Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 560: : Release the corpse and snake

This kind of talent is countless times stronger than the evildoers of Middle-earth God's Domain!

"Sorry, with my current strength, I dare not release the seal for you, and I will trade with you again when I have the cultivation base of the Dao Realm."

Lin Hao smiled coldly, then twisted his head and disappeared instantly.

Jiuyou Demon Sovereign was stunned, and quickly shouted: "Hey! Don't go!"

After a while, Lin Hao showed no sign of returning, and Jiuyou Demon Venerable suddenly became anxious.

"Hey! Hey! Are you really gone?"

After an hour, Lin Hao still didn't come back, and Jiuyou Demon Venerable was going crazy.

Lin Hao broke through from Nasal Infant to Dongxu in one year. This speed was more than ten times faster than that of him back then, faster than any genius he knew, and he was called the most enchanting person he had ever seen.

With this kind of talent, it is really possible to reach the Harmony Realm in the future, but when did that happen? Breaking through the He Dao realm, every 10,000 years and 100,000 years, he has seen the fastest Lei Zun who exterminates the world, and it took 10,000 years. Is that all the year of the monkey?

Moreover, the fast cultivation speed in the early stage does not mean that it will be fast later, especially the ten calamities of the cultivators during the Tribulation Period, each time they are fatal, maybe they can't reach the Hedao Realm and die.

In other words, he lost the last chance to leave!

"No!!" A scream came from under the stele.

Lin Hao wouldn't give him a good face when dealing with Jiuyou Demon Venerable, such an old treacherous cunning, he just left.

Of course, it's not really gone, let him dry for a while before talking.

Next, it took Lin Hao a day to bring the body to the ancient land of Nanban.

In addition to Jiuyou Demon Venerable, there is another person he wants to see-the corpse and snake.

"Long You, I'm here again." Lin Hao smiled.

"The hole is one level?" The Yin Corpse Teng Snake felt Lin Hao's breath, and his eyes almost fell off.

"I'm here to honor my promise, and I will rescue you today." Lin Hao said calmly.

Hearing this, Long You nodded excitedly.

"Okay! Great, hurry up! As long as you save me, I am willing to be a cow or a horse!" Long You said excitedly.

"This is what you said." Lin Hao smiled.

"I said it! I've been holding back for five hundred years, it's too painful!" Long You howled miserably.

Next, Lin Hao played a formation and analyzed the seal formation here step by step.

Back then, Long You was not Yao Tianxing's opponent, and Yao Tianxing couldn't kill him, so he could only seal him here. Five hundred years have passed since then.

Lin Hao didn't worry about Long You's talent. This was the existence that could break into the fifth floor of the trial tower, second only to him. It was the first place in the Qianlong list that year, and the limelight was the same, and it actually forced Yao Tianxing to suppress it himself. It is conceivable that Long You's future achievements will not be inferior to those of the three founders.

It didn't take long for Lin Hao to lift the seal formation here.


The ground exploded, and a purple-black snake flapped its wings, soaring into the sky from the ground, with an aura soaring into the sky.

"Ahahaha! My Longyou came out!"

Long You soared for nine days, screaming in excitement. The purple-black poisonous fog spread out involuntarily, poisoning a large area of ​​life, and the forests of thousands of miles were corroded clean.

Upon seeing this, Lin Hao reminded: "Recover the poisonous fog, remember, be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years, otherwise you will provoke an offensive person, and you won't even know how to die!"

Long You quickly retracted the poisonous fog, nodded and said: "I understand!"

Lin Hao had suffered a great loss in this regard. In his previous life, he was an evil cultivator who did no evil and slaughtered the country at every turn. Although the murder was frightening, at the same time, he did not know how many potential enemies he provoked.

At this time, Long You suddenly felt the true essence bulging in his body, and the spiritual energy between heaven and earth was automatically attracted toward his body and merged into his meridians, like a colander, that barrier seemed to be broken.

"Breakthrough?" Lin Hao was surprised, and immediately understood that Long You's talent can be described as the top of the Panlong Domain. Although he was suppressed for five hundred years, he could not practice with peace of mind, but the accumulation of five hundred years was very rich.

Once he was released, years of accumulation immediately broke out, and the true essence in his body was immediately filled with a one-time breakthrough!

"I'm going to retreat." Long You said.

"Well, I will protect the law for you!" Lin Hao said calmly.

"Yes!" Long You hovered down and got into the ground here.

Lin Hao took out the semi-extreme spirit stone and arranged a spirit gathering formation for him.

Before Long You was sealed, he was on the first level of the hole. This time, the amount of breakthrough was far more than that of the ordinary hole. Maybe he could break through twice in a row!

Lin Hao will wait and see.

In an instant, a week passed.

Shortly after retreating, Long You broke through the first barrier and broke through to the second floor of the hole. After that, he was still absorbing aura.

The aura of heaven and earth also condensed crazily, forming a cloud of aura of thousands of miles, like a tsunami, surging towards this side.

This kind of vision will only appear when the super genius breaks through, because the amount of aura needed is too much, like the breakthrough of Yaotianxing is silent.

Lin Hao also took this opportunity to swallow the aura that overflowed when the crazy whale swallowed the dragon's quiet breakthrough.

"You have gained 1288 experience!"

"You have gained experience 1309!"


When Lin Hao was cultivating, his clone went to the location where Nine Nether Demons was located.

After a week, Jiuyou Demon Lord should have a long memory.

On the other side, the Nine Nether Demon Venerable in the underground cave had his face as gray as death, and finally there was a person who could communicate, but he scared him away, who knows when he will come next time.

He regretted it very much. He had known that he would not negotiate terms with Lin Hao, and would give him whatever he promised. Anyway, a hole in the hole would not require any good treasures. Just throw a little **** out and let it go.

For example, last time, although Lin Hao played him a trick, did he lose? Nothing was lost, just a few spirit crystals and garbage charms, as many as you want.

"Oh! Confused!" Jiuyou Demon Venerable said regretfully.

At this time, Jiuyou Demon Sovereign had a sudden stop, and he found that there was a monk in white clothes walking this way.

"Someone is coming again!" Jiuyou Demon Venerable said in surprise.

"Don't get excited, I am a puppet controlled by that snake." Lin Hao said.

Jiuyou Mozun took a deep breath and quickly calmed down.

"Remind you first, my body has left. This puppet is the last opportunity to communicate with you. Once you make me dissatisfied a little, I will explode this puppet, and you can rest assured that you will be suppressed for another ten thousand years." Lin Hao sneered.

Jiuyou Demon Lord said nothing, he knew that what Lin Hao said was absolutely true.

"Let's talk, what deal do you want." Jiuyou Demon Venerable said.

"It's very simple. I can promise you that when I cross the catastrophe period, I will release you, as long as you give me something." Lin Hao smiled.

Jiuyou Demon Sovereign's heart sank, and he hesitated: "It's too late to cross the catastrophe period..."

[Ps: there is still at night]

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