Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 468: : Gorefiend at the hole virtual level!


The Gorefiends flew into the air, rushing towards Lin Hao with their teeth and claws, and the scene was spectacular.

They would devour all fleshy creatures, and the appearance of Lin Hao stimulated their instinctive killing consciousness.

"Lei Gang Force Field!"

Without any hesitation, the thunder and lightning will in Lin Hao's eyes broke out, and the infinite electric light shone on the entire seabed, and the area of ​​500 meters in the area was full of thunder.

The blood demons rushed forward without fear of death, and when they entered the field of Thunder Gang force, they were chopped into nothingness by the terrifying lightning.

"You killed level 45 monsters and gained 10 million experience points!"

"You killed level 46 monsters and gained 12 million experience points!"


These blood demons are not afraid of death at all, they only have the consciousness of killing, but everyone who comes close is electrically turned into nothingness, and Lin Hao's experience grows at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Suddenly, when Lin Hao killed about 20 or 30 blood demons, a terrifying roar suddenly came from the ground of the sea.

This roar, shaking the sky and shaking the earth, the entire seabed is shaking, as if a great seabed earthquake has erupted, the sea is tumbling, as if the sky is about to collapse!

"What's the situation?" Lin Hao still didn't know what happened.

Afterwards, Lin Hao saw a big hole burst open in the sea in front of him. A huge **** palm came out violently from the big hole in the sea. This hand was as large as a hundred meters, covering the sky and the sun. big hand.

After the blood demon big hand appeared, he grabbed Lin Hao's body.

The speed was too fast, the blood demon's big hand passed through the Leigang force field, which can crush all the god-transforming cultivators, and it had no effect on the big hand, and could not even block it for a second.

In the next second, the Gorefiend grabbed Lin Hao's body with his big hand and shook it fiercely!


With a crisp sound, Lin Hao was just like that, crushed to pieces by the big **** hands.

As soon as Lin Hao died, the lightning power field suddenly disappeared, and the sea in front of him gradually calmed down.

The vibrations come and go fast.

Those blood demons who rushed halfway, saw that they had suddenly lost their target, and walked back numbly, returning to the bottom of the canyon and standing still.

It wasn't until about five minutes after Lin Hao's death that the huge Gorefiend palm slowly retracted under the sea, leaving only a **** hole.

At this moment, Lin Hao's body was lurking in the distance, and he didn't dare to get out of the atmosphere, for fear of being discovered by that huge blood demon.

After a long time, Lin Hao let out a sigh of relief when there was no more movement.

"The aura just now was too terrifying, several times stronger than the Golden Wing Roc. If you find me, there is absolutely no chance of survival!" Lin Hao secretly surprised.

Just a hand is one hundred feet long, how tall is the blood demon's body? Unimaginable, I am afraid that it has reached a few thousand feet, the real great giant!

What kind of idea was it that gave birth to such a terrifying blood demon? Could it be the idea left by the true immortal Hedao?

Lin Hao didn't know how the Blood Demon Sea was born, nor did he know what happened to the battles here in the ancient times. He only knew that the Blood Demon Sea was very dangerous, and there was a possibility of death if he was careless.

Sure enough, as the rumors said, the Blood Demon Sea is perilous, and it can be regarded as one of the most dangerous areas in the Shenzhou Sea. Even Monk Dongxu is in danger of falling! So far, no one can really go deep into the blood demon sea!

Fortunately, Lin Hao sent a clone to take a look, otherwise he wouldn't know how he died.

Lin Hao looked at a large group of blood demons in the canyon ahead, extremely greedy, but there was no way to pass. The giant blood demons who had been alarmed just now would definitely be discovered in the first time.

"Experience, it's all experience, how can this be good?" Lin Hao fell into a state of contemplation.

Lin Hao thought for a long time, but suddenly had an idea.

"That's right! The blood demon searches for prey based on the life breath of creatures. What if I send the furnace clone over?" Lin Hao suddenly thought of this.

The forge clone has no vitality, no blood, and even the puppet tower can't detect it. Maybe you can use it to try to see if the blood demon reacts.

Just do it, Lin Hao took out the melting pot clone.

After the melting pot clone appeared, he cautiously jumped towards the submarine canyon ahead, swayed and swam at a slow speed.

Lin Hao's body was hidden from a long distance, watching, and if he changed a little, he immediately fled!

In this way, Lin Hao's furnace clone swaggered into the sea and came to the place where the human clone had arrived.

The blood demons in the canyon felt the waves of the sea, and they all looked over, their eyes fixed on the furnace part.

Lin Hao held his breath and stared at this moment.

The heads of the blood demons all turned here, staring at the furnace, Lin Hao immediately stopped moving, and just stood quietly on the sea like this.

The big deep hole is a hundred meters away, and the big **** hand from before appeared from inside.

Through the consciousness of the furnace clone, Lin Hao could feel that there was a terrifying blood demon under the pit, and it seemed that he was also observing here.

After a while, those blood demons just stared at the furnace clone, and did not do anything else, letting Lin Hao breathe a sigh of relief.

His melting pot clone continued to move forward, moving a distance.

The gazes of those blood demons moved a distance along the furnace clone.

They apparently discovered the Forge clone. After all, everything that moves would cause currents to fluctuate, but they did not attack it. The Forge clone did not attract them.

This surprised Lin Hao, since everything went well, he continued to move the furnace clone.

In this way, Lin Hao step by step, slowly jumped towards the gorge and came under the gorge.

At this moment, there is a Gorefiend next to him, looking down at him from zero distance.

The Gorefiends all looked at the Hell Furnace, like sticks of wood, without any movement.


Lin Hao used Devour, and absorbed the nearest blood demon.


After the blood demon was swallowed, the other blood demon seemed to have encountered a terrible thing, and they all backed away in horror, retreated to a far place, stopped again, and stared curiously here.

Lin Hao didn't expect that this group of blood demons would still feel dangerous, and chose to escape The blood demons swallowed were quickly refined by Lin Hao. A sesame-sized blood demonic crystal appeared in Inside the Hell's Forge.

"Blood Demon Crystal!" Lin Hao said in surprise.

What he swallowed just now was just a blood demon of the 5th layer of God Transformation. Normally, a blood demon of this level would not produce a blood demon crystal. It could be refined in the Hell Furnace, but it produced one. This made Lin Hao was surprised.

However, it may be accidental, but the probability is too small.

He put the blood demon crystal into his inventory, holding a skeptical attitude, Lin Hao then came to the second blood demon and swallowed it again.

(End of this chapter)


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