Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 515: : Kengmeng abduction

Moreover, the outside vision is so big, the flame cloud that traverses thousands of miles, after the breakthrough, the young man in front of the sun is definitely a monster who leapfrogged and challenged, maybe it can match the second floor of the hole!

At this time, the water ghost Taoist could not sit still, and he bent down quickly, begging: "Please also send me a good luck, senior!"

Lin Hao narrowed his eyes, smiled, and said nothing.

"Da da da……"

While the water ghost Taoist thought, another person broke in, a woman in a green shirt.

This woman is about twenty years old, with a beautiful face, watery skin, and an exquisite figure. She is a rare beauty.

"Bai Suxue of Liuli Island!" The water ghost Taoist recognized this woman.

Liuli Island is also a major force that can be ranked in the top five in the Shenzhou Sea. It is a female sect, and has no competition in the world. The female disciples inside are all over the country!

At a young age, Bai Suxue's cultivation reached Dongxu, and she was the master sister of Liuli Island!

"Water ghost Taoist!" Bai Suxue also recognized the water ghost Taoist.

But what surprised her was that the water ghost Taoist actually saluted the white-clothed youth respectfully, and when she came in, she also heard the water ghost Taoist's words, begging for a good luck!

Who is this young man in white?

Bai Suxue looked at Lin Hao and found that Lin Hao could not see through his strength, but his aura was very weak, unlike a strong man.

It's just that the aura he walks is very unique, especially the eyes, like a vicissitudes-worn old monster, and his body faintly exudes a faint dragon!

"Oh? Someone has come to my Panlong Hall again. It has been a million years. It's been a long time." Lin Hao let out a sigh.

Bai Suxue didn't understand what this meant, and immediately bent and clasped her fists: "I have seen Senior Dragon Clan!"

Their hearts were beating wildly, Lin Hao was the dragon power of Panlongzong!

Millions of years have passed, no matter how powerful the existence is, it will die, so there is no doubt that Lin Hao is just an incarnation, and some of the thoughts of the deceased remain, which can explain why he looks so strange.

"Senior, I want to beg you to give me the opportunity to do anything I want!"

The water ghost Taoist was anxious, and he bent down and said.

He didn't want others to share this kind of secret. In the future, more and more people will come over. He just wants to get as much benefit as possible, and then leave here.

He even had the idea of ​​killing Bai Suxue, but in front of Lin Hao, he didn't dare to act rashly, for fear of making Lin Hao dissatisfied.

"Oh! It's a pity, I don't have much skill left, and it is already the limit given to those two people just now!" Lin Hao sighed.

The water ghost Taoist's heart sank, and said anxiously, "What can I do?"

"You all know that no matter it's array formation, talisman making, or teaching of Taoism, you need to consume spirit stones. My spirit stones were exhausted millions of years ago. If you have the best spirit stones..." Lin Hao said At this point, there is no answer.

The two immediately understood Lin Hao's meaning, that the spirit stone was missing.

"Senior, I still have five top-grade spirit stones here!"

The water ghost Taoist quickly took out the best spirit stone left after he teleported.

"Well, not bad!" Lin Hao was not polite, took a volley, sucked the best spirit stone into his hand, and put it in his inventory.

The water ghost Taoist's heart was shaken, Lin Hao didn't wear a storage ring on his hand, and the spirit stone disappeared strangely. Sure enough, the powerful methods of the dragon race were beyond his ability to figure out!

Upon seeing this, Bai Suxue quickly said, "Senior, I also have the best spirit stone!"

With that said, she took out a lot of top-quality spirit stones, fifteen!

Bai Suxue is a peerless genius of Liuli Island, and his lavish shots are far from the comparison of idlers and casual cultivators.

Lin Hao's eyes lit up, he must know that a top-grade spirit stone can be exchanged for one thousand and a half top-grade spirit stones, and his current reserve of semi-maximum spirit stones is only 8,000, which directly doubled his fortune.

Lin Hao calmly accepted the best spirit stone, waved his sleeves, and simply said: "Not enough!"

"not enough!"

The two were completely stunned.

"Huh! I have to exhaust my breath for this bit of spirit stone, so I think of a way to get more." Lin Hao said proudly.

The two were speechless, and the twenty top-grade spirit stones were indeed too shabby for the cultivator during the Tribulation Period.

"Da da da……"

At this time, footsteps came from outside the door again. Three monks at the peak of the transformation came in in groups under the leadership of a Dongxu. They were also a powerful sect in Shenzhou Sea, whose strength was slightly weaker than Liuli Island. Can be ranked in the top ten.

"Oh, there's another guest here, it's so lively!" Lin Hao smiled.

"Bai Suxue!"

The few people who came over apparently recognized Bai Suxue, and quickly and respectfully said: "I have seen Senior Bai!"

"You just came here, do you have the best spirit stone? Hand it in soon!" Bai Suxue stepped forward.

"Huh?" All these people looked blank.

Next, Bai Suxue roughly talked about the matter here.

After listening to this group of people, they looked at Ye Wenlong who was breaking through in midair. They all had fiery eyes.

"Senior Dragon! This is our best spirit stone. Please check it out, senior."

A group of people came together and took out a handful of the best spirit stones, there are six.

Lin Hao smiled faintly, and accepted the Lingshi.

"I still have a great opportunity in my hand, but only once. It is impossible to give it to each of you. So next, I will give you three days to see whoever collects the best spirit stones for me, and I will give it to whomever. "

After Lin Hao finished speaking, he sat down cross-legged like an old monk deciding a Buddha.

At this time, everyone present couldn't sit still, and after looking at each other, they all said excitedly: "Let's find it now!"

The water ghost Taoist instantly disappeared in place, and went outside to collect the best spirit stone.

As for how to collect it, it's very simple-kill and overtake.

Others also left one after another, planning to ask the sect.

Lin Hao doesn't matter what means they rely on to find it, whether it is exchange or snatching, he just pays for it anyway.

Lin Hao looked at the golden keel behind him and said with a smile: "My dear friend, use your reputation to cheat some money, don't you mind!"

The golden keel did not move, as it was.

"Hahaha!" Lin Hao laughed loudly.

Next, more and more people rushed to Panlong Hall, and they all heard that there was an old dragon clan who could give the NPC a chance, but he needed the best spirit stone.

At this time, the entire Panlong secret realm was boiling, and everyone was looking for the best spirit stone with an eager attitude.

The news quickly spread outside.

"What?" After Yao Tianxing heard this, he was shocked first, and then happy.

"Need the best spirit stone, give a great opportunity!"

"Listening to what they said, someone has already gotten the chance. It's a young man who burns flames, like the sun, probably Ye Wenlong." Yao Tianxing said in surprise.

"Hahaha! The other person doesn't need to look, it is definitely Zhuge Guiyuan!" Cang Songzi also smiled.

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