Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 489: : Panlong mystery is open!

Lin Hao took out the boundary breaking charm!

Upon seeing this, King Jin Ape said, "Lin Hao, I will stay to guard the sect. Yao Tianxing may come to me at any time to make a move. Go in!"

"Yeah!" Lin Hao nodded.

He faced the void in front of him, the heaven and earth aura condensed into a palm, and took the Boundary Breaking Talisman to a position one meter above the teleportation array.

He found it right, that's it!

Lin Hao's true essence poured into the Boundary Breaking Talisman, and the Boundary Breaking Talisman was suddenly shattered, and energy poured into the void!

The space in front, like a calm lake, throws stones into it, rippling with spatial ripples, spreading out layer by layer.

Subsequently, the ripples in the space became denser and heavier, and the energy that teared the space broke out at this moment!


Like a piece of cloth being torn apart, a small pitch-black gap was opened in the space in front, only one foot wide!

Moreover, after the space splits, it heals at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it is the space of the Panlong Secret Realm that is repairing itself.

The space was torn apart, and the Golden Ape King was stunned to see such a magical scene.

Lin Hao's face was as usual, he could tear the space with his hands in his previous life, naturally he didn't pay attention to it.

"Farewell!" Lin Hao did not hesitate, shrinking his body, and rushed into the space crack.

After Lin Hao entered the crack, he immediately closed it, and everything in front of him returned to its original state.

The Golden Ape King froze in place, muttering to himself: "Boundary Breaking Talisman, Spatial Crack! This is the supreme power! It's amazing!"


Star Academy, in the closed hall behind the sky.

At this moment, the four caves of the Star Academy, the two caves of Canglan Academy, the Old Monster Han of Yunxiao Academy, and the Golden Wing Roc were all sitting in the hall.

Yao Tianxing looked around and said indifferently: "Calling everyone here this time, there is something important to tell everyone!"

"Find Lin Hao?"

The Golden Winged Dapeng cared most about Lin Hao, and asked quickly.

Yao Tianxing nodded and said: "Yes! According to reliable sources, he has returned to the Wild Beast Sect, just today!"

In an instant, everyone stood up, eyes startled.

After listening to the Golden Wing Roc, his eyes became colder, but he laughed.

"Okay! OK! He is finally back!" Jin Wing Dapeng looked very excited.

"In that case, we will kill it! Destroy the wild beast sect!" The old monster in the cloud slapped his chair.

"Yes, I wanted revenge a long time ago!" Old Monster Han quickly agreed.

Their number of cave monks has reached eight. This is not even the red grandmother and dragon head of the Tianlong Bank, but the Wild Beast Sect has only five, which is an absolute number advantage and can be completely crushed.

If it weren't for hunting down Lin Hao, they would have destroyed the wild beast sect long ago! Now that Lin Hao came back just right, he just finished it!

Yao Tianxing nodded, and was about to give orders.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a scarlet figure rushed in outside the hall, it was Long Xiaotian.

At this moment, Long Xiaotian's eyes were full of excitement and excitement, as if he had discovered great news.

"Young Master Long, what is so anxious?" Yao Tianxing asked in confusion.

"Panlong Secret Realm!" Long Xiaotian stared at him and said excitedly: "Just now, the space of the Panlong Secret Realm became unstable. I took this opportunity to connect the Teleportation Array to the secret realm and successfully repaired it in one fell swoop. !"

"What did you say?" Yao Tianxing stepped forward, his eyes startled.

The teleportation array is located outside the Star Academy, a magma zone tens of thousands of miles underground.

That was the teleportation array leading to the Panlong Secret Realm, but it was in disrepair for a long time, almost scrapped, and could not connect to the point in the Panlong Secret Realm.

It is as if a bridge leading to the other bank is broken, and only the first half is left. If you want to go to the other bank, you need to repair the second half of the bridge and look precisely to the other bank.

Just now, taking advantage of the unstable space, Long Xiaotian accurately built the bridge to the opposite bank, and the repair was successful!

"The teleportation array has been repaired by me and can be activated at any time to go to Panlong Secret Territory!" Long Xiaotian smiled.

Everyone looked at each other, all shaking with excitement.

In the Panlong Secret Realm, there exists the ancient dragon clan sect Panlongzong. That is the dragon clan sect. No one knows what opportunities exist in it. What is certain is that it will definitely make everyone's strength soar!

This is an opportunity for them to soar into the sky, who can't be excited?


Yao Tianxing immediately waved his hand, and everyone left the hall.

Compared with destroying the wild beast sect, it is obvious that the dragon clan inheritance is more attractive to them, after all, that is a real benefit!

Are they all uniting for profit?

If you go to destroy the wild beast sect at this time, the Golden Ape King desperately, maybe it will damage one or two holes!

There is no rush to destroy the wild beast sect. When they get the chance and increase their strength, the giants of the wild beast sect will no longer be a threat!

Soon, many cave monks arrived in the underground magma zone.

The teleportation formation here, the void world stone bought through Long Xiaotian has been repaired, and it is exuding a faint aura.

In fact, Long Xiaotian was also very puzzled. Just now, the space of the Panlong Secret Realm was unstable, and he took advantage of the emptiness to build the bridge at one time. There is really no way to explain this luck, I can only say that it is too good. Up.

"Millions of years have passed since the teleportation array has very little energy left. The number of times it has been used is very limited. The stronger the teleportation target is, the more energy it consumes!"

Long Xiaotian pointed to the small pile of top-grade spirit stones that were nearly scrapped in the middle of the teleportation array, and said with a serious tone: "These top-grade spirit stones are the remaining energy!"

"Is that left?" Yao Tianxing's face sank.

These are the best spirit stones, but they are almost scrapped, and there is not much spiritual energy left.

"Can you use a semi-extreme spirit stone instead?" Golden Wing Roc couldn't help asking.

" The teleportation array has very high requirements for the quality of aura, these top-quality spiritual stones are very reluctant!" Yao Tianxing shook his head.

Everyone felt as if they were poured cold water, and they were instantly stunned.

The stronger the teleportation target is, the more energy it consumes. They are all cave cultivators. I am afraid that if there are not a few inside, the energy will be exhausted.

They didn't know that at this moment, deep in the magma, a pair of blood-red eyes were quietly looking at this side.

"Young Master Long, you are a cultivator who consumes the least energy, so go ahead!" Yao Tianxing said.

"Okay!" Long Xiaotian walked to the middle of the teleportation formation, pressing his palm on the teleportation formation, and the true essence in his body moved.

"Turn on!"

Long Xiaotian screamed, and the teleportation array suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and a huge array base was revealed.

As he turned on the teleportation array, the best spirit stone aura in the middle was consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Five minutes later, a small hole appeared in the void, and a hazy radiance shone in the middle, covering Long Xiaotian.

"Young Master Long's talent is not weaker than mine. In addition, he has the blood of the dragon clan, and he can get a good chance to enter the Panlong Secret Realm! Maybe he can break through the hole in one fell swoop!" Yao Tianxing laughed.

"Well, he is most suitable for such an opportunity!" The old monster in the cloud echoed.

At this moment, they didn't know, the blood-red eyes in the dark were approaching quietly.

The radiance of the void was completely shed, and it was about to envelope Long Xiaotian's body.

At this moment, the sudden change occurred!

A blood-red shadow suddenly rushed out in the dark, just like a snake, the speed was reaching its limit. As soon as everyone's nerves reacted, the red shadow came to Long Xiaotian's head.

The light shed in the void just shrouded the red shadow.

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