Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 398: : The third layer of terror

Lin Hao didn't hesitate when he arrived, and went straight to the next formation.

After entering, Lin Hao suddenly felt a "cracking" thunder sound nearby, and lightning seemed to be generated in the void.

"Thunder Element Formation!" Lin Hao said in surprise.

In a blink of an eye, there were more and more thunder and lightning, and the entire area here was shrouded in dense thunder, the thunder shining, forming a lightning field.

Feeling the power of lightning nearby, Lin Hao showed ecstasy.

Raiden is exactly what he needs, the most suitable nourishment for training the Nine Dragon Thunder Gang!

Lin Hao looked around, and the red dots in the four trial towers were still there. In other words, including him, there were a total of five people rushing to the towers.

Lin Hao vaguely knew which five people it was. He wanted to find a place among them, but he had no choice. He had to become stronger in the process of breaking through the tower.

Lin Hao didn't hesitate, and played a thunder-inducing technique to introduce the thunder power that appeared between heaven and earth into his body.


Thunder continued to fall in the sky, splitting Lin Hao's body into the flesh, but Lin Hao didn't move at all, his surface was shining with thunder, his muscles squirmed, and the wounds healed one by one.

Under Lin Hao's subtle mobilization, the lightning that ordinary people feared to avoid became his nourishment, tempering his meridians, bones, and muscles to become stronger.

Lin Hao's control over thunder and lightning has reached almost perfect level. He knows all the characteristics of thunder and lightning and knows how to use thunder and lightning!

If World Exterminating Lei Zun was smashed to death by thunder, that would be a great joke in the world.

Lin Hao was absorbing thunder while he was comprehending the structure of this lightning formation. He still couldn't see any clues to the five element formations in front, but if he couldn't figure out the lightning formation at the moment, then he wouldn't have to live.

Ten minutes after being struck by lightning, a roaring thunder dragon appeared in Lin Hao's body. On his forehead, beside the thunder dragon mark, a new mark slowly appeared, that was the second thunder dragon mark. !

With this baptism of the Thunder Element Formation, Lin Hao successfully cultivated the Nine Dragon Thunder Gang to the level of the second dragon.

According to the characteristics of the Jiulong Thunder Gang body, the second dragon can be trained to open the Thunder Gang shield, forming a light shield formed by thunder and lightning on the body surface, which has a strong defensive effect.

"Lei Gangdun!"

Lin Hao thought, and the thunder on the surface of his body wandered away, forming a circular thunder and lightning mask.

When the thunder and lightning fell on the mask, they were all bounced out, and they got close without scoring a bit.

"What a strong Lei Gangdun!" Lin Hao was secretly overjoyed.

This thunder shield not only has a defensive effect, it can also attack any creatures close to it.

Lin Hao dissipated the Lei Gang shield, allowing the lightning to continue to strike him.

He planned to continue to cultivate the Nine Dragon Lei Gang Body to see how far it could be improved.

Soon an hour passed.

Unfortunately, as time went by, the power of thunder and lightning became weaker and weaker, and this formation gradually became blurred. Lin Hao estimated that the time was approaching.

At this time, he suddenly had an idea.

I saw him throw a lot of spirit crystals, sprinkle them on the four corners, and hit a magic trick: "Ning!"


There was a tremor in the void, and I saw that the formation that was about to dissipate became condensed by the way.

Through the analysis just now, he has completely figured out this lightning formation from beginning to end. Even if he is asked to arrange it by himself, he can arrange it as long as he has enough materials.

After Lin Hao's transformation, Thunder's power instantly strengthened, and the large bucket of sky thunder fell from the sky and hit the surface of Lin Hao's body, exploding blood again.

"Hahaha! Come again!" Lin Hao laughed, the lightning arc at the wound was quickly sucked into his body.

The thunder and lightning in the sky fell again and again, making Lin Hao blood dripping, and there was a wild laugh.

In this way, Lin Hao stopped leaving, and continued to use lightning to temper his body, regardless of whether other people passed the customs.

One hour has passed, two hours have passed...

Lin Hao stayed still.

After Long Xiaotian passed the seven formations, a hole opened in the ceiling and the ladder fell down.

He sneered and flew into the hole step by step.

After Long Xiaotian, it was Zhuge Guiyuan, he was good at formation, but one step faster than Chu Feng.

Then there was Chu Feng and Ye Wenlong. The four of them had different passage times, but they all reached the third floor.

Only Lin Hao stayed on the second floor.

"The third floor, I hope I can pass this time!" Chu Feng's eyes were a little solemn.

Unlike other human beings, Chu Feng had participated in the Ten Thousand Demons Conference before, and she had experienced the third level of difficulty.

The third level can be described as a watershed. In the previous Ten Thousand Demons Conference, there are only a handful of people who can break through the third level, and it will be difficult for a genius to break through the third level in 100 years.

Including Chu Feng, she also lost to the third level.

Although the rules of every Ten Thousand Demons Conference are different, the difficulty remains the same. She can clearly remember how she lost the last time.

"Look, the third layer has begun!"

Outside the Ten Thousand Demon Secret Realm, the senior officials of the Academy Alliance and the eight giants of the Wild Beast Sect all focused on the phantom of the trial tower.

Four red dots appeared on the third layer. There is no doubt that the top three of Qianlong list must be in it. The fourth person is probably Ye Wenlong or Fu Yanhuo.

After a while, the third floor of the tower began.

After only a minute, two red dots disappeared.

Chu Feng and Zhuge returned to the Yuan Dynasty and were expelled outside the trial tower.

The monsters outside let out an exclamation, Chu Feng and Zhuge Guiyuan failed!

Chu Feng was covered with scars, and golden blood was flowing from the wound, but she was a phoenix, and after a while, she completely recovered.

Zhuge Guiyuan looked very miserable, and quickly returned to the crowd of Canglan Academy, sat down and swallowed a healing pill.

"Brother Zhuge, what exactly is the third floor?" Duan Lingtian couldn't help asking.

Zhuge Guiyuan's expression changed, and he shook his head without saying anything.

Everyone looked at each other in shock. Although he didn't speak, he could imagine that he must have encountered something extremely terrifying.

Chu Feng just sighed and silently returned to the bird family line.

After Chu Feng and Zhuge Guiyuan were eliminated one after another, about a quarter of an hour later, a trial tower suddenly began to vibrate.

"What happened?"

Everyone glanced at it, and the trial tower was Long Xiaotian's trial tower.

In the trial tower, the power of turbulence continued to be heard, faintly mixed with the sound of dragons, shocking the soul.

"There are huge energy fluctuations coming out, and Long Xiaotian should have used his unique skills!" Chu Feng said with solemn eyes.

It is a pity that Chu Feng understands what Long Xiaotian will face, even if he exerts all his strength, he cannot win.

(End of this chapter)


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