this moment, Young Master Hanshan spoke.

"What's the problem?" Hu Xiaomei smiled and looked towards Young Master Hanshan.

Qu Hanshan wondered: "We know the value of the void world stone, but it's useless to sell it to us! Moreover, for the top powerhouses in the mainland, they don't bother to come and take it when they see such two small void world stones. "

Qu Hanshan had heard of the Void World Stone in the class of the Star Academy, and of course he knew what it was.

After listening to Qu Hanshan's explanation, everyone in the hall nodded in agreement.

Whether it is building a different space and starting to set up a teleportation array, it is not accessible to ordinary people. It is valuable, but it is useless to buy it back, which is equivalent to an ornament.

[Ps: I stayed up late yesterday to two in the morning and added two chapters, which made me feel dizzy today. I didn't update it at noon. I am very sorry. (In fact, the total number is not less)

Let me specifically say that it has been 9 days since it was launched on the 15th, and 44 chapters have been updated (not counting today's). Except for the four shifts the day before yesterday and Tuesday, the rest are five shifts every day. This speed is not the fastest in the entire network, just say Which book is faster than me in your bookshelf?

From now on, I won’t stay up late. It hurts my body so much that I lose energy all day. The update time is only fixed at noon and more than ten in the evening, and the rest of the time will not be posted. 】

(End of this chapter)


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