Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 413: : 3 flowers gather at the top, 5 vitality!

Hearing Long Xiaotian's laughter and thinking about the situation he had encountered before, Lin Hao suddenly realized.

The college alliance, in order to kill him, exhausted all human resources, and laid a net of 50,000 li!

Every corner has a surveillance array, and every place has a high-level elder of the **** of transformation!

Lin Hao's appearance in any position will attract elders everywhere to besiege!

Unless he can teleport beyond 50,000 miles at a time, he will definitely be discovered!

But the Escape Talisman was randomly teleported to a place within a radius of 10,000 miles, and there were only ten left in his hand. How could it be possible to transmit them all in the same direction?

Lin Hao is facing the biggest crisis since his rebirth! A little carelessness, he will die!

"Hahaha! Lin Hao, I didn't expect it, is it terrified and desperate?" Long Xiaotian heard a grim laughter from a distance.

But what surprised him a little was that he didn't see Lin Hao's panic. Lin Hao's expression was calm, and it seemed that nothing could shake him.

Lin Hao's state of mind was stable as usual. Ten thousand years of life and death had created his temperament. Even if the sky fell, he was the most calm one.

He was thinking, how to do it, in such a mortal situation, to find a chance!

"Okay, okay! You still have this posture when you die, and when I hold you in my hands, I don't believe you can still calm down!"

Lin Hao's attitude made Long Xiaotian completely furious. He speeded up, and a big fire ignited on his body, a few points faster than the meteor.

Chu Feng in the distance also flew over, with a flame will brewing in his eyes.

Lin Hao opened his eyes and looked ahead calmly.

"With my meager strength, I can kill 90% of the elites in the Qianlong ranking, and I can escape your chase and kill with the cultivation base of the sixth layer of God Transformation!"

"I, Lin Hao, are you waiting for me?!"

Lin Hao smashed another empty talisman again!

This time, he came three thousand miles away!

Sure enough, there is also a surveillance formation here. At this distance, it is estimated that Long Xiaotian and Chu Feng can be there in ten seconds!

"Lin Hao has appeared!"

"kill him!"

The three dark shadows rushed towards Lin Hao, but this time, the three people he faced had a slightly weaker cultivation base, two were the eighth-level transformation and one was the seventh-level transformation.

When the three of them rushed up, Lin Hao flicked his finger and destroyed the surveillance formation below.

Immediately afterwards, a figure holding a blood sword appeared beside him, as well as a mastiff lion and a void praying mantis! It is his clone, loneliness and blood knife!

"Lin Hao, you seem to be in trouble!" Gu Ao sneered.

"Stop talking nonsense, solve the trouble, I reward you dragon blood!" Lin Hao said.

"Haha! It's a deal!" Gu Ao licked his lips excitedly.

Before the three of them rushed closer, they felt cold light flying by, and the three of them immediately separated their bodies.

These elders have a high cultivation base, and their true strength may not be as good as the top ten in the Qianlong List. After all, the top ten in the Qianlong List are all geniuses who can leapfrog and challenge, and they all have life-saving things and are very difficult to kill!

After killing the three elders, Gu Ao and Blood Saber were taken into the body space by Lin Hao.

Back and forth, only one second passed!

Lin Hao could feel that Chu Feng and Young Master Long were approaching quickly to the north, and the various elders of the Academy Alliance were all converging here in the south and east-west directions.

"Hehe, you all want to kill me, you want me to die!"

Lin Hao showed a sneer, trembling with laughter, like a mad man, doing the final madness!

"Since I want to kill me, I will make you pay a painful price!"

Lin Hao took out a scroll and spread it out, and a picture of a black dragon appeared vividly in the air.

On the top of Heilong's head, three flowers were gleaming.

"Black Dragon, turn on Sanhua Gathering!" Lin Hao closed his eyes.

"Three Flowers Gathering on the Top", the black dragon said, this is a super secret of the dragon family, which can raise the spirit and energy to the extreme in a short time! Only three opportunities!

What is the spirit of spirit?

Essence is the basis of life! Your five senses, your thinking, and your actions all come from the spirit of spirit!

Lin Hao knew very well that once the spirit and energy were improved, the control of the true essence, the control of power, and the use of the physical body would all skyrocket!

It is equivalent to only playing a half of the power of martial arts. After the spirit and spirit grows, it can be perfectly displayed, and the control of the true essence can be improved to a perfect state!

One thought forms a formation, one thought becomes a pill, which is what the spirit, qi and spirit reach their limit.

Essence and energy reaching the limit is just an ideal state, but "Three Flowers Gathering" can help you do it.


There was a slight fluctuation in the black dragon picture, spreading to Lin Hao's body.

Lin Hao clearly saw that of the three flowers on the top of the black dragon map, one disappeared, which represented the first opportunity to use it.

At this moment, on Lin Hao's head, there were three phantoms of flowers, one for spirit, one for spirit, and the other for god.

The three flowers gather at the top, the five spirits are coming together! It is a sign that the spirit and energy have reached the limit!

Lin Hao's eyes were clear and everything in front of him slowed down at this moment.

The snowflakes in the sky slowed down, and the flow of air slowed down, several times slower!

Lin Hao knew that this was not slowing down, but his reaction faster!

His thinking is more clear and sensitive!

At this moment, if he was asked to refine the pill, the pill that could have been completed in one day is estimated to be completed in one minute! The formation that was originally completed in three days was only three minutes!

And if it is some simple surveillance array, it is estimated that it can be successfully deployed in a single thought!

Lin Hao's control over the true essence and physical body has reached perfection! This is the effect brought about by the surge of energy!

He put the black dragon map away, and saw that five black shadows attacked from all directions, all of them were elders of the Academy Alliance.

There was a meteor approaching at the end of the northern line of sight. It was Long Xiaotian, but this originally fast meteor became very slow in Lin Hao's eyes.

"Lin Hao, die!"

The five elders all aimed at Lin Hao. Of these five people, two were on the ninth level of the transformation, two were on the eighth level, and one was the peak of the transformation!

The strength of the five people is stronger than Fu Yanhuo, among them, the peak of transformation is second only to Zhuge Guiyuan!

These five people shot together, and in the past, Lin Hao had no chance of surviving!

Lin Hao looked up and saw the colorful martial arts smashing towards him, without any mercy, all moves were killing moves.

It's just that these attacks look like slow motion in his eyes, with flaws everywhere!

"Obsidian destruction!"

Lin Hao opened his big The true essence in his body surged, compressed thousands of times in his mouth, and condensed into an obsidian particle.

After the obsidian particles appeared, the surrounding light instantly dimmed and was absorbed.

The faces of the five nearby elders all changed drastically, and they felt the death crisis from the obsidian particles!

However, what shocked them was still to come.

After an obsidian particle appeared, the second, third... also appeared!

Just one can't breathe, five obsidian particles take shape!

(End of this chapter)


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