Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 415: :no way no money!

Lin Hao knows very well that the elders above the seventh level of God Transformation are among the elites in the Academy Alliance. They are very rare. Every death is a great loss to the Academy!

Like in the Ten Thousand Snake Valley of the Snake Race, there are only about twenty elders of that level, and all of them can be named, and there are only three elders at the peak of the transformation! The entire wild beast sect adds up not much!

It is conceivable that in order to kill Lin Hao, the Academy Alliance has deployed such a large army in a radius of 50,000 miles, which can be said to have come out in full force.

If Lin Hao kills them all, then the Academy Alliance will only have two or three big cats and kittens left, and the blow to them will be devastating!

If you want to kill him, you have to pay a painful price!

Lin Hao took out the last escape charm!

"Next, play a big ticket!"

Lin Hao's body disappeared.

Coincidentally, this time, he returned to the original point.

This is thousands of miles away from the entrance to the Mysterious Realm of Ten Thousand Demons. In the sky far away, the cultivators of Cave Xu are still fighting. In order to avoid affecting the demons and the crowd below, their fighting positions are all tens of thousands of feet high.

Golden Wing Roc has the best eyesight and can see things thousands of miles away.

When Lin Hao appeared, the Golden Winged Dapeng immediately spotted him.

"Haha! Lin Hao is back again?" Jin Wing Dapeng laughed.

The Ice Fire King's face changed, why didn't Lin Hao escape?

But he turned his head to look, Lin Hao didn't look like he was beaten up very embarrassed, instead he was full of energy and his eyes were clear, as if he could perceive everything, and he was in a mysterious state.

The most conspicuous thing is that on the top of his head, three flowers appeared!

Although the Ice Fire King could not understand Lin Hao's current state, he believed that Lin Hao would definitely make the most correct choice.


Lin Hao saw that no elders had attacked him, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"Good luck, I am waiting for this kind of opportunity!"

Lin Hao didn't have any extra moves, he went straight into the ground, and began to shed the spirit stones to build a formation.

"Arrange the formation? What can the formation do at this time?" The Golden Wing Roc couldn't help but sneer when he saw Lin Hao's movements.

What kind of formation can be deployed at this juncture? Long Xiaotian will be back in less than three minutes. At this time, it is nothing more than a low-level array such as a surveillance array. What use is it?

"Ice and Fire King, Lin Hao's luck is very bad, he accidentally teleported it back, seeing him like this, the escape talisman should be used up, and they are all starting to make a living!" Jin Wing Dapeng sneered.

"Hahaha! Lin Hao has given up struggling! He will die sooner or later, so you can go to **** with peace of mind!" The cloud boss laughed.

The Golden Wing Roc and the boss in the cloud accelerated their offensive, carrying a stormy attack, and shrouded the Ice Fire King.

The ice and fire king's injuries became more and more intensive, and blood was spilled on the ground from time to time, but his eyes were firm and he never took a step back.

After two minutes, a figure turned into a fireball in the distance and rushed towards Lin Hao. Next to the fireball was a flame phoenix. The two were getting closer and closer to Lin Hao. It was Long Xiaotian and Chu Feng.

"Hahaha! Lin Hao, today is your end!" Long Xiaotian laughed wildly.

Lin Hao has no expression on his face as he keeps dropping the spirit stone, moving extremely fast.

But in Long Xiaotian's eyes, it was like a child's play. In such a short time, it was impossible for him to build a formation that would threaten him.

It took Lin Hao three days to complete the seal formation in the Myriad Demon Secret Realm. The time consumed by the killing formation was measured in months. What could be arranged in three minutes? Long Xiaotian was not worried at all.

"Die!" On Long Xiaotian's fist, a dragon-shaped phantom appeared.

Just as Long Xiaotian approached and was about to take a punch, Lin Hao's eyes were clear and he sternly shouted, "Suppress!"


An illusory mountain appeared in the sky, carrying an unrivaled power, crushing down towards the sky below.

Long Xiaotian and Chu Feng couldn't dodge, their figures were immediately oppressed on the ground, and they could no longer fly.

The big mountain above the head is formed by the gathering of spiritual energy, reaching a height of thousands of meters. It is the most difficult to break through the earth element trapping formation, reaching the peak level of the **** of transformation! Under the hole, there is no way to break it in a short time!

"The troubled formation at the peak of the **** transformation?"

The expressions of Long Xiaotian and Chu Feng changed drastically.

This is only three minutes, how could a sleepy formation be arranged!

"Look at me breaking this formation!"

A dragon shadow appeared on Long Xiaotian's fist, and he slammed his fist towards the mountain in the sky.

"Decepticon Fist!"

Long Xiaotian smashed his fist, only to hear a loud "bang", the mountain shook violently, sprinkled some debris, but did not break!

"what happened?"

Long Xiaotian couldn't believe it, and once again cast his dragon fist, aiming at the mountain and smashing it out.

Chu Feng also flapped his wings, the endless flames of will blessed in the mountains, igniting a monstrous fire.

Although the mountain kept shaking, it never broke open!


At this time, not only Long Xiaotian and Chu Feng, but even the Golden Winged Roc who fought thousands of miles away showed a shocked look.

From Lin Hao's appearance until Long Xiaotian felt it, it only took three minutes.

In three minutes, in front of them, they set up such a powerful formation, what is going on?

Trapped by Long Xiaotian and Chu Feng, Lin Hao did not relax completely. He looked up and saw countless dense, locust-like figures flying towards here from a distance. It was the news to Lin Hao. The besieging elders.

Lin Hao counted the elders who attacked, and conservatively estimated that there were hundreds of them.

Perceiving such a scene, the trapped Long Xiaotian laughed loudly and mocked: "Lin Hao, what if I am trapped? Isn't it a death?"

"I don't believe it, your escape talisman is infinite, you can always escape! Hahaha!" Long Xiaotian laughed wildly.

Two hundred elders! All of them have the strength of the seventh level of God Transformation, and a few of them have reached the peak of Transition God!

With such a large army, to besiege Lin Hao, coupled with the surveillance array everywhere, Lin Hao can catch up wherever he escapes, what can he do?

As long as Lin Hao is surrounded, there is only one dead end!

Soon there will be the first batch of elders coming up, there are two seven-layer transforming gods and one eight-layer transforming gods!

"Dead!" The three of them took out their long swords and used the Star Breaking Army swordsmanship, stabbing towards Lin Hao like three stars.

This time, Lin Hao didn't use obsidian to destroy His spirit crystals only had a thousand, and he couldn't afford to consume it like this!

Moreover, to deal with the trash below the ninth level of the **** of transformation, he does not need to use obsidian to destroy it! With physical strength, enough!

When the three of them approached, Lin Hao flapped his wings and disappeared instantly.

When he appeared, he had already arrived in front of the three of them, and two paws grew out of his abdomen, and they slammed into the chests of the two left and right, and the one in the middle was bitten on the head by Lin Hao.

"Puff puff!"

In an instant, two people were pierced to death, and one was bitten off.

(End of this chapter)


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