The Gorefiend roared up to the sky, slammed his huge palms out, and the sky and the earth were violent. Before he took a picture of Shen Tubao, he blew him away, and Lin Hao also took the opportunity to land a kilometer away.

The most miserable was the blood-clothed Taoist. The blood demon's palm hit his chest, and he immediately spewed a mouthful of blood and flew out. Fortunately, his injuries were not serious.

"This fellow Daoist, the blood demon's strength is about the same as mine, the three of us work together and pay a certain price, and we can definitely win him!" Shen Tubao looked at Lin Hao.

"That's right, this fellow Daoist, Brother Leopard and I are ready to do our best, you should also take out a trick!" The blood-clothed Taoist said anxiously.

They guessed that Lin Hao didn't use all his strength just now, and that's what they said.

"Alright, let's go together!"

Lin Hao nodded, and rushed up to the Gorefiend first, the thunder light on his fist was shining, and the Nine Dragon thunder body urged it to emit a dazzling blue and purple light.

Shen Tubao and the blood-clothed Taoist looked at each other and snickered.

It seemed that Lin Hao had been fooled.

"Go together!" The two followed Lin Hao in a similar manner, attacking the Gorefiend together.


The huge gorefiend, dancing wildly with his hands, stretched out his hands towards the three villains in the sky, the three of them were extremely flexible, and they didn't suffer any major injuries except for the fluctuation of the blood energy.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

Lin Hao punched it up with one punch after another. After every punch he hits, he immediately pulled back and violently retreated to avoid being hit by the Gorefiend.

Just now, Lin Hao had only used 20% of his strength, and now he barely had 50%. As soon as he shot, the blood demon's body was shaken, and his huge body even retreated several steps!

Seeing this scene, Shen Tubao was overjoyed, thinking that Lin Hao had done his best, and the blood-clothed Taoist both showed treacherous smiles.

"Dead!" Shen Tubao hit his body like a cannonball, smashing the blood demon's arm into a big hole.

"Wow!" The blood demon howled miserably.

"Almost soon, he is almost dead! Fellow Daoist went up and killed him!" The blood-clothed Daoist roared.

"Okay! Let me solve him!"

Lin Hao really, as he said, a layer of lightning shield emerged from all over his body. Under the envelope of electric light, it resembled a ball of lightning rushing towards the blood demon and slammed on his chest.


The thunder shook, and the thunder light rushed to a height of a thousand meters, and the blood demon was blown out directly, burning a large black mark on his chest, and he was seriously injured with one move.


At this moment, the blood demon's body suddenly had brand new blood and energy, and the wound he had suffered was repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye!


The scarlet gaze of the Gorefiend firmly locked on Lin Hao in front of him, stomped his footsteps, stepped on the sea of ​​blood, and slammed Pu Shan's big hand toward Lin Hao's body.

At this moment, his blood-red eyes were only locked on Lin Hao, as if going crazy, holding both hands crazily in mid-air, bombarding Lin Hao wildly.

Lin Hao flicked left and right in the air, trying to avoid, but the blood demon stared at him, regardless of other people, only attacked Lin Hao.

"Is this staring at me?"

Lin Hao frowned slightly, and under the frenzied attack of the Gorefiend, he was forced to repay him, so he could barely protect himself.

"The blood demon has turned violent!" Shen Tubao looked solemn on the surface, but was overjoyed in his heart when he saw this scene.

"Haha! This kid has become the target of the blood demon. When he is hit by the blood demon, we will go together and kill the kid first, and then kill the blood demon when the blood demon enters a weak state!" The blood-clothed Taoist quietly transmitted over.

"Haha! Just do it, old rules!" Shen Tubao laughed.

Once a blood demon of this level is severely injured, it will enter a violent state, release all the energy in the body within a short time, kill the monk who attacked him, and then enter a period of weakness.

At that time, they could not only kill Lin Hao, but also kill the Gorefiend, killing two birds with one stone!

This kind of insidious trick is specially designed to deal with those who have come to the Sea of ​​Blood Demon for the first time and do not understand the rules. Those newcomers didn't know anything about the blood demons, and each pit a standard. Lin Hao was the third to be pitted by them.

But they didn't know, Lin Hao had expected their thoughts a long time ago.

The reason why Lin Hao didn't expose them was purely because he was afraid of trouble, because with Lin Hao's strength, there was no need to say more, enough to crush everything!


The violent Gorefiend was almost twice as powerful as before. It was faster and had deadly moves. Under such a stormy offensive, Lin Hao could barely defend himself, even unable to counterattack.

"Haha! Die! Die!" Shen Tubao exclaimed excitedly, without any intention of going up to help.

The blood-clothed Taoist also watched the show, with a playful sneer.

At this moment, Lin Hao was chased into a cloud of blood. The blood demon slapped Taishan on the top and slapped Lin Hao's head fiercely. He had already reached the top of his head and was too late to dodge.

"Die!" Shen Tubao's eyes narrowed with joy.

The blood-clothed Taoist smile widened, as if seeing Lin Hao being filmed to pieces.

At this moment, Lin Hao broke out with all his strength. Facing the overwhelming palm, he did not move away. He punched and bombarded the sky with a terrifying thunder. Under the gaze of Shen Tubao and the blood-clothed Taoist, The big hands of the Gorefiend collided hard.

"court death!"


The two shook their heads in disdain.


In the next second, there was a deafening sound of thunder in the sky, and the gorefiend screamed abruptly, the thunder and lightning exploded, and blue smoke appeared in his palm.

Shen Tubao's eyes widened, and they were stunned!

Under Lin Hao's punch, the blood demon's palm pierced a big hole, and the hole was charred and smoked, and Lin Hao punched it through!

"How is it possible?" Shen Tubao exclaimed.

Just now, Lin Hao had been fighting with 50% of his strength, and now he had exploded with all his strength, the Blood Demon was naturally not his opponent.

"Wow!" After the blood demon screamed, blood poured into the hole in his palm, trying to recover the wound.

"Thunder Knife!"

Lin Hao's palm turned into a knife, and the Nine Dragon Lei Gang's body urged with all his strength, condensed into a thunder and lightning knife in his palm, aimed at the front and fell from the sky, slashing on the blood demon's arm.

The hands of the Gorefiend were directly cut off by Thunder Knife!

After the blood demon broke his hand, his blood qi dropped sharply, and his speed was not as fast as before. Lin Hao took advantage of the situation and punched the blood demon body with punch after punch. With a completely disproportionate size, he beat the blood demon back again and again~www It's completely beaten by the blood demons.

Both Shen Tubao were stunned.

"He has been hiding his strength just now?" The blood-clothed Taoist was surprised.

Shen Tubao calmed down and said sternly: "What a sinister kid, if it wasn't for the blood demon to become violent, he still kept it from us!"

The blood-clothed Taoist nodded and said coldly: "Fortunately, the two of us are also hiding our strengths, let's go together, take advantage of his illness to kill him!"

"it is good!"

The two Shen Tubao disappeared instantly.

(End of this chapter)


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