Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 454: : Situation in Panlong Domain

Boss Liu's face changed suddenly, and he pulled Zhuge back to the Yuan, he stubbornly said: "Brother Zhuge, he is an evil monk, will you... admit your mistake?"


Zhuge Guiyuan didn't speak, but turned around and slapped Boss Liu's face with a slap, hitting him in the air and spinning countless times before throwing his head into the distance.

Boss Liu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, completely dumbfounded.

Zhuge Guiyuan, seems to know this person?

He knew who Zhuge Guiyuan was. He was third on the list of Qianlong in the Panlong Realm, the formation master, the two-star sword soul monk, and there was no almost invincible existence!

He actually knew this person, so it would be troublesome to find a fart!

"Damn it! Who on earth is this person, actually found Zhuge Guiyuan as a backer!"

Old Liu had to gritted his teeth. In this way, he didn't say he couldn't stand He Linhao, he didn't even dare to fight Lin Hao's idea. You know, Zhuge Guiyuan wanted to destroy his Liu's Chamber of Commerce, so he moved his fingers. thing.

Moreover, Lin Hao's personal strength is also very terrifying, even if the killer is asked for help, he will have to pay a big price.

"You know him?" Lin Hao glanced at Zhuge Guiyuan strangely.

"I came to Mocheng to look for your trace, and saw that the Liu Family Chamber of Commerce is the biggest power in Mocheng, so I went to inquire about it." Zhuge Guiyuan smiled flatly.

Lin Hao nodded, knowing it clearly. In this case, he can kill it with peace of mind.

"Brother Zhuge, since this person is your friend, I'll leave first!"

Boss Liu chuckled, turned around and left.

"Stop!" Lin Hao scolded.

Boss Liu stopped immediately, gritted his teeth and said, "What else do you have?"

"You just asked who I am?"

Lin Hao said indifferently, "My name is Lin, who do you think I will be?"

"Lin..." Boss Liu set off a stormy sea in his heart.

"Are you Lin Tian?!"

Boss Liu's voice became extremely sharp from fear.

Those who have been to Mocheng are surnamed Lin and are so enchanting. Who would be if not Lin Tian?

The onlookers in the distance all made noises in horror.

Lin Tian! According to the rumors, Lin Tian, ​​who murdered butchered the sect if he didn't agree with him!

Boss Liu was so scared that his face was bloodless, and his body trembled involuntarily.

It was Yujianmen, who had offended Lin Tian and was turned over and destroyed. What is he compared to Yujianmen?


Boss Liu made a decisive decision, crushed a swift talisman, and walked away.

He planned to pack up his things immediately after returning, leave Shenzhouhai, and find a place to hide. The Liu Chamber of Commerce will definitely not be spared!

Looking at the departure of Boss Liu, Lin Hao didn't seem to have the intention of chasing him, his feet were motionless.

"Huh?" Zhuge Guiyuan felt strange, but he didn't ask much, how meticulous Lin Hao's mind was, it was impossible to let a potential enemy go.

Lin Hao clenched his fists, the muscles on his arms bulged, and a blue arc appeared.

Under the urging of Nine Dragon Lei Gang's body, the energy in his body was transmitted from the back bone layer by layer and penetrated to the arm, causing crackling thunder and lightning to emerge from his right arm, faintly shining with blue light.

"What a terrifying physical power!" Zhuge Guiyuan's face was shocked.

This level, compared to Long Xiaotian's physical body, is almost a lot.


The next moment, Lin Hao aimed at the escaped Boss Liu and smashed it out with a volley.

This move was not about advanced martial arts, it was purely Lin Hao's full punch with his strongest physical strength.

After this punch appeared, the void between the world and the earth shook fiercely, and the horrible spiritual energy shook out, like an invisible cannonball, and a deafening sound of thunder was heard. Smashed behind Boss Liu.

"Bang!" A big blood hole appeared behind Boss Liu, piercing through his chest, his body stagnated in the air, with blood from the corners of his mouth.

In the end, Boss Liu went down weakly, and even to his death, he did not expect that Lin Hao would kill him with a punch at such a distance.

The whole room was silent.

On the Ninth Level of Transforming God, a kilometer away, volleyed Boss Liu to death with a punch. What kind of terrifying power is this? It's not a human effort!

"So strong! It is more than ten times stronger than during the Ten Thousand Demons Conference!" Zhuge Guiyuan was shocked.

Now Lin Hao, even if he takes the shot himself, he may not be able to win it!

Lin Hao's growth rate has reached a point where he is horrified! It is estimated that in the entire Qianlong List, only Young Master Long and Chu Feng can play against him!

Lin Hao took a volley and took all the storage rings of all corpses in this place into his hands.

"Let's go! Talk to another place!" Lin Hao said calmly.

"Good!" Zhuge Guiyuan nodded.

The two left the Yujian Gate, leaving only a group of cultivators who were shocked and silent, their sluggish eyes like sticks of wood.


After the two left, they found a yard casually and sat down at the table in the yard.

"Brother Lin, I came here to tell you the situation in the Panlong Region." Zhuge returned to Yuan.

"Oh? Come and listen."

Lin Hao was wondering what Panlong Domain had become, and asked curiously.

"After you disappeared, they all thought you were dead. Most of the college alliances were forced to disintegrate due to heavy casualties. Only the three major colleges dominated by the Star Academy survived, but their most invisible power was not damaged. On the contrary, they are the giants of the Wild Beast Sect, only five are left." Zhuge Guiyuan solemnly said.

Lin Hao nodded. This was what he expected. The grassroots of the Academy Alliance died and the top was still alive. This was not a good thing for the Wild Beast Sect.

What determines the strength of a sect is always the number of Dongxu monks.

Perhaps a few hundred years later, the wild beast sect has a new hole, but the elder of the Academy Alliance is dead, green and yellow, and no new hole is born. Only then can the strength be leveled, but now, the wild beast sect will undoubtedly fall into Downwind.

"A week ago, the Academy Alliance attacked the territories of the Wild Beast Sect more frequently, and among them, it dispatched a cave monk to carry out the killing on the Shiwan Dashan Mountain. The beasts suffered heavy casualties and the Wild Beast Sect had to enter the closed sect. State, sent all the disciples back!" Zhuge Guiyuan continued.

"What?" Lin Hao was surprised closed the sect, which means that a disciple in the sect cannot go out or enter, and do his best to defend against foreign enemies, which means that the sect has entered an unprecedented crisis state.

"I'm talking about the conservative situation. If it weren't for the death of the elite elders of the Academy Alliance and the urgent need for manpower, it is very likely that the Badadongxu will attack again, and it will be the disaster of the wild beast sect!" Zhuge Guiyuan Seriously.

After Lin Hao heard this, his face became gloomy, and he looked a little bit hideous.

Eight caves attacked, this is not even the two of Tianlong Bank, plus they will have ten caves, what will the wild beasts use to resist?

(End of this chapter)


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