Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 437: : Prey delivered to your door

Those who can get the reward order may not necessarily be strong, but they must be very capable, or they would have been caught early.

It's just different from Qianlong List, this is not a glorious thing.


Eagle Island is also a big island. The difference is that this island is occupied by monsters, and the island is full of birds.

Chu Feng's inheritance came from Eagle Island.

On the edge of Eagle Eagle Island, an ice-blue bird squatted on a lonely mountain with its eyes closed. The cold current in the body continued to radiate, preventing other birds from approaching.

This place is different from other places. The whole body of this lonely mountain is frozen and turned into an iceberg. Even the ground within a radius of ten miles is frozen with cold air.

At this time, a palm-sized parrot flew from afar and landed in front of the ice bird.

"Sister Xiaoyue, there is an extra human on the reward, please look."

The parrot was chatting, and with a stroke of its wings, the specific content of the reward order appeared in the air.

Bingniao opened her icy eyes. She scanned the content of the reward order and fixed on the word "Lin Tian".

"Big Brother Lin?" Her eyes lit up, and then he hesitated: "There are too many humans with the same name, what if it's not him?"

"Just look at his appearance!"

The parrot manipulated the aura and formed a human face in mid-air.

The moment she saw that face, Xiaoyue's body trembled visibly, and a wave of fluctuations finally appeared in her frosty eyes.

"Brother Lin, it's really you!" Xiaoyue's eye circles were wet.

After Lin Hao was chased into the Yanluo River, she was always worried about whether Lin Hao had fallen. Seeing such news today made her almost cry.

"Little parrot, how long does it take to reach Yujianmen from Eagle Eagle Island?" Xiaoyue asked quickly.

"Eagle Eagle Island is five million miles away from Yujianmen. At the speed of Sister Xiaoyue, it will take at least one month. Considering the risks on the way, the environment and other factors, it may be more than two months."

"Of course, the premise is that there is no big danger." Parrot said.

After hearing the words, Xiaoyue's eyes dimmed, and then a firm color flashed.

"In any case, I must go to Yujianmen. The reward order was issued by Yujianmen. Only they may know the news of Brother Lin!"

Xiaoyue did not hesitate, and immediately left Lonely Peak.

At the moment when Xiaoyue took off, the ice and snow on the lonely mountain melted, forming a waterfall and scouring down, and all the ice and snow in a radius of ten miles turned into water.


Lin Hao on the Blackwater, unaware of what was happening outside, was sitting on the deck cultivating.

The Blackwater was still driving, the color of the sea changed from light blue to dark blue, and the depth exceeded ten thousand feet. From time to time, it was attacked by sea beasts, but the speed of the Blackwater was too fast, and it was easily thrown away.

Lin Hao glanced at the slightly fat rich businessman man, stood up, and walked over.

The wealthy businessman still played with the two beauties in his hands, and it was not until Lin Hao came over that he glanced at Lin Hao lazily.

"What's the matter?" The rich businessman said flatly.

"Your Excellency is a crew member of the Black Water, or a passenger?" Lin Hao asked.

"Same as you, but also a passing passenger!" said the rich businessman.

"So, my name is Lin Tian, ​​I don't know your surname?" Lin Hao smiled.

After hearing this, the wealthy businessman was stunned, and then he showed a meaningful smile.

"My surname is Xie, I won't say my name!" The rich business man finished speaking, and continued to put his arms around the beautiful woman on the right, went up to kiss him, and gave out a stern smile.

Seeing this situation, Lin Hao sat down beside him and ignored him.

The journey was far away, and everyone on the boat was silent, except for the rich business man playing with the two beauties, no one spoke.

In an instant, three days passed.

This place is completely far away from Mocheng, and it is getting closer and closer to the destination.

At this time, Lin Hao opened his eyes, and he saw the crew on the deck, all of them stood up and surrounded him and a few passersby.

The previous eagle-nosed man also appeared on the deck.

"Sorry, the power of the ship is not enough, you need to contribute a little spiritual stone, not much, not much, each one will give a thousand semi-extreme spiritual stones is enough!" The eagle hook nose man looked around and said with a smile.

"What are you talking about? A thousand?"

A passerby monk jumped up and roared: "I received one hundred from me when I got on the boat, and now I want another one thousand. Are you crazy about money?"

"Huh?" The eagle-hook nose man looked cold and waved.


The two crew members rushed up and directly tore off the arm of the monk who called!

"Ah!!!" the man howled miserably and fell on the deck, blood shed all over the floor.

"Pull out this person's clothes, take away all the treasures, discard the cultivation base, and throw them into the sea to feed the fish!" The Ying Hook nose man said lightly.

"Yes!" The two crew members walked over, stripped the man's clothes off, and slammed his pubic area with the last punch, destroying his repair.

After that, this person was thrown into the Shenzhou Sea, and his fate can be imagined.

After such a lesson, no one dared to act rashly.

There were not many passers-by who had boarded the Heishui, including Lin Hao, the two from Yujianmen, and the wealthy businessman, there were only seven in total.

Compared with these thirty-odd crew members, they are completely small shrimps. What's more, the crew members will not deal with Yu Jianmen, just pick soft persimmons.

"Big...sir, I'll pay the spirit stone!"

"I will pay too!"

The other two turned pale in fright, and quickly took out a thousand and a half best spirit stones and handed them up.

"Well, count your acquaintances!" The man with the nose nodded in satisfaction.

Immediately afterwards, the crew surrounded Lin Hao.

"You! Turn in a thousand and a half best spirit stones!"

A shirtless man scolded Lin Hao.

Lin Hao looked up at them and stood up slowly.

"Hurry up! What are you rubbing?!" The man was impatient and shouted.

Lin Hao said nothing, stretched out his hand and touched his sleeve.

Everyone thought that Lin Hao was going to show some treasure, so they all looked at it with joking eyes.

Lin Hao reached into his sleeve and slowly took it out, but he didn't take out any treasures. Instead, he took out a black long whip.

This whip is slender and long, with fine scales on the surface, just like a snake.

" I happen to be short of spirit stones, so I will ask you for it!"

Lin Hao held the whip, raised a mocking smile, saw his wrist flicked, and for an instant he drew it towards the front.

The whip shadow flashed, the strong wind blew, everyone only felt black in front of them.


A crisp voice sounded, and a row of shirtless brawny men in front of them were directly drawn in the face, and their heads were blown up on the spot.

"Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!"...

A group of corpses fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)


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