What surprised Lin Hao was that this person was also stepping on a flying sword. Could it be that the people of the Yujianmen are good at flying swords?

Feijian sect is not unavailable, but it is very rare. Everyone who can control Feijian is a rare kendo wizard. Even in Panlongyu's Qianlong list, only two or three people control Feijian.

Like Yujianmen, there are very few sects that have a one-star sword soul, and everyone can fly with swords. Lin Hao couldn't help but become interested.

"Jiaolong, since you killed my disciple of the Yujian Sect, let me go back!"

The square-faced youth from Yu Jianmen pointed to Lin Hao remotely and said loudly, "Go!"

As soon as the words fell, a black light flashed across the flying sword under his feet, and it pierced Lin Hao like lightning.


Suddenly, Lin Hao stuck out his claws and firmly grasped Feijian.

Feijian was still struggling, an infinite sword aura was released on the surface, cutting on Lin Hao's claws, but only a spark was brought up, not even his skin was injured.

"What?!" The Fang Lian youth was shocked.

His flying sword, even if the fourth layer of God Transformation, did not dare to resist, how could he catch it with his bare hands?

"It just happens that I am leaving this place, so let you lead the way!" Lin Hao said involuntarily, and in the blink of an eye he rushed to the top of Fang Lian Youth's head, his tail stretched out, and he was wrapped around him.

The square-faced young man struggled madly, but didn't move, his face changed wildly, and he shouted in panic: "Ah!! Don't kill me!"

He didn't even react, so Lin Hao entangled him. What does this mean? It shows that Lin Hao's strength is far above him!

Now where did he dare to resist, he directly begged for mercy.

The aboriginals below were all staring at it, and the gods above were caught begging for mercy!

Especially the elder, he thought that the **** would kill the snake, but he was killed in a flash when he met him, which completely subverted his old ideas.

"Say! Where is the nearest human city? Tell me I won't kill you!" Lin Hao grinned gloomily.

The Fang Lian youth pointed in a certain direction and said, "In the north, the city of Mo, 200,000 miles away in the north!"

"Well, thanks for letting me know!"

Lin Hao said with a smile, and then struck hard after speaking, only to hear a series of loud "clicks".

The square-faced youth stared wide-eyed, and his whole bones burst, and he was crushed into pieces on the spot.

Feijian also lost control and was taken into the body space by Lin Hao.

Lin Hao looked at the four islands of Yu below, sprayed out a nightmare fire, and burned all the natives who saw him.

After doing this, he flew over in the direction directed by the Fang Lian youth.

He is not an honest gentleman, he is not a human at all, at best he is an honest demon gentleman, but he doesn't talk to humans.

"Mocheng, 200,000 miles away, is not too far away!"

Lin Hao estimated that at his current rate, 200,000 li would only take two days.

This made him think of Xiao Lei. If Xiao Lei was there, the sword would fly, and it would take a long time to arrive.

When he recovers from the sequelae of Sanhua Juding, he will search for Xiao Lei!

Less than an hour after Lin Hao left, a group of Yujianmen disciples and an elder descended on Yusi Island.

They only saw the corpses in one place, and everyone looked ashen.

"Who! Who is it!" Elder Qin yelled with bruises.

The disciples of Yujianmen all had a gloomy expression. Right now they had destroyed two consecutive slave islands, and two of their disciples had died. This kind of thing would arouse high-level vigilance.

"Check, you must check it out! I want to see, which **** ate the bear heart and leopard guts and dare to offend my feather sword gate!" Elder Qin scolded.

"Yes!" The disciples scattered and left.


Lin Hao flew all the way along the north, under the vast sea, occasionally he could meet sea beasts fighting.

As long as he encounters the sea beast, Lin Hao is not at all polite, going up and swallowing the sea beast.

He found that since he had a seafood meal, he felt that the food was more delicious.

After Lin Hao finished eating, he was still eager to eat. As long as he saw fish and shrimps, he swallowed them all in his abdomen. If he couldn't eat them, he would kill them and put them away. They would be replenished when they lost their blood.

Gradually, Lin Hao also discovered a problem. The sea beasts he encountered were not too strong, and the strongest was not at the fifth level of God Transformation, which was somewhat different from the perilous Shenzhou Sea in the rumor.

Soon, two days passed.

In the early morning of the third day, Lin Hao came to a shallow sea. The water here was light blue, and the water depth was less than 5,000 meters. The number of sea beasts became sparse.

In the sky, occasionally one or two seabirds fly by, and they seem to be close to land.

Lin Hao thought for a while, took out the human clone, and the body turned into a snake and tied it to the clone's arm.

Lin Hao flew across the sky and walked towards the front.

When he continued to fly for two hours, he finally saw that a broad land appeared at the end of his sight. From time to time, human monks flew in the sky, and there were various ships on the ocean back and forth, carrying cargo. Or fish, a scene of prosperity.

There is no end in sight on both sides of this land, and I don't know how big it is. There are three piers on the shore, and a group of merchant ships are parked on the piers. Deep in the land is a group of buildings, and defensive formations are faintly emerging.

"Ahead is Mocheng!" Lin Hao secretly said.

Lin Hao continued to fly for about ten minutes, and finally reached the land.

There is a forbidden air formation on the land. Although it has no effect on Lin Hao, he also stepped in unscrupulously, choosing to land on the dock instead.

When Lin Hao landed on the dock, a brawny man with a naked upper body walked over. Behind him was a rich middle-aged man wearing a brocade cap and luxurious robe.

"This fellow Taoist, I don't know where it came from?" The strong man asked with a smile.

"I am home from all over the world."

Lin Hao said indifferently, taking a look at him, and was surprised to find that this shameless man actually has the strength of the third layer of the **** transformation, which should not be underestimated.

"Haha! Fellow Daoist returned from the Shenzhou Sea, he must have brought a lot of seafood, my host is willing to buy it at a high price, I don't know if the friend is interested." The strong man continued with a smile.

The wealthy middle-aged behind also nodded slightly to Lin Hao~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and squeezed an ugly smile, revealing a row of big golden teeth.

Suddenly, Lin Hao was buying seafood. Shenzhou Sea is rich in products and contains many rare treasures. It is not surprising that someone bought them.

Lin Hao thought for a while, anyway he had hit a lot of sea beasts, and said: "There are no rare and exotic treasures, but there are sea beasts."

Lin Hao waved his hand and a fifty-meter-long sea snake appeared.

"Oh!" Both the strong man and the rich middle-aged exclaimed.

This sea snake was a three-layered sea snake that was caught by Lin Hao. It was a "golden-ringed horned snake" and was killed by Lin Hao.

(End of this chapter)


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