Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 410: : The Aftermath of the Ice and Fire King

"You are thinking, wait for the start of the war, fish in troubled waters, get a hold of the Golden Ape King, and then take the opportunity to escape!"

Lin Hao saw it through at a glance.

If this kind of thing allowed him to succeed, the consequences would be disastrous!

All kinds of surprised and puzzled eyes glanced at the Golden Winged Roc. The Golden Winged Roc was stunned for a long time, knowing that the ending was set, and he would no longer pretend, and he laughed gloomily.

"Ha ha ha, Lin Hao, Lin Hao, you have ruined my good deeds again!"

Golden Wing Roc sneered and said, "However, even if I admit it, do you think the Wild Beast Sect can come back?"

In an instant, the golden winged big Peng's wings shined brightly, turning into tens of thousands of little golden birds to escape and land on the sky and clouds.

Until this moment, the monsters of the Wild Beast Sect finally recognized the fact.

One of the eight giants is missing, and human beings have one more. This time and again, the blow to them is devastating!

However, things are not over yet!

The Golden Winged Roc looked down, looking at the nine-pole Thunder Lion, and smiled: "Nine-pole Thunder Lion, do you feel uncomfortable in your body?"

As soon as he said this, the Nine Extreme Thunder Lion's paw immediately touched his abdomen, his face suddenly changed.

He felt that there was a rustling discomfort in his body, like a worm crawling again. It was just a crisis, and he didn't have time to pay attention to it. Now when he heard it, he immediately felt something wrong!

I saw the dark color flashing in the eyes of the Golden Wing Roc, as if something was being urged.

At this moment, the Nine Pole Thunder Lion suddenly distorted his face, and spewed a big mouthful of bright red blood on the spot.

The blood was spilled on the ground, and there were dense small bugs jumping on it!

"What's the matter?" King Jin Ape exclaimed, and rushed to the Nine Extreme Thunder Lion.

The body of the Nine Pole Thunder Lion was trembling, and the huge body was violently violently, as if it had suffered terrible torture.

King Jin Yuan touched the lion's head with his palm, and found that the breath in his body was very disordered, and his true essence was bumping in his body.

"Golden Winged Roc, what have you...did?" Nine Extreme Thunder Lion said with difficulty.

The Golden Wing Roc smiled and said: "Remember the True Essence Pill that I gave you? There was a heart-biting Gu by me. You will be tortured to death in a month, hahaha !"


In the severe pain, the Nine Extreme Thunder Lion roared, unable to withstand the torture in the body anymore, and fell to the ground, rolling in pain!



A terrifying thunder broke out from the surface of the nine-pole thunder lion's body, and the true essence blasted out randomly, destroying the ground in a mess.

Heart-piercing howls came out from time to time, constantly tumbling and screaming.

Such a scene made the eyes of the monsters of the Wild Beast Sect all red.

"Golden Ape King, how is it?" Sword Wolf King said anxiously.

"No, this poison is very vicious, it has penetrated into the bone marrow, I am afraid it was hit half a year ago, I can't crack it!" King Jin Yuan shook his head and sighed.

"Hahaha! This kind of Gu worm has no solution in the world, even if I take a shot, I can't solve it. Wait for you to die!" Golden Wing Roc roared.

The Ice Fire King couldn't bear to watch, spit out a cold current, wandering past, covering the body of the Nine Extreme Thunder Lion.

The huge body of the nine-pole thunder lion was immediately covered by ice and snow, and the surface layers of the body were frozen, turning into an ice sculpture in a blink of an eye.

"I froze his body, and the gu worm in his body was also frozen by me. He will not be in danger for his life within three years, but it won't be good if it exceeds three years." The Ice Fire King said solemnly.

Freezing the body of the Nine Pole Thunder Lion is just a stopgap measure. If you can't find a solution for three years, you will still die!

Now, there are only six of the eight giants, but there are ten on the human side!

At this moment, all the cave monks among the human beings surrounded them, showing a semi-enclosed shape, surrounding the six giants of the wild beast sect.

At this moment, life and death crisis! A little carelessness may lead to the destruction of the wild beast sect!

Among the six giants, except the Ice and Fire King, all the other giants were cruel, planning to fight hard, even if they died, they would knock off a few human teeth.

The King of Ice and Fire was calmer, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Wild Beast Sect, today is your end!" Yao Tianxing said indifferently.

"President, give the order, kill them all today!"

The old monster in the cloud said fiercely, the feather fan in his hand was already brewing.

Just when Yao Tianxing was about to make a move, the red grandmother of Tianlong Bank beside him felt something and his face changed.

"Wait!" Grandma Hong said in surprise.

"what happened?"

Yao Tianxing looked at it strangely, and he was ready to take action.

Grandma Hong's pupils shrank, and her face immediately became extremely ugly.

"What happened?"

"Grandma Hong, what's the matter?"

The person on the side asked quickly.

Not only Grandma Hong, but the dragon head beside him frowned, as if he had heard some bad news.

Grandma Hong raised her head, stared at the Ice and Fire King, gritted her teeth and said, "Ice and Fire King, you are so sinister!"

"What a joke, you dare to say insidious to me!" The Ice Fire King sneered.

Everyone couldn't figure it out and looked at them two strangely.

Facing everyone's doubts, Grandma Hong squeezed her fists unwillingly, and said fiercely: "The clone of the Ice and Fire King sent a large number of snake monsters to attack my Tianlong Bank, and Master Cat asked us to go back."

"What?" The audience was shocked.


The headquarters of Tianlong Bank, Yunxiao City, a hundred thousand miles away.

There are two huge figures floating in the sky, one is full of fiery red, with a body length of five hundred feet, and a flame burning above its head. It is a flame dragon, which is the fire dragon clone of the Ice and Fire King.

The King of Ice and Fire is a two-headed dragon with ice and fire. He only shows up as an ice dragon on weekdays. The fire dragon never shows up, but at the moment he appears in the Tianlong Bank.

On the opposite side of Fire Jiao, stood a **** cat with two tails. It was one of the three chiefs of Tianlong Bank, the cat demon!

Below the Tianlong Bank, a large number of snake monsters surrounded the headquarters of the Tianlong Bank, and the water was blocked. As long as the King of Ice and Fire gave an order, they could enter and kill the Tianlong Bank.

Elder Viper, Elder Black, Elder Bai, etc., are all well-known masters among the transformation cultivators. In comparison, the Tianlong Bank has no helpers other than the cat demon, only some high-level transformations.

After all, there are many branches of Tianlong Bank, and the masters are scattered all over Jinlingzhou. If you want to come back in a short time, it is impossible for every three or five days.

Especially since they have no conflicts all year round, the headquarters is undefended, and if so many snake monsters rush down, they can easily break them!

"Cat You and I are both demon beasts. My clan has been cooperating with Tianlong Bank all the year round. Why should such a thing happen?" The Ice Fire King frowned.

Cat demon's face was distorted. She also didn't show up because she was a demon beast and couldn't form an alliance with human beings. As a result, she was approached.

"I don't know anything about it, if it weren't for you to come, I wouldn't know at all!" Cat demon gritted his teeth.

Having said that, doesn't the King of Ice and Fire know the mind of the cat demon?

Grandma Hong and Longtou, the two chief leaders, went out and caused such a big incident, would she not know? It's nothing more than a rhetoric.

(End of this chapter)


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