Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 394: : Start of the tower

"Hehe, when the Ten Thousand Demons Conference is over, we have a chance to learn from each other!" Long Xiaotian sneered.

Chu Feng snorted coldly, gave Xiaoyue ten golden spars, and said to Xiaoyue: "Find a trial tower and go in. Now there are three remaining, and the three of us are equally divided."

"Yes!" Xiaoyue found a nearby trial tower, stuffed the golden spar into the gate groove on the first floor, and got into it.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Feng and Long Xiaotian also found the remaining two trial towers respectively, and walked in using the golden spar.

According to the rules of the Ten Thousand Demons Conference, when all the ten trial towers are entered, the conference is declared to enter the next round. If one of the ten towers is unoccupied, two of them will be delayed.

Because of this rule, Long Xiaotian had no choice but to allow monsters to occupy a few seats.

Because humans are all dead, otherwise, with Long Xiaotian's temperament, he will definitely make the top ten in the Qianlong list, and everyone will occupy one. Where will it be the turn of the monster to enjoy it.


After Lin Hao entered the trial tower, he was completely relieved and was shocked in a cold sweat.

He didn't seem to have any expressions just now, but in fact his heart mentioned his throat. If he hadn't prepared a hand in advance and let the human clone be there at any time, he might have been caught by Long Xiaotian, and Xiaoyue would be killed. .

Of course, it was impossible for Lin Hao to let him catch it, and would definitely give him a golden eye. As for what effect it would have, Lin Hao didn't know.

The stronger the target of the Golden Eye, the greater the backlash. Lin Hao couldn't guarantee the backlash against Young Master Long. Maybe he would faint on the spot and be killed by Chu Feng.

It is also possible that he was forced to enter the trial tower and suffered a loss.

Lin Hao didn't dare to take the risk of using Golden Eye.

Fortunately, Long Xiaotian is clever and easily fooled, otherwise, it was hard to say just now!

After entering the trial tower, Lin Hao began to look at the environment inside.

This is the first floor of the trial tower. It looks small on the outside, but it is very large on the inside. It is endless, and the height is high enough to be a thousand feet!

The wall on the edge is white metal, and the ground is covered with cyan slate. I don't know what material it is made of, and it won't break even if you knock it.

At this time, Lin Hao suddenly discovered that the walls of the tower had become transparent.

From a distance, you can see the nine towers outside the trial tower, standing at various locations, like tall buildings suspended in the sky, it is the other nine trial towers.

On the first floor of every tower, there is a small red dot, which means that the people in the tower are all concentrated on the first floor.

Apart from that, there is no other scene.

"This is for us to watch each other's battles?" Lin Hao asked strangely.

At this moment, outside the Myriad Demon Realm.

The eight giants and the many high-level members of the Academy Alliance all stared at the square below, and saw ten phantoms of trial towers appearing on the square, and each phantom had a red dot on it, concentrated on one floor. .

"Haha, it seems that the top ten has been decided, let us guess who won the top ten!"

The old monster in the cloud said with a big laugh.

"Young Master Long and Chu Feng are definitely among them. In addition, Zhuge Guiyuan, Brother Han, Wu Tianze, Fu Yanhuo and other Qianlong list top ten, each occupy one, it should be about the same."

Yao Tianxing, the dean of the Star Academy, said with a smile.

"Well, besides not being fourth in the Qianlong list, there is another place. It's not bad to give me Gu Yunfeng from Yunxiao College!" The old monster of Yunxiao College, stroking his beard, his body overflowing with ice, laughed loudly.

The high-levels of the college alliance are all happy from ear to ear.

The eight giants of the Wild Beast Sect were more ugly. It is conceivable that the monsters inside must face a devastating blow, and whether they can survive half of it is a question.

Among the top ten in the Qianlong list, eight people entered. Among the monsters, Chu Feng was pinned by the Dragon Lord. Who can stand them? Isn't it all people blocking the killing Buddha?

The Golden Winged Dapeng smiled sharply. Chu Feng was not held back by Young Master Long, but she herself betrayed. I wonder if this group of giants know that the top ten on the Qianlong list are all members of the Academy Alliance. Spit blood out of anger.

The top ten in the Qianlong list are all invincible existences, I am afraid that the monsters are dead and clean.

"Lin Hao, you must hold on!" The Ice Fire King prayed secretly.

"Sun Wu, Titan, I just ask you to survive!" King Jin Yuan also prayed secretly.

Many cave cultivators didn't know it, Lin Hao almost wiped out the college alliance with his own power.

I don't know if they will be shocked when they learn the result.

"Let's take a look, it will start soon!" Jin Yuan Wang said.

The eight giants all cast their sights on the past.


At this moment, in the trial tower, a distant voice came over, echoing in each tower.

"The first level of clearance conditions, survive for an hour in the rat tide, the strength of the rat tide depends on the cultivation of the tower trespasser!"

After saying this, the voice disappeared.

Lin Hao was taken aback, that voice seemed to be Long Yin?

After the sound fell, about a minute later, dense cracks suddenly broke open on the ground all around, and then, one by one, dark objects came out.

Lin Hao took a closer look and found that there were one **** mouse after another, the size of the grinding plate, and it was the black dolphin among the mice!

It's just that all the black dolphins at the moment have the cultivation base of the fifth layer of God Transformation, which is the same as Lin Hao's cultivation base.

The previous voice said that the strength of the rat tide depends on the cultivation base of the trespasser, that is to say, everything other people encounter is the same as their respective cultivation base. For example, Long Xiaotian was on the tenth level of God Transformation, and the Black Dolphin he faced was also on the tenth level of God Transforming.

After the black dolphin got out of the ground, it made a sharp "squeak" sound, opened its teeth and danced its claws, and pounced on Lin Hao.

One by one, the black dolphins converged towards Lin Hao like a tide, showing their sharp teeth. Their single combat ability is not strong, but the number is very large and endless. Anyone will feel tricky.

Therefore, the task of the first level is just to ask them to hold on for an hour.

"Shenlong roars!"

Lin Hao's throat swelled, and he used a range to kill the martial arts dragon and roar.

The horror shock wave was visible to the naked eye, sweeping out in all directions, and all the black dolphins within a radius of a thousand feet were all shocked to fly, and the few that were close to each other burst into smash on the spot, and dissipated into the sky.

After killing the black dolphins Lin Hao didn't see the hint of experience increase, which was also expected.

"It seems that these black dolphins are not entities, but energy bodies formed by spiritual energy!"

Lin Hao could see the mystery here at a glance.

If it is a real black dolphins, blood will splatter and increase experience when killed, but it is understandable that it is impossible to raise so many black dolphins in the trial tower, and it happens to be equal in strength to Lin Hao.

"Since it is an energy body..."

Lin Hao took out the Hell Furnace.

(End of this chapter)


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