Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 419: : Devouring Black Holes (Part 1)

The Ice and Fire King and the Golden Winged Roc who fought in the distance also discovered such a horrible scene.

"Huh? Is Lin Hao crazy? He wants to commit suicide?" Jin Wing Dapeng asked in surprise.

A thousand spirit crystals, let alone Lin Hao, even if he didn't dare to swallow them all at once, such violent energy would burst his body!

"What exactly is Lin Hao going to do?" The Ice Fire King also showed shock.

"Lin Hao!"

"Lin Hao!"

For a moment, all the companions in the distance stood up.

Zhuge Guiyuan stared at Lin Hao, who had swelled into a ball in the sky, without blinking, as if to see something.

"With Lin Hao's mind, it is impossible to do anything without a brain, there must be some reason!"

There were bloodshot eyes in Zhuge Guiyuan's eyes, and he dared not miss a shot.

Long Xiaotian and Chu Feng always felt a little bad. They burned their blood, and hit the mountain above their heads with one punch after another, causing the mountain to roar and tremble, and the fragments were about to collapse.

At this moment, the true essence in Lin Hao's body could no longer bear it, overflowing from the surface of his skin, and a dense blood mist burst out, like a ball about to break.

"Give me gel!"

Lin Hao's thoughts moved. With the three flowers gathered together, he perfectly manipulated the true essence and gathered his throat.


The real yuan was crazily compressed, a mountain the size of a head, and a head the size of a needle!

In an instant, an obsidian particle took shape!

This wasn't over yet, Lin Hao continued to gather the surging True Essence in his body into the obsidian particle. The obsidian particle gradually grew from the size of the needle eye at the beginning to the size of a sesame, and then the size of a soybean.

In an instant, the horrible devouring power appeared, and the aura, air, and dust in the air all flew toward the soy-sized particle.

The greater the density, the greater the attraction, the obsidian particles can even be swallowed by light, and the nearby space appears pitch black.

"what is that?"

Long Xiaotian trembled in shock, and all his hairs stood upside down.

"What kind of martial arts is that?"

Chu Feng's feathers were trembling, it was a fear of biological instinct, and she couldn't control it.

At this moment, not only was Long Xiaotian and Chu Feng fearful, the feathers of the Golden Winged Roc who were fighting in the distance began to tremble, as if something terrifying was about to appear!

He fixed his eyes, and Lin Hao had an obsidian particle the size of a soybean appeared in his mouth, and it was gradually getting bigger!

"not good!"

The Golden Wing Roc knows that it is not good, that the size of a needle eye can kill a peak of transformation, so the size of a soybean, if it is sent out, it will not destroy the world!

"Boss in the cloud, quickly solve the ice and fire king, the situation over there is not good!" Jin Wing Dapeng shouted.

"I know!" The old monster in the cloud understood.

One person and one bird burned their essence and blood, launched a stormy offensive, and rushed towards the Ice and Fire King. The frost scales all over the Ice and Fire King fell off one by one, and his injuries became more and more serious.

"With me, you guys don't want to free up!"

The Ice Fire King was cruel, his tail started to burn, disappearing inch by inch, and all the burning body turned into energy, making him more and more brave.

For a time, the Golden Wing Roc and the Old Monster in the Cloud teamed up, and they both retreated steadily under the surging offensive of the Ice and Fire King.

The Golden Winged Roc looked intently, and the tail of the Ice and Fire King had disappeared, and it was still disappearing.

"Ice and Fire King, are you crazy? This is a burning body secret technique, it will be fatal!" Golden Wing Dapeng said in shock.

"I said, you guys don't want to attack Lin Hao!" The Ice and Fire King ignored the Golden Wing Roc, his tail instantly burned one-third, he sprayed out a large number of blood-colored icicles, staggered up and down, towards the Golden Wing Roc Stabbed in the past.

The Golden Wing Roc had no choice but to challenge.

The old monster in the cloud is also going crazy in a hurry.

At this moment, Lin Hao's huge body was shrinking, and the true essence of the riot in his body was compressed into obsidian particles. The volume of obsidian particles became larger and larger, from the size of a soybean to the size of a half fist. .

"It's not good!"

"Kill him!"

The elders were so scared on the spot that they couldn't bear it anymore, and they all used Heaven-level martial arts to kill Lin Hao in the sky.

However, something horrifying happened. Those martial arts moves that could destroy the heavens and the earth, as long as they were within 500 meters of Lin Hao, they were swallowed by the fist-sized obsidian particles. The spray did not turn up at all.

Generally speaking, the collision of two different martial arts will inevitably produce a violent explosion, and will never disappear out of thin air like this.

This situation only illustrates one problem-the power of Lin Hao's move far exceeds their heavenly martial arts!

"What to do? What should I do?"

"I do not know!"

The elders are going crazy, but they don't know what to do.

At this time, the obsidian particle suddenly swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and became larger and larger. At the same time, Lin Hao's volume was getting smaller and smaller, and the true essence in his body flew out like flowing water, into the obsidian particle In, be absorbed by it.

The volume of obsidian particles has grown wildly, five feet, ten feet, twenty feet, thirty feet...


The mountain below that suppressed Long Xiaotian was finally destroyed by Long Xiaotian's desperate bombardment. He and Chu Feng reappeared in the world and flew into the sky.

However, at this moment, everyone's movements stopped.

Long Xiaotian, Chu Feng, and the cave monk who fought in the distance, all stopped fighting and looked over here.

In the sky, all the light disappeared, only a huge black sun remained, hanging across the sky!

The sky is getting dark and the light is swallowed!

The air, aura, dust, and even the sand and stones on the ground, and the floating snowflakes, all involuntarily attracted towards the black sun.

The sound is gone!

Because all of them didn't say a word, they just stood in place, trembling constantly, so scared by such a shocking scene, they froze in their bodies and remained motionless.

This kind of martial arts has surpassed everyone's imagination, UU reading is beyond human power! Created by the gods!

"Lin Hao, it's not the Flood Dragon, it's the Shenlong?" In their minds, such a question could not help but appear.

The black sun in the sky had already taken shape, Lin Hao was suspended under the sun, the true essence in his body was exhausted again, and his body's internal and external injuries occurred at the same time, making him tottering.

The three flowers on his head also disappeared completely at this moment.

Like a **** who is about to judge the world, Lin Hao looked down on the earth, and a calm voice came out from his mouth.

"Swallow... devour... black... hole!"

(End of this chapter)


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