Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 541: : 3 Huajuding, open!

"Thousand Lei Shun!"

Suddenly a flash of electric light flashed past, entwining the body of King Golden Ape, and suddenly separated from the envelope of the fist.

"call out!"

When the figure stopped, the Golden Ape King was taken to the group of monsters.

King Jin Ape opened his eyes and said in surprise: "Lin Hao, did you save me?"

Lin Hao put down the Golden Ape King and looked towards the horizon.

"Golden Ape King, you are here to recuperate. Next, I will deal with Yaotianxing!"

A flat voice came.

Lin Hao's face was as quiet as a pool of water, his tone was calm, but everyone in the group of monsters was stunned.

"Lin Hao, are you going to deal with Yaotian Xing?" King Jin Yuan said in shock: "He is the fourth floor of the hole."

Hearing Lin Hao's words, Yao Tianxing was also taken aback, and then turned up to the sky and laughed: "Hahaha! Don't be ashamed, you also want to deal with me? A layer of illusion, killing four masters of the same level, thinking that the world is invincible It's ridiculous!"

Monk Dongxu, there are very few who can leapfrog and fight, especially in a small place like Panlongyu, it is difficult to produce such a genius for hundreds of years.

It is a miracle to be able to produce Ye Wenlong and Zhuge Guiyuan. Even if Lin Hao can defeat the second floor of Dongxu, can he defeat the third floor of Dongxu? Let alone the fourth floor of the hole virtual!

If Lin Hao had the strength of the fourth layer of the hole, killing the four of the nine-eyed evil toad, like killing a chicken, would kill it in seconds, how could it be so troublesome?

Strictly speaking, the strength that Lin Hao just demonstrated was a bit stronger than Ye Wenlong and Zhuge Guiyuan. Perhaps he could kill the second floor of Dongxu, but facing the third floor of Dongxu, he would definitely not please!

"Lin Hao, leaving as soon as possible is the best policy. The Academy Alliance has already been defeated. With your potential, after a few years of cultivation, you can naturally surpass Yaotianxing. You don't need to work hard at this time!"

In the sky, the Thousand-Year Fox King, who was fighting against the black and white law protector, heard a solemn voice.

He also saw that Lin Hao's strength hadn't reached that terrifying level, and he obviously couldn't be Yao Tianxing's opponent, so he said this.

"Lin Hao, wait until you have full confidence before you kill him, there is no need to go desperately now!" King Jin Ape also persuaded.

Ye Wenlong and Zhuge Guiyuan were just fighting with Grandma Hong and Longtou without saying a word. They trusted Lin Hao unconditionally!

Lin Hao nodded slightly, they were right, his current strength really can't match the fourth floor of Dongxu, but that doesn't mean he can't kill the fourth floor of Dongxu!

Lin Hao has two supernatural powers in his hands! If he is unable to perform miracles with two supernatural powers, what face does he have as the Sect Master of Panlong?

What is supernatural power? It's a magical move! It can turn decay into magic, and make the impossible possible!

Can you imagine that a person's body can turn into water? A person who is cursed can age instantly for a hundred years? This is the power of supernatural powers!

There are two magical powers in his hand, Lin Hao still doesn't believe it, so why can't he resist a hole in the fourth layer!

Lin Hao didn't explain anything, he just floated into the air, came to a position a thousand meters in front of Yaotian Star, and stopped.

"Oh? Are you really planning to come and die?"

Yao Tianxing raised his eyebrows and said with a sneer: "If you use the maneuver and martial arts to escape, at your speed, I might not be able to catch up, but since you are looking for death, there is no way."

Yao Tianxing was really fortunate that he was really worried that Lin Hao would escape. If that way, he would have trouble sleeping and eating, for fear that Lin Hao would suddenly retaliate, but the result would be good. There is no need to worry at all. Lin Hao directly wanted To die.

"I don't know who gave you the courage to challenge me, in this case, I will fulfill you!" The robes of Yao Tianxing's upper body suddenly burst, revealing a fierce flesh.

His chest is carved with a huge star, which is in the position of his heart.

"Let you see my technique "Seven Revolving Stars Art", you are dead without regret!" Yao Tianxing's gesture changed, and the carved stars on his chest shimmered, scattering out seven different stars. , Go straight to his various meridian positions.

At this time, it was the dark night, and seven stars suddenly lit up in the night sky, it was the Big Dipper!

A hazy brilliance fell on Yao Tianxing's body, causing his seven acupuncture points to light up with starlight. The terrifying energy rippled like water waves, and the pressure squeezed out the spiritual energy and twisted it.

"What a terrifying technique!" The Golden Ape King and Thousand-Year Fox King said in surprise at the same time.

This kind of exercise can be produced with continuous power with the help of the power of the stars in the sky. It is definitely a kind of heavenly exercise.

Heaven-level martial arts are common, but heaven-level exercises are not common. A good exercise can benefit a lifetime and be passed on. The value is more than ten times that of the same level of martial arts! It's no wonder that the Star Academy can be called the first academy, it turns out that it has a heavenly level of practice!

Lin Hao didn't have any expressions, but calmly took out a picture with a lifelike black dragon carved on it.

On the top of the black dragon's head, there are three flowers ~ ~ one of them has faded.

Seeing the three flowers, Yao Tianxing's heart suddenly tightened, and for some reason, he felt a bad feeling.

"Pretend to be a god, and die for me!"

Yao Tianxing disappeared in place, turned into a rainbow burst and rushed towards Lin Hao, leaving behind a meteor-like burning trail, which was brilliant and dazzling.

This move is very similar to Long Xiaotian's, but the speed is more than ten times faster than Long Xiaotian.

"Three flowers gather at the top, open!"

With Lin Hao's soft drink, the second flower on the black dragon picture also lost its color, and three majestic energies poured into Lin Hao's sea of ​​consciousness.

Three flowers bloomed brightly above Lin Hao's head, and his spirit rose to the limit in an instant!

His five senses have skyrocketed, sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste have all reached their limits. Even the flow of dust in the air can be clearly felt, his thinking is clear, and his nerves are developed. The problems that need to be carefully analyzed in the past can be quickly resolved. Untie.

Lin Hao in this state is the pinnacle Lin Hao, able to display a thousand percent of his combat effectiveness!

The action of gathering the top of the three flowers was completed in an instant, Lin Hao put away the black dragon picture, the lightning flashed, and disappeared in place.


Yao Tianxing hit the place where Lin Hao had just stayed with a fist. The air vibrated, and terrifying ripples emerged, shaking out the monster beast groups thousands of miles away. Some of the weaker ones even spewed blood and passed out. .


After losing his punch, Yao Tianxing was not surprised. He was about to search for Lin Hao's shadow, when he suddenly felt his scalp numb, and his back was chilly, and something terrifying seemed to approach him.

"Obsidian destruction!"

Lin Hao's dragon claws appeared behind him, and a small black particle on the claws formed in an instant, and patted his back fiercely.

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