Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 552: : Longtan Tiger's Den, what is there to fear?

Lin Hao hesitated for a moment looking at the huge empty building in the distance.

Before leaving, he left a monitoring rune array on Ye Wenlong, and he could observe his actions at any time. Just ten minutes ago, he sensed a powerful aura coming to Ye Wenlong's side, and then the monitoring rune array failed.

Zhuge Guiyuan also encountered this situation!

It can be imagined how powerful the comer is! It is more than ten times stronger than Lin Hao. If you enter, it is very likely that you will not be able to get out!

This may be the most crisis he has faced since his rebirth. A little carelessness will undoubtedly result in death!

After thinking about it for a long time, Lin Hao stepped back to the distance, releasing all the Guao, Blood Knife, and Xiaoyue in his body.

"Big Brother Lin!" Xiaoyue said with joy.

"Senior Lin!" Gu Ao and Blood Saber said respectfully at the same time.

Lin Hao's current strength can only make them look up, and their attitude has become very respectful.

Lin Hao said indifferently: "Your mission is complete, leave now, but don't reveal the space inside me."

"Don't worry, we have already sworn, if we dare to reveal the slightest, we will burst and die immediately!" Xuedao and Guao laughed at the same time.

After the two were polite, they left one after another.

"Xiaoyue, it's okay now, you can go back too." Lin Hao smiled relaxedly.

Xiaoyue nodded: "Brother Lin, then I'm back to Eagle Island!"

"Well, I have a chance to find you!" Lin Hao smiled.


Xiaoyue flapped its wings, passed a cold current, and disappeared into the horizon.

Lin Hao breathed a sigh of relief until Xiaoyue disappeared.

Whether it was Longtan or Tiger's Den, it was enough for him to go through it alone, and he would bear the risk, Xiaoyue still don't mix.

He is the reincarnation of Xianzun, and he can't get through such small troubles, so how can he talk about cultivating immortals?

Lin Hao turned around and flew to the gate of Tianlong Bank's headquarters.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and his vigorous voice spread throughout the audience: "I'm here, can you release Ye Wenlong and Zhuge Guiyuan?"

"Hahaha! Let's get your body out, don't fool me with a puppet!"

There was a frantic laughter from the Tianlong Bank.

Lin Hao smiled bitterly, knowing that he couldn't hide from this disaster.

But he also discovered that the person inside was not a condensed monk.

As long as it is not a condensed monk, there will be a ray of life!

"it is good!"

Lin Hao waved his sleeves, and his main body flood dragon appeared.

The other party knows his own situation well, so it must be the old witch secretly playing tricks. This time, Lin Hao will kill her even if he pays a huge price!

"Haha, fun enough, come in!" There was a loud laughter from inside.

Lin Hao flew in without expression.

The moment Lin Hao flew into the Tianlong Bank, the sky formation method suddenly appeared, turned into an inverted bowl, and buckled on top of his head.

The sky suddenly became dim, and it was faintly visible. There was a majestic middle-aged man on the mask, looking down on him with a cold face.

"Lin Hao, you really dare to come! Ahahaha!"

There was a sharp laughter from the front, and a man and a woman walked out slowly, with the dying Ye Wenlong and the five-flower-tied Zhuge Guiyuan behind.

Grandma Hong and Longtou followed them shyly.

"The three cave monks are all above the fifth floor of the cave virtual!" Lin Hao secretly estimated the situation in his heart.

This male and female are probably on the sixth floor of Dongxu, and the majestic middle-aged person above is above the eighth floor of Dongxu!

He doesn't know the specific strength of these three people, only knows that he can't compete with his current cards! Even if they lose their lives, I am afraid they can't hurt them.

"Cat demon, who are these three people?"

In the internal space, Lin Hao simulated the appearance of these three people and asked the cat demon.

Seeing these three people, the cat demon exclaimed: "They are the inner disciples of the Demon Cloud Temple. The man and the woman are the brothers and sisters of Ji Ming and Ji Yao. Xuanyuan Demon, known as the Little Demon King."

"Little Devil!" Lin Hao narrowed his eyes.

Although it was related to demons, he was not a monk of the Demon Dao, just a title, but with such a title, it can be seen that his strength cannot be underestimated, and it is definitely not the current Lin Hao can resist.

Fortunately, these three people did not have the cultivation base during the condensate phase, so they could escape.

Grandma Hong smiled secretly behind her back, her eyes narrowed with joy.

"Lin Hao, Lin Hao, you have today too! Don't you know how to calculate, let me see, how do you calculate in the face of the people in the Demon Cloud Temple!" Grandma Hong smiled triumphantly, and frequently cast vicious eyes.

Lin Hao ignored her and looked at the man and woman in front of him and said, "Say, what do you want?"

"It's very simple!" Ji Yao smiled: "Hand over all the treasures you got in the Panlong Secret Territory, and tell us by the way, all the secrets on you, including this puppet!!"

With that, Ji Yao pointed to Lin Hao's human clone.

Lin Hao said: "This puppet is my talented move, and I can't tell you to use it."

Lin Hao's avatar is a maneuver of the human world, and it is related to the six heavenly which is not what they can imagine.

"Really?" Xuanyuan Mo's eyes were cold at the back.


The intense pressure suddenly fell on Lin Hao's body, and his clone and body were immediately oppressed to the ground, as if sinking on the bottom of the ocean, making his true essence not work smoothly.

The difference in strength is too great. With such pressure, he can't even blew himself up!

However, he could use Longwei to resist, but he didn't expose this trick. Lin Hao quickly thought about how to get through this disaster.

"Brother, this reptile is toasting and not eating fine wine!" Ji Ming smiled at Xuanyuan Mo.

"I suspect that this puppet is a kind of magical power. As long as you ask how to use the magical power, it will be fine." Xuanyuan Mo said sharply.

Ji Ming and Ji Yao looked at each other with excitement in their eyes.

What is supernatural power? Great luck! Even in Dongling Prefecture, only a handful of people have mastered the little magical powers, and even the Hallmaster of the Demon Cloud Palace can run the Eastern Profound Realm with a small magical power.

This strange and unpredictable clone can only be explained by supernatural powers!

"The dragon clan has vast supernatural powers, and it is really possible to bestow supernatural powers!"

They looked at Lin Hao with greed in their eyes.

The two of them stopped hesitating, stomped their feet, and flew over to grab Lin Hao.

Lin Hao glanced at the red grandmother who was gloating in the distance, and suddenly smiled: "You guessed it, it is indeed a magical power, but..."

Lin Hao took out a Sixth Rank Thunder Explosive Talisman and pinched it in the heart of his claws.

"If you dare to get closer to half a step, I will spur the thunder and explode talisman and blow myself up into ashes! You won't get anything!"

Lin Hao shouted angrily, the thunder burst talisman suddenly swelled, and the violent energy overflowed wildly.

The expressions of the two men changed drastically, and they stopped moving quickly.

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