Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 435: : Reward order!

After Lin Hao left, he dashed into a small alley near the Qianyun Chamber of Commerce, got into the ground, and began to investigate the harvest.

Qianyun Chamber of Commerce has been entrenched in the city of Mo for many years, and it must be rich and rich because it is missed by the Yujianmen!

Lin Hao looked at it. There were hundreds of millions of medium-grade spirit stones and five million high-grade spirit stones. The only thing he regretted was that there were only 1,500 semi-prime spirit stones.

Counting what Lin Hao had exchanged for Yufeng Pill before, now his total of semi-extreme spirit stones totaled 2,500.

The middle-grade spirit stones were of no use to him. Lin Hao sacrificed himself from the Hell Furnace, threw all the middle-grade spirit stones into it, and refined them into spirit crystals.

In the underground ice field, those top-grade spirit stones that had survived for millions of years were used by Lin Hao’s waste and refined into thousands of spiritual crystals. Currently, there are hundreds of millions of middle-grade spiritual stones, and only two hundred are refined. Lingjing made Lin Hao speechless.

In this way, there are finally some resources, so that there is nothing left to set up an array.

Lin Hao continued to check, the Qianyun Chamber of Commerce had a lot of treasures, and there were more than 10,000 pieces in total, but Lin Hao saw very few of them.

"Huh!" Lin Hao suddenly let out a surprised voice.

He took out a dilapidated doll. This doll was two meters high and covered with unknown metal. It was only old and had been immersed in sea water for many years, and it had already been corrupted.

What surprised Lin Hao was that judging from the degree of material damage, the doll has at least a hundred thousand years of history, which is longer than his previous life.

"Is this a baby fished from the sea?" Lin Hao showed an expression of interest.

There was a groove behind this doll. Lin Hao thought for a while, took out a semi-extreme spirit stone and put it in.


The hollow eyes of the doll lit up, and then quickly went out.

"It seems that it has been in disrepair for a long time and has lost its effect." Lin Hao shook his head and took off the semi-extreme spirit stone.

There is no doubt that this puppet must be the work of a certain puppet technician. Puppetry is very rare in the Sky Continent. It is all low-level puppetry that is circulated in the world. For example, the corpse puppet refining circulated in the Star Academy can only be preserved. Half of the master's strength.

Like some real puppets, even if they give a pile of broken copper and rotten iron, blessings and spirit stones, they have the ability to destroy the world. Even the puppets can have the will to martial arts. They have the rules of the world and punch. Going down, the cultivator will also fall during the Tribulation Period.

Lin Hao checked the doll, and the blessed formation in it was still there, but it was too long and it had no effect.

When Lin Hao was about to take the doll back, he was taken aback.

He felt that there seemed to be something in the doll's body that could not be detected by the divine sense and had to be opened to see it.

Lin Hao slapped a paw on the doll's body, and the dragon's claw pierced into the doll's body, and then pulled out a small scroll.

This scroll is extremely shabby, and it has a history of 100,000 years in the formation enclosed in the doll's body.

Lin Hao spread out the scroll, and saw a picture drawn inside. It was a magnificent land with many buildings, stone formations, and some densely packed routes.

The top of the picture is marked with three words: "Tian Puppet Zong".

"Sky Puppet Sect?"

Lin Hao's eyes lit up.

When the Sky Puppet Sect heard this name, it was the sect that made this puppet!

The densely packed route map above, as well as the outline of the island, are somewhat similar to the Shenzhou Sea. Could it be that these route maps go to the Tianpuzong?

If this is the case, you can go take a look.

Lin Hao compared this map with the chart that Qian Xiong gave him, and found that the location of the Sky Puppet Sect was in a black area, indicating that the Qianyun Chamber of Commerce had not visited that area.

Moreover, outside the black area, the red area is full, indicating that there is a big danger inside.

But who is Lin Hao? He has a clone, no matter how great the danger is, it is not dangerous to him!

"If there is a chance, I have to go to the site of the Heavenly Puppet Sect." Lin Hao secretly said.

In any case, let's restore our own strength first.

Lin Hao got into the ground of Mocheng, dug a hole, and began to take out the medicinal materials to refine alchemy.

These medicinal materials naturally came from the collection of the Qianyun Chamber of Commerce, which saved him a lot of trouble.

This time, it is Qinglingsan, the fifth-grade pinnacle pill, which can refresh the brain and restore the damaged spirit.

Lin Hao's spirit and spirit were injured, his reaction was severely slow, and his thinking was also very slow, which caused his alchemy efficiency to plummet.

A fifth-rank pinnacle pill, at the speed of Lin Hao, it was estimated that it could be refined in three days, but it took half a month to succeed.

After the pill was completed, Lin Hao couldn't wait to swallow it.

The pill melted into the body, Lin Hao felt that his mind seemed to be immersed in the ice spring, he was very awake, and the movements around him became very clearly visible.

Lin Hao could clearly feel the ants, reptiles, dust, microbes, etc. deep underground.

Only one day later, Lin Hao completely digested the power of Qinglingsan.

He opened his eyes, his body rose into the sky, and returned to the ground.

Lin Hao looked up, and all the clouds and mountains in the distance could be seen, and his spirit and spirit were restored to the best condition, even better than before the damage.

"That's right, then I will go to the Sky Puppet Sect to see, and when I get the treasure, I will destroy the feather sword gate!"

Lin Hao glanced towards the east with a cold face.

Still the same, he condensed a clone, the body hidden in the sleeve.

This time, he slightly changed the appearance of the clone to avoid being recognized.

Lin Hao walked out of the alley and returned to the street.

He glanced at the Qianyun Chamber of Commerce. Now that half a month has passed, the Chamber of Commerce has disappeared, replaced by a brand new chamber of commerce, with the four words "Feather Sword Chamber of Commerce" written on the plaque, which means it was replaced by the Yujian Gate. Up.

There were two Yujianmen disciples at the door, still guarding and patrolling, Lin Hao had no plans to provoke them.

Lin Hao was walking towards the dock. After not taking a few steps, he saw a large group of people in front of him, pointing to a notice board and saying something.

Lin Hao curiously moved towards the crowd.

He squeezed into the crowd and took a closer look. The bulletin board was written with dense numbers of rankings. It was not so much a bulletin board as it was a reward list.

"The first prize is offered, Xie Qing, monk Dongxu, the leader of Haijiangyang thieves in Shenzhou, the owner of Heifengzhai, burns, kills, plunders and does not do evil, is addicted to life, kills rewards a thousand best spirit stones! Issued by: The Hague island!"

"The second prize is offered, the water ghost Taoist, the real name is ominous, the cave monk... the killer bounties 900 top-grade spirit stones, the issuer: Cloud Hall!"

Lin Hao looked at the reward places and couldn't help but be amazed. He didn't expect that Shenzhouhai still had such a list.

The Hague Island and the Hall of the Clouds must be the super powers of the Shenzhou Sea. After all, they can offer a reward to the cave monk. No matter what, there are also cave monks under his command, otherwise they would have been wiped out.

When Lin Hao continued to look down, he was taken aback.

"The thirty-ninth place is offering a reward, Lin Tian, ​​eighth-level, good at escape, and a reward of one thousand and a half top spirit stones for killers! Issuer: Yujianmen!

Lin Haoxin said it was strange, he obviously blew himself up, how did Yu Jianmen know that he was still alive? Also deliberately issued a reward order!

(End of this chapter)


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