Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 462: : The Golden Wing Roc arrives

Xiao Lei and Lin Hao's offensive became more and more violent. The two of them were afraid and couldn't fight wholeheartedly. They were hit one after another, blood spurted, and the blood-clothed Taoist arm was directly cut off by Xiao Lei.

"Now that you are afraid?"

A voice came from Jiaolong's mouth, exactly the same as Lin Hao's voice.

The two of them were taken aback for a moment, they saw the dragon disappear in the same place instantly, the next moment it appeared on the head of the blood-clothed Taoist, the claw was destroyed with obsidian, and one claw was pressed down.

"Ah!!!" The Taoist in blood screamed, and was destroyed by obsidian and submerged in his body. The scream stopped abruptly and turned into a fan.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Tubao was also hit by Lin Hao's obsidian destruction.


Both of them turned into blood-colored powder, floating in the sea, disappearing in smoke.

Two evil demon heads, just like this, died in the hands of Lin Hao, dead inexplicably, without any waves, I am afraid that no one had expected this!


Lin Hao took a volley and sucked in the two storage rings. The storage rings of the blood-hand butcher and the blood-clothed Taoist were all accumulated over the past 100 years, so you can imagine how rich they are.

Lin Hao swept away his spiritual knowledge and found five thousand and a half best spirit stones. Counting what he had accumulated before, the total amounted to 13,000 half best spirit stones.

In addition, there are some spirit treasures of the peak of the gods, the blood-clothed Taoists have a lot of spiritual rune plates, and some miscellaneous things that are not human or ghost, and the corpses of ghosts are useless to him. Lin Hao threw it all away!

Lin Hao glanced around inside the storage ring, and the most noticeable among them was a small pile of blood-colored crystals in the corner.

"Blood Demon Crystal!" Lin Hao said in surprise.

The two had stored a lot of Blood Demon Crystals, eight of them the size of a sesame, and one the size of a mung bean, all of which they didn't have time to use.

Lin Hao looked at the dying giant Gorefiend, and rushed up to smash it to pieces, leaving only a mung bean-sized Gorefiend crystal.

Counting it all up, he has a total of two blood demon crystals the size of mung beans and eight of the size of sesame.


At this moment, Lin Hao was taken aback. He took out a blood-colored jade piece with a strange pattern carved on it. It was found in Shentubao's ring, and it seemed to contain some kind of information.

Lin Hao observed for a while, and suddenly spewed out a real yuan, smashing the jade piece.

After the jade piece was shattered, a ball of fresh blood emerged from it, wriggling in the air, turning into a blood-colored dot.

Then, centered on the blood-colored dot, a route spread out, first to the north, then to the west, swimming like a snake, extending to ten meters away before stopping.

"What is this?"

Lin Hao looked at the weird pattern drawn in mid-air, and couldn't help showing a strange expression.

"Why does it feel like a road map?" Lin Hao frowned.

But as for the route map, there is no hint. Who knows where to start and where to lead?

Lin Hao thought for a while, but couldn't figure it out, so he branded the circuit diagram and ignored it.

"No matter what, find a quiet place!"

Lin Hao took out the Divine Sailboat and couldn't wait to wander beyond the Blood Demon Sea.

After traveling for about a hundred miles, Lin Hao put away the Divine Windship, dived under the water of the Blood Demon Sea, set up a vacuum water barrier formation under the sea, and entered the formation.

The top priority is to improve his strength. Since he has got so many blood demon crystals, is there any reason to ignore it?

Lin Hao took out a sesame-sized blood demon crystal, and his consciousness invaded it.

Soon, he felt the familiar will of the blood demon again, and was rushing towards his sea of ​​consciousness. Lin Hao's will and the will of the blood demon were colliding with each other, and they were gradually becoming stronger.

In Lin Hao's eyes, thunder and lightning flashed, and even in the void there were lightning flashes, which was extremely shocking.

Half an hour later, the first sesame-sized Blood Demon Crystal was consumed.

Lin Hao took out the second...

With the passage of time, the blood demon crystal gradually turned into a transparent color, the thunder light in Lin Hao's eyes became more and more prosperous, and a vaguely powerful will was born.

The second one was exhausted, and Lin Hao took out the third one, followed by the fourth one.

After half a day, Lin Hao's eight sesame-sized blood demon crystals were all consumed by him. Without hesitation, Lin Hao immediately took out the first mung bean-sized blood demon crystal and began to refine.

This time, the time for refining was very long. Although the size of the mung bean-sized blood demon crystal was not much larger, the quality was better. The refining had not been completed in a day.

Lin Hao's eyes were blood red, the thunder light became stronger and stronger, and the sound of crackling lightning flashed out of the formation. In the process, Lin Hao's will was hit by a strong blood demon, and even spouted a mouthful of blood.

This is also understandable, because the Taoist in Blood-Clothed and Shen Tubao did not immediately refining the Blood Demon Crystal, there is a certain risk in refining the Blood Demon Crystal, and it must be fully prepared before starting.

Of course, this risk is negligible for Lin Hao. If his will is overwhelmed by the blood demon's will, Lin Hao won't have to live anymore, just die.


At this moment, on the Blood Demon Island thousands of miles away.

A huge golden figure descended from the sky and came to the Blood Demon Island.

"Deep Hole Monster Beast!"

"That's a hole virtual monster!"

The cultivators on the Blood Demon Island all stood up and stared at the golden bird in the sky in shock. It was a golden winged roc with a virtual power.

In the Shenzhou Sea, wherever Monk Dongxu is, he is a huge evil, and he can dominate a large area.

For example, Mocheng, the master of the Yujian Gate, a fake hole can be invincible, and everyone is afraid. The master of Heifengzhai is even more legendary. He is famous in the Shenzhou Sea and is wanted by the superpower The Hague.

As soon as this cavernous golden winged roc appeared, it caused everyone's panic.

Fortunately, this golden-winged roc seems to have no intention of attacking passersby.

After the Golden Wing Roc came, his eyes swept over everyone, and then he went straight to the Fangshi in the middle of the Blood Demon Island.

He looked down at the two monks in Fang City and asked coldly, "Did Lin Tian appear here?"

The two monks shivered with fright, and nodded quickly: "Yes! We saw him here two days ago!"

The Golden Wing Roc was The intelligence department of Eagle Eagle Island is really useful.

"Where did he go?" Golden Wing Roc asked.

The two monks did not dare to hesitate, and said quickly: "He should be going to the Blood Demon Sea."

"Oh?" Jin Wing Dapeng narrowed his eyes.

After he pondered for a while, he stopped on the Blood Demon Island. The Blood Demon Sea was so big that finding someone was like looking for a needle in a haystack.


(End of this chapter)


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