But as soon as most people heard the condition-they need the best spirit stone to enter, they immediately stopped.

The best spirit stones can only be born in the Middle-earth Divine Realm. There are very few that have spread to the Eastern Profound Realm. Only the super sect of Divine Zhouhai and a few cave monks occasionally treasure a few.

If it is exchanged, one top-grade spirit stone can be exchanged for 1,000 semi-high-grade spirit stones, and in this case, the ratio will only be higher!

The condition of the best spirit stone alone is enough to eliminate most people, and the one who can go is either the rich or the powerful. Moreover, some people expressed doubts about the news of Tianlong Bank.

Despite this, there are still a large number of passers-by for casual repairs, rushing in groups in the direction of Panlong Region.

"The best spirit stone?"

On an isolated island in the Shenzhou Sea, an old man fishing with a hat on the edge of the island suddenly smiled.

"It's just right, the old man, I treasured 20 top-quality spirit stones, I don't know if it will be enough for me to enter."

The old man stood up, his body melted like water and flowed into the sea.

If anyone sees such an ability, they will surely think that this old man is the second place in the frightening bounty order in the Shenzhou Sea-Water Ghost Dao Ren!

In order to catch him, the Hall of the Clouds offered a high-priced reward for ninety top-quality spirit stones, but to no avail, just because he knew the secret technique of dissolving in water, and it was impossible to guard against!

At the same time, the forces of the Shenzhou Sea such as The Hague Island, Yunzhong Temple, Eagle Eagle Island, etc. Qiqi sent out the cave masters in the sect, carrying the best spiritual stones collected by the sect for many years, and prepared to explore the reality.

In addition, there are also a large number of deep-hidden casual repairs that have appeared on weekdays, all of them have the strength of the hole, no matter whether they have the best spirit stones, they are ready to go to Panlongyu to see if they can miss them.

Heifengzhai was calm as usual when all parties were surging.

In Heifengzhai, the small town on the island is calm as usual, and everyone is busy, as if not hearing the amazing news.

In the restaurant, the two masters Xie Long and Xie Yi are sitting at the table. On the table is a plate of peanuts, a few side dishes and a pot of wine.

"You said, what is your eldest brother going crazy? Why don't you let us interfere with something such a big dragon ruins?" Xie Yi wondered.

"Big brother has a brilliant plan, naturally he has his opinion." Xie Long took a sip of the wine and said calmly.

"It's not that I don't believe in Big Brother, it's just the Dragon Clan sect. I feel itchy to say everything." Xie Yi scratched his head and said.

Xie Long smiled calmly and said: "Haha! On the contrary, I think that this muddy water should not go there. If it is really good, why would Tianlong Bank make it public?"

After hearing the words, Xie Yi touched his chin and nodded: "That's true."

After Xie Long pondered for a while, he suddenly said:

"By the way, my eldest brother asked us to go to Panlongyu to help someone in a month."

"Who to help?" Xie Yi looked over.

Xie Long shook his head: "I don't know, he will tell us then."


As the news of Panlongzong appeared, it spread from ten to ten, like an unprecedented storm, spreading in all directions with Panlongyu as the center.

The dragon clan sect, no matter what the strong, will be unable to restrain the excitement after hearing it, and want to find out.

At this speed, it is estimated that it will not be long before the true power outside of Shenzhou Sea will be known. At that time, it is not the cave monk who comes, but the condensing monk, or even stronger!

When the Academy Alliance knew that there were countless people rushing over, they were very angry, but they were helpless. They couldn't get in anyway, they could only let others in.

On the third day of the news, the first batch of Dongxu monks arrived here. They were from Yan Luozong, the number one sect in Huoling State.

"Qin Yan, Luo Tong!"

After seeing the visitor, Yao Tianxing's heart sank, and he clasped his fists and said, "I don't know why the two of you are here?"

"Didn't Dean Stars knowingly ask?"

Qin Yan smiled calmly, raised his hand, and five milky white spirit stones appeared in his palm.

"I spent a lot of money to exchange for five top-grade spirit stones in Shenzhouhai. It should be enough to urge the teleportation array."

"That is, the two of us are just a hole in the hole, and we don't need much energy." Luo Tong smiled.

Yao Tianxing squinted, and a meaningful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"You can go in, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out after you go."

"Haha! The Dean of Unexpected Stars has bothered, and we are both skilled and bold, and we can pass through the greatest danger. What are we afraid of?"

Qin Yan said with a smile.

Before they came, they had vaguely guessed that Panlongzong must be in great danger, otherwise, how could Tianlong Bank spread the news?

But since it's here, I have to go in and see.

Next, the two came to the teleportation formation, used four top-grade spirit stones, and the two teleported in.

It seems that two top-grade spirit stones can transmit a layer of the weakest hole into it.

Upon seeing this, Protector Bai said, "The Dean..."

"I only know what you are going to say, let them go in and test it out, we will look at it later~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yao Tianxing waved.

"Yes!" Protector Bai stepped back.

These days, they have been staring at the soul card. Zhuge Guiyuan, Ye Wenlong, and Long Xiaotian are all very good. They were not dead or seriously injured. They were worried that the tide of corpses would recede and let outsiders pick up the bargain for nothing.

With the passage of time, Qin Yan and Luo Tong were just the beginning. Later, more and more cave monks arrived in this magma zone.

"Haha! I have seen Dean Xingchen!"

When the foreign monks of Dongxu saw Yao Tianxing, they all greeted politely. After all, wherever the third floor of Dongxu was placed, they could be called a strong one.

"All those who have the best spirit stones can go in and put the spirit stones on the teleportation formation."

Yao Tianxing was calm and waved at will to let them in.

"Then we're welcome!"

The foreign monks jumped onto the teleportation formation with the best spirit stones.

In addition to the cave cultivators, there are also many cultivators at the peak of the **** transformation, they consume the least energy, and a top-grade spirit stone can be sent to three people.

One person after another entered, and some people were stationed outside the teleportation array, purely to watch the excitement, or to see if they could miss it.

On that night, a spatial fluctuation flashed across the teleportation array, and a figure escaped from Panlongzong.

"Ah! Zombies, there are corpses!"

After this person appeared, he shouted in horror, causing countless people present to look at him.

This person's arms were broken, and the devilish energy continued to erode in at the break, causing him to howl in pain. Isn't it the first Qin Yan who entered?

Yao Tianxing was not surprised to see this situation, and smiled lightly: "Where is Luo Tong?"

"He's dead! He's dead!" Qin Yan said pale.

Everyone was shocked.


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