Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 301: : Lin Hao was arrested

Lin Hao was speechless immediately.

He knew that although humans and monsters are not at the same time, if monsters become humans, there are indeed cases of marriage with people, but very few.

"Sao fox, if you dare to speak wild words, believe it or not, I will kill you!"

Caixuan was ashamed and angry, and took out two colorful magic whips.

"I'm not going to be as knowledgeable as you." Hu Mei rolled her eyes, swaying her posture, and left towards the distance.

When she passed by Lin Hao, her figure paused, and a voice came quietly under the envelop of divine consciousness.

"Lin Hao, if you are not happy in the Wild Beast Sect, you can leave at any time. With your talent, you will be welcomed wherever you go."

"For example, I left a way for myself. Even if the wild beast sect is destroyed, you can still settle down in the Tianlong Bank. If you want to be like me, I can help you."

Hu Mei cast a wink at Lin Hao and flew to the horizon.

Lin Hao narrowed his eyes.

Hu Mei's remarks are rebellious, and if they are made public, they must be punished.

"What do you mean?" Lin Hao passed over.

Hu Mei didn't answer him again, smiled charmingly, and disappeared into the distance.

Lin Hao is still thinking about what Hu Mei left behind. Is this encouraging him to leave the Wild Beast Sect?

Where can he go after he leaves, Tianlong Bank?

Lin Hao doesn't have a good impression of Tianlong Bank, he always inexplicably set the game for him, and he doesn't even know the purpose. The two are nothing more than a transaction relationship. If it were not for his lack of strength, he would have entered the Tianlong Bank to ask for an explanation. .

Lin Hao shook his head, too lazy to think about what Hu Mei said.

Now, he was going to the Bird Clan to ask Chu Feng to see if she knew Xiaoyue's situation.

Lin Hao was about to leave when he suddenly saw a group of gray figures flying from a distance, a group of eagles.

At the head is a turquoise sea eagle with feathers like ocean waves. This group of eagles are wearing armor and carved with the word "catching". They are the guard of the wild beast sect.

Many monsters looked up, wondering why the guards suddenly came here.

Lin Hao had a bad feeling.

The group of eagles flew into the town, flew straight to Lin Hao, and finally hovered above Lin Hao's head, looking down at him.

All the monsters looked at Lin Hao, and the guards were coming towards Lin Hao!

"Are you Lin Hao?" The headed Wind Control Sea Eagle said blankly.

"It's me!" Lin Hao said.

"Well, I am arresting you on suspicion of colluding with human beings and endangering the sect. Come with me!" Yufeng Haiying said coldly.

As soon as this statement was made, the monsters on the ground burst into an uproar.

Lin Hao has fornicated human beings, what is the situation?

"Captain Seahawk! How could Lin Hao have fornicated humans? You have to pay attention to evidence!" Gui Qing was the first to be unhappy, and stood up and scolded.

"Yes! You have to show evidence in everything!" Caixuan retorted as soon as she heard that the guards were going to arrest Lin Hao.

Lin Hao remained silent, and countless thoughts flashed in his heart.

Captain Seahawk said indifferently: "We naturally have to pay attention to evidence when we arrest people, but the evidence should not be made public now, Lin Hao, do you want to take a trip or let us do it?"

After saying this, Captain Seahawk and the other eagles all exuded a faint coercion, the air was crushed to the ground, and the walls of the houses below were cracked.

The many monsters all turned pale, and they were not breathing smoothly.

"Seven levels of God Transformation, plus a group of Five Layers Transformation..."

After the eagles released the coercion, Lin Hao estimated their strength.

A Captain of the Seahawks of the seventh-tier of the God of Transformation, plus a group of eagles of the fifth-tier of the God of Transformation, Lin Hao asked himself with exhaustive methods, and he was not their opponent. There is another way.

With this momentum, Caixuan and Gui Qing backed away a few steps, their throats tightened, and the true essence in their bodies almost couldn't move.

"You are deceiving too much! If you don't even have any evidence, just arrest Lin Hao, what a guard!" Gui Qing yelled.

Captain Seahawk's gaze suddenly looked past: "Tian Noise!"

An invisible wind blade cut to Gui Qing, and Gui Qing suddenly changed his face and wanted to escape.


The sword intent flashed, offsetting the wind blade.

Captain Seahawk looked at Lin Hao, "Lin Hao, your current guilt is not enough to be executed, but if you resist, it will be more guilt, so think carefully!"

Lin Hao looked at him and suddenly smiled, "Do I have a choice?"

Captain Seahawks nodded: "So, are you planning to go with us?"

"I'll go over with you, just want to see who is behind the scenes and lead the way!" Lin Hao flapped his wings and flew up and said lightly.

"Lin Hao!" Gui Qing's eyes were full of anxiety.

"Don't worry, they dare not do anything to me." Lin Hao smiled calmly.

Lin Hao was just curious about who was targeting him, and if the other party was really unfavorable to him, he would crush the escape symbol and escape.

Caixuan flushed with anxiety: "Lin Hao, I'm going to find the master, wait for me!"

Caixuan flapped her wings, flew away at full speed, and disappeared into the horizon.

Captain Seahawk took out an iron lock.

"Don't lock me up, I will go by myself." Lin Hao frowned slightly.

Hearing this, Captain Seahawk closed the chain back.

"Forgive you for not daring to escape." He waved his wings: "Back to the law enforcement team!"


The rest of the eagle group left here one after another.

Captain Haiying turned his head to look at Lin Hao, and said lightly: "You come with me."

He flew in the direction of the Wild Beast Sect, and Lin Hao followed behind with a blank face.

After Lin Hao left, the monster group in the town suddenly exploded.

They were all talking about what happened to Lin Hao that would be taken away by the guards.

"Captain Seahawk said that he has fornicating with humans. Is Lin Hao a spy for humans?"

"I don't know, our sect has never seen such things before."

The monsters are puzzled, and they are not easy to make comments. They only feel that such a sudden rise of genius has also controlled Feijian. If he is really a human spy, it would be a pity.

Lin Hao followed Captain Seahawk and flew in the direction of the Wild Beast Sect.

After about ten minutes, they entered the Zongmen and came to a dark basin.

The whole body of this basin is black and contains heavy black steel stones. It can be said that it is a natural solid dungeon. Even at the peak of the transformation, it is difficult to break.

Lin Hao swept away his spiritual consciousness, and found that there was something else under the ground in this basin. It was a huge dungeon with countless monsters, including humans, who should be criminals.

"This is the punishment of the Wild Beast Sect. Go in." Captain Seahawk said coldly.

(End of this chapter)


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