Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 428: : Yujian Gate, Yu 3 Island

Lin Hao didn't know anything about the Shenzhou Sea. There were too many islands in the Shenzhou Sea. The ghost knew which island it was.

"The **** is dead?"

"My heaven, dead!"

The aboriginals were all trembling, and they didn't know what language they were speaking, but judging from their expressions and movements, it should be Lin Hao who killed the monk in the Taoist robe, and the impact on them was too great.

Obviously, this island should have been controlled by the young monks, who cast a little magic and rewarded some treasures, and they were believed by the natives as a god.

This is a common method for developing power. If necessary in the future, the indigenous people of this island can be captured as combat power, and they can also be sold as slaves.

Lin Hao crawled to the cultivator's corpse and pulled out a token from his chest.

The token is faintly discernible, with the words "Yujianmen, Fangyun" written on it.

In this way, the young man killed in front of him was called Fang Yun, and he came from the "Yujianmen", a sect of immortality. The natives of this island have all cultivated a technique, which must have been given to them by the Yujianmen.

"call out!"

Suddenly, an arrow shot over and hit Lin Hao's head.


The arrow seemed to hit an iron plate and broke directly, but Lin Hao remained motionless.

Lin Hao slowly looked up, only to see a dark-skinned young man holding a silver feather bow in his hand, with a frightened expression, his eyes were bigger than fish eyes.

"Monster!" The young archer turned pale with fright, and sat on the ground.

But Lin Hao frowned deeply. He had just noticed that an arrow was coming, but he didn't dodge it. His reaction power was so dull to this point?

He shook his head. This sequelae is not generally serious, and it seems that it will take a while to recover.

"come here!"

Lin Hao looked at a thin native, who was the elder of the tribe.


Hearing Lin Hao calling himself, the tribe elder jumped in surprise and pointed to himself.

"Yes, it's you!" Lin Hao nodded.

The tribe elder's heart was beating wildly, the snake could still speak the language of the gods, so he had to tiptoe over.

"I ask you, do you know Yujianmen?" Lin Hao said.

"I don't know." The tribe elder shook his head.

"Then what place is this?" Lin Hao then asked.

"This is Yumishima, and I am the elder of Yumishima." The man said honestly.

Lin Hao knew as soon as he heard it, he didn't ask anything, and he said nothing.

Yu Mi Dao is nothing more than a random name, the ghost knows which corner of the Shenzhou Sea.

"How to leave here?" Lin Hao asked.

"I don't know, our tribe has never left Yusandao." The tribe elder shook his head.

Lin Hao nodded slightly, knowingly.

A layer of sharp true essence was condensed on Lin Hao's tail, and he swept forward.

Just sweeping it so casually, the horrible energy directly blew out the circular arc wind that was visible to the naked eye, issued a sharp whistling sound, and swept out in all directions.

"Puff puff puff puff..."

Just listening to a series of explosions, this group of indigenous people did not even have time to resist, and they all exploded into pieces of meat.

The cultivation base of this group of people is nothing but Yuan Ying cultivator, Lin Hao casually releases a little wind, it is enough to wipe them out.

Since it was of no value, Lin Hao would naturally not stay alive.

He closed his eyes, and his divine consciousness spread out and expanded to the entire island.

His spiritual consciousness searched the island back and forth. After about ten minutes, he did not find anything of value. The only thing that caught his attention was a banner that could contact people outside.

That tribe elder should have contacted Yu Jianmen through this banner.

Lin Hao rushed into a thatched hut and put away the banner.

To Lin Hao's surprise, the dead Fang Yun also had a flying sword with a star sword soul in it, but the weakest one star sword soul, even Zhuge Guiyuan's Guiyuan sword could not match.

Once Fang Yun died, this sword lost control, but it could be swallowed by Xiao Lei.

"Come!" Lin Hao collected Feijian into the body space.

"By the way, where is Xiao Lei?" Lin Hao was startled.

He suddenly realized that Ben Lei Jian seemed to have lost contact with him.

Lin Hao hurriedly came to the edge of the beach on the island, his divine sense probed it out, searching inch by inch, while still calling Xiao Lei in his mind, trying to get in touch with Xiao Lei.

But to his disappointment, there was no response at all.

If it weren't for the imprint he left on Xiao Lei's body, he even wondered if Xiao Lei's body was broken.

"What a bastard!" Lin Hao was very upset.

Falling into a desert island, I lost my way and lost the flying sword.

What's more terrible is that he still doesn't know when he can recover his damaged spirit.

In his current state, even the arrows shot by the cultivator Yuan Ying did not evade, and when he met a real strong man, the consequences can be imagined.

However, his Nine Dragon Lei Gang body came to the fourth dragon, and the ordinary god-shifting monk couldn't hurt him.

His current goal is to find a way to leave as soon as possible, go to the human world, search for some pills to restore energy and spirit, and by the way search for the location of Xiao Lei.

Lin Hao inspected the space in his body, a tank of dragon blood, a picture of a black dragon, and some miscellaneous medicinal materials, elixirs and so on.

His remaining spirit crystals were completely consumed in the final battle, and the spirit stones were almost consumed by the earth element trapped array, leaving some middle-grade spirit stones.

In other words, he even has no resources for cultivation!

This is truly the end of the mountain, the ammunition and the food, Lin Hao was forced into this dilemma for the first time.

"Hey! Lin Hao, are you dead?"

In the internal space, Gu Ao called out to the sky.

Upon seeing this, Lin Hao released Gu Ao and the blood knife.

Staring at Lin Hao with lonely lion-like eyes, he was stunned, and said in surprise: "You are not dead!"

"How could I die!" Lin Hao said.

Gu Ao looked around, sniffed the smell in the air, and suddenly smiled.

"Lin Hao, you are on an island in the Shenzhou Sea!" Gu Ao smiled.

"Yes, I appeared here after I woke up, do you know how to leave?" Lin Hao asked.

Gu Ao helplessly spread his hands: "I don't know!"

Lin Hao was disappointed and had already expected this answer.

In desperation, he had to put Gu Ao and the blood knife back.

Now he can only figure out his own way to leave.


At this time, Lin Hao's stomach suddenly screamed, and a strong appetite appeared.

Lin Hao suddenly discovered that he had been in a coma for an unknown period of time. Although the dragon blood in his body repaired the internal and external injuries for him, it also consumed a large amount of his blood, resulting in an empty stomach.

He must eat now!

Thinking about this, Lin Hao left a surveillance formation on the island, flapped his wings, soared into the air, and left Yusan Island straight away.

(End of this chapter)


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